We Need Him

A Mess No One Could Clean Up

Oh.. We Need Him… What a mess we were, us human beings, our whole deplorable human race. We have made crooked places! Our souls were dry and barren like an old piece of unbleached wood. There was nothing and no one we human beings could hope in to fix the messes we created with our human condition. Oh, how we needed this transformation that only The Truest Christmas Gift could give us as we were in a mess that no one could clean up but Him. He was the Savior that we needed. He came to us, He came to transform us into His likeness and to make His message out of our mess.

A Light Was Given

Who do we need most this Christmas? Jesus our Truest Christmas Gift! The only One able to make crooked places straight. We all were created to need God. That is why He came to us. He is a hope like no other. He came here and lived our life without sin, without failure, without hate, without punishment, without unforgiveness, without injustice, without a human condition. How amazing is that?! God’s Love sent to us was a pure light, miraculously merrily so, a light that would never be extinguished.

The Word was first, the Word present to God, God present to the Word. The Word was God, in readiness for God from day one. Everything was created through him; nothing—not one thing!—came into being without him. What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by. The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out.

The Truest Christmas Gift

Jesus paved the way for us, this Way-Maker God, a way of future hope for our humanity. God knew we needed the Truest Christmas Gift, Jesus Christ. Jesus knew everything about our human nature, yet He chose to come us, He came here as a Tiny baby, incarnate, God in the flesh. He chose to come to us, all of us, all of us here on earth, not one of us is forgotten, not one of us is forsaken right here and right now, Jesus is with us in Spirit and in Truth. Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video.

He Came To Us

He came to us with Kingdom purpose, and became the reason for our Christmas season. We are so grateful to Him, Jesus Christ, Our Redeemer, the One Who came from heaven to earth with the greatest transformation ever to be known to mankind and changed our destiny from the finality of death, to forever life, transforming us forever. So it is with joy that we look to Jesus on this day, in this Christmas Season, we seek Him first, because He is The truest Christmas Gift ever and forever.

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