Bless God ~ Praise Him

 “Growing in righteousness, peace, and joy, which is our strength, is an outgrowth of praise. Blessing God, with a heart attitude of wholly-holy praise.  We praise God in the good times, and praise Him in the bad times as a “Sacrifice of Praise”! Blessing God during His divine interruptions of our plans, this is when the heart attitude and the growth plates of our character are sowing seeds of godliness. All good spiritual growth begins with a sacrifice of praise, and leans our soul into thanksgiving, with a heart that is  Awe-GOD grateful.” KimberlyMac

 “This is what life‘s imperfections are supposed to do – – make us long for something otherworldly. It’s why Earth’s flaws actually end up being some of God’s greatest gifts. The lost ideal of Eden, marred beyond recognition by human sin, means that nothing in this world can ever be misconstrued as whole and incorruptible. The quest for perfection will always be beyond our grasp. Unattainable in time and space. So will need to look elsewhere. Will need to look upward.” Priscilla Shirer

Praise God ~ Keep Your Joy

We lose our joy in many times, because we decide to buck up our will against God and His apparent intervention in our lives. We don’t praise Him when He intervenes and changes things up in ways we did not want to go. When we do not praise God, we lose our joy, and this is always a great win for the enemy of our soul, because it makes us weak and enslaves us. It leans us into our flesh and sets us up to “flesh out” and begin serving no power higher than self…and in this our enemy delights.

 “Yes, You are in the world, but your soul is not owned by the world, you are not enslaved-yet at times, you act like you are. Bride of Christ, you have been bought and sealed by My Spirit. Rejoice! I did not leave you without spiritual vision, purpose and strength. Where is your joy?” The Bridegroom’s Voice By Kimberly Mac

Praise God ~ He Is All We Need

We think we need something and what we need is a good plan for us. Why did God not allow it? Our motive for wanting it is good, but when God withholds what we asked for, and thought we needed, and changes things up, we get disappointed, and disillusionment, and doubt can settled in our soul. This is when we make a sacrifice of praise! God’s necessity to do things Sovereignly and not follow the plan put in place by us human beings, but interrupt our plan, is hard on the flesh, and this is a good reason to praise Him, and yield our need and expectations to God. A Sacrifice of Praise where we offer up all of our expectations to Him is soul sweet!

 “The dynamic of improper need – driven expectation is a source of untold conflict in relationships. Perhaps no word is used more poorly and improperly than the word need. How often do we live with a sense of need for things we do not need at all? How does this change the way we view ourselves, our lives, others, and God? How much envy, discouragement, bitterness, and doubt of God, comes from being convinced that we are being denied the things we need to live life as it was meant to be lived? This silent (and often unseen) war for the heart is taking place all the time.” Paul David Tripp

We Praise Him

This is what we saw at the beginning of our deliverance from evil and this is what we see in our daily lives, this divine intervention that at times rudely interrupts our plan. God interrupted satan’s plan for us when Jesus rose on that third day! We praise Him, for it is good that we have a Father God Who is willing to disrupt our plan with HIs Sovereign Will, as He did when Jesus went to the cross to purchase our salvation, Father God interrupted the evil plan of satan and God won for us a forever victory. We Praise Him.

 “Christ did not die to make the Father loving, for He loved us from the foundation of the world. The will of the Father and the will of the Son coincided in the perfect self-sacrifice of love. If the Father turned away from the Son at the cross, it was because they agreed it must be so to purchase our redemption. It was a horrid necessity.”  Erwin W. Lutzer

A Sacrifice Of Praise

We praise God when we can’t wrap our minds around a sudden change in our plans because we know it was a Sovereign Oversight, a Kingdom necessity that we may never  fully understand this side of heaven. Did your plans get altered? Do you not understand? One day with heavenly hindsight, we will know why He divinely interrupted our plans. We Praise Him! We praise Him when we know He could have changed things up, but Sovereignly did not. We offer up a sacrifice of praise! We Praise Him!

 “Jesus, The Chosen Of God! Let Him save Himself, if He be Christ, the chosen of God. Luke 23:25. The question mark grows as the days go by, but the title, which was given to Him in derision, is a wonderfully true one, and it is found again in first Peter 2:4 Yes, Indeed! Chosen before the foundation of the earth, and the only One who could be chosen for this great work of our redemption. Lord, you have chosen Him, and you have chosen us. May we adore and glorify in You this day. Amen.” T.C. Horton

Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe, we hope the Spiritual Meal on Worship Spotlight Table has nourished your soul. Please share this great spiritual meal on “Praise” to others, so they can get their JOY on too. We hope you subscribe to our website by email, we really appreciate this. God bless you Much, KimberlyMac

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