Whole Heart

And just as Moses in the desert lifted up the brass replica of a venomous snake on a pole for all the people to see and be healed, so the Son of Man is ready to be lifted up, so that those who truly believe in him will not perish but be given eternal life. For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life.“God did not send his Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but to be its Savior and rescue it! John 3:16-17

Captivated By God’s Way-Truth-Life

Ever been captivated by lie of the enemy, thinking because of your sin and its consequences that you are out of reach of Jesus? You are not! We can be crippled mentally, emotionally and spiritually by our sins, those impulsive choices to serve ourselves instead of giving God total access to our life. Our sin, choosing to serve no power higher than self, has consequences that we pay and all those we are connected to relationally, also pay. No one sins alone. The human condition without God is not good.  God, the ONE Who loves us most, gave us His ALL, and the ONE Who knows us best, will never leave us alone in our sin and consequences, but will make a way for us to learn, and grow through in Him – to Him, to His way, truth and life. Listen Up! Because this song tells us just Who Jesus is to us, and for us, and shares a truth that we will never be out of the reach of Jesus. Put your distractions aside, be fully Present with God and Listen Up:

We Give God Total Access To Our Life

I am so grateful to God! I know Who I am because of Who Jesus Is. His love came with no conditions. He gave me His whole heart. I accepted His love, He changed my destiny from death to life. I love being loved by God and am so grateful that I gave my heart to Him. He has total access to my life. I have yielded my life to His navigation from every moment into every choice. I will not be impulsive, I will not react and flesh out. I will by the power of Christ in me, wait, yield my reaction, respond to God first, listening up to Him first. Think on this 1 Minute Encouragement Video: What keeps you from giving God total access to your life?

Whole-Hearted: Delivered-Saved-Healed

Thank you Jesus that You gave us all. You gave us Your whole heart. There was nothing not given, You gave us Your all in our everything. In every situation that I face, You have a victory already planned out. Because Your love is not conditional, I have room to learn and grow, and I am loved in that way no human being has been able to love me. When we could not fight, You fought for us. Yes Lord, when I was underneath the captivity of anxiety, fear, depression, and had no strength to fight, You fought for me, You healed me, You brought me out of the pit of despair that was the enemies plan for me. When I wanted to take my life, You saved me, You battled for my heart. You became my battle-buddy and I am so grateful, you did not give up on me, instead You stood up for me, stayed by my side and fought for me. Listen Up:

Good GOD Intentions

Simply-Significantly, Jesus, Your intentions toward me have always been good. Every motive, every thought of Yours has been for my good. Even at my worst, You did not leave me, Your Holy Spirit kept convicting me in that loving way that helped me grow through to the best of Your character. You keep shaping me, designing me, and preparing me for my future. This is the best of You, that continual using everything in my life to finish what You started in me. Finisher! Jesus! I love this about You so much. I give You permission to speak into my life, I give you total access to my life. Thank you for never giving up on me, finishing what You start in me. Thank you for your Good GOD Intentions towards me, always and forever. 

I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this gracious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ! Philippians 1:6 

A Change In Destiny

Jesus, I accepted Your love years ago and You changed my destiny, from death to life. Everything about You is transforming, You leave nothing unchanged. You redeem us from death to life and restore the good plans You had for us, despite our human deficiency, You keep moving forward, always on the move for our good. Thank you Jesus. My hope is in You. Because You are my Deliverer, Savior, Redeemer, the Grace of God that leads me to victory, to the place of wholly-holy surrender, putting my identity in You, serving Your Kingdom first.

And now all who believe in him receive that gift. For there is really no difference between us, 23for we all have sinned and are in need of the glory of God. Yet through his powerful declaration of acquittal, God freely gives away his righteousness. His gift  of love and favor now cascades over us, all because Jesus, the Anointed One, has liberated us from the guilt, punishment, and power of sin! Romans 3:23

Jesus Healed My Soul

I was soul wounded, and You, Jesus, did not turn Your back on me, You loved me through my brokenness. Jesus, You never forsook me, betrayed me, left me in the condition I was in as the consequences of my, and other people’s sin swallowed me up in anxiety, fear and hurt. I was acting out, covered my wounds in alcoholism and became a workaholic, who strived in the flesh and kept lighting my own fires, walking by the light of a man made fire (Isaiah 50:10-11) that kept flaming out. My soul was wounded, but You, My healer, saved, healed and delivered me. Thank you. Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video:

I am convinced that my God will fully satisfy every need you have, for I have seen the abundant riches of glory revealed to me through Jesus Christ!  And God our Father will receive all the glory and the honor throughout the eternity of eternities! Amen! Philippians 4:19

Thank you for stopping in The Bridegroom’s Cafe today. We hope your spiritual meal on the Manna Munch table nourished your soul. The Worship Spotlight is “Whole Heart” By Kristin Stanfill. Thank you for supporting this site by sharing its posts with those on your social media outreach. We are so appreciative of this. We also ask that you subscribe to The Bridegroom’s Cafe by email and also subscribe to our Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-278341 where we post our 1 Minute Encouragement Videos. These videos are short and strong in the Bridegroom’s Voice. God bless you and yours, Kimberly Mac Author.

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