Are You Connected?

Pay attention to the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for I pray to you. In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I plead my case to you and watch expectantly. Psalms 5:2-3

Mid Day Manna Munch

I hope that you started your day with a Strong connection with God. I call that a vital-vertical personal relationship with God. Most of us are good at starting our day connected to God, but before the mid-day, we sometimes get a distracted focus. This is why a Mid-Day Manna Munch is vital for our vertical relationship with God and helps us stay connected, by realigning our focus and making sure we are still positioned underneath the authority of His Rulership. Staying connected during the day keeps us from slipping into a “serving no power higher than self” deception. Let’s not forget that we do have an enemy, who loves to distract and deceive us and change our focus off of God to ourselves. (1 Peter 5:8) So, let’s not underestimate our enemy and let’s take a Mid-Day Manna Munch Break. Stay Connected!

🙏”But I enter your house by the abundance of your faithful love; I bow down toward your holy temple in reverential awe🙌 of you. Lord, lead me in your righteousness because of my adversaries; make your way straight before me.“ Psalms 5:7-8 CSB

God’s Influencer

Connected to God, we have the incredible Favor of God surrounding us in all our comings and goings throughout our day and in all we are doing unto Him, to be “His Influencer”, we can be a godly influence throughout our day and be connected to the godly wisdom of The Holy Spirit from every moment to every choice of our day.

🙏Prayer From VS11-12 Let all who take refuge in You, Lord, rejoice; let them shout for joy forever. May You, Jesus shelter them, and may those who love Your name, Jesus boast about You. For you, Lord, bless the righteous one; You  surround him with favor like a shield. Psalms 5:11-12 CSB

God Has A Plan

As we all know, our day doesn’t always go as we plan. God has His plan, and sometimes it doesn’t look like ours, in fact, sometimes His methods of doing things are frustratingly distressful to our flesh if we are not trusting Him, but willfully clinging to  our own wants. So if you are having a day like this… munch on this manna:

God, you are my righteousness, my Champion Defender. Answer me when I cry for help! Whenever I was in distress, you enlarged me. I’m being squeezed again—I need your kindness right away! Grant me your grace, hear my prayer, and set me free! Psalms 4:1

Connection Broken?

Any form of deception you have picked up, shake it off during this Mid-Day Manna Munch! Do we presume on the kindness and grace of God? A lot of the reason that we’re not free and our God  connection seems broken, is because we put ourselves in bondage. In Galatians it says that we should do everything we can do to stay free not to return to our previous bondages because we have been set free by God. (Galatians 5:1) 

The Truth Sets Us Free

We choose our life focus, and out of that comes either freedom or bondage. The truth is what set us free, and keeps our God connection good, but we choose to live off of assumption, speculation, presupposition, and none of these are truth. Get rid of them now! God has given us everything that we need, and he equips us as we stay connected with Him, heart-to-heart,  His spirit to ours. The world takes away our focus and our vital vertical relationship with Jesus is second place, if we begin walking with a self-powered will, that serves no power higher than the human condition. God connection is so very important for us, so much so that Jesus came here to us, He got personal with us. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video

Choose God Dependence

This is where our failure comes in during the day, as we step outside of that wholly-holy alignment with Jesus. He is our righteousness. The consequences that we pay for that, for foolishly thinking that we can live independently of the navigation of God’s Holy Spirit, that we don’t need to stay connected, the results of those kind of choices, are great. The best choice for us is to be navigated by God from every moment to every decision and this “narrow road living” always ends very well as we step out in the purposes, and the Sovereign plan of our Awe- God.

Listen to me, you elite among men: How long will you defame my honor and drag it down into shame? Will you ever stop insulting me? How long will you set your heart on shadows, chasing your lies and delusions? Pause in his presence. Psalms 4:2 TPT

Created To Need God

Wrong choices are made when we have stepped outside of our God connection, and are lead by emotions instead of truth. Our human condition is impulsive and we need our personal relationship with God, we were created to need him, to be connected to Him. Yes, we were created to be led by his peace, connected to Jesus, His peace is the umpire of our human condition! (Colossians 3:15) In  our vital vertical relationship with God, our heart, our soul, our spirit, will be led and ruled by God‘s peace, not by our emotions. Our emotions will lead us to the dead end of deception, but staying connected to God throughout our day, we will be led by His Holy Spirit, by His peace.

May we never forget that Yahweh works wonders for every one of his devoted lovers. And this is how I know that he will answer my every prayer. Tremble in awe before the Lord, and do not sin against him. Be still upon your bed and search your heart before him. Pause in his presence Bring to Yahweh the sacrifice of righteousness and put your trust in him. Psalms 4:3-5 TPT

Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe for a Midday Manna Munch on the Manna Munch Table. We hope you enjoyed your spiritual meal and that it was soul nourishing for your spirit. God bless you and Yours, KimberlyMac PS… Aren’t you glad that every time you come into The Bridegroom’s Cafe that you hear The Bridegroom’s Voice? Me too! Make sure you subscribe by email as to not miss one of the spiritual meals here. Also, please check out our Rumble Channel:   Here you will find our 1 Minute Encouragement Videos. Enjoy!

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