Beauty Tagged by Peace

He gives quietness in the midst of the raging storm. As we sail the lake with Him, reaching deep water and fa from land, suddenly, under the midnight sky, a mighty storm sweeps down. Earth and hell seem mobilized against us, and each wave threatens to overwhelm our boat. Then He rises from His sleep and rebukes the wind and the waves,. He waves His hand, signaling the end of the raging temptest and the beginning of the restful calm. His voice is heard above the screaming of the wind through the ropes and rigging, and over the thrashing of the waves. “Quiet! Be Still! (Mark 4:39) Streams In The Desert L. B.

1 Minute Encouragement Video – On Peace – Beautiful Beach Scenery

Tagged By Peaceful Beauty

There is so much beauty around us and peace tags along with that God beauty. God’s beauteous things, we sometimes miss a lot of it, we are so distracted by what we are pursuing in this life. There have been those times where God stopped my cray-cray life style of the harried and the stressed, right in my tracks. Have you ever had that time when God said: “Change your focus, look at Me, look and truly see and enjoy the God beauty filling the day at hand? You are so worried by your worldly viewpoint; you need a Kingdom Perspective. I am Your Deliverer, Defender, Savior.

I know that my Protector Or “Defender” or “Savior” lives, and at the end He will stand on this earth. My flesh may be destroyed, yet from this body I will see God. Yes, I will see him for myself, and I long for that moment. Job 19:25 CEV “Lord, I sometimes forget what I was before You saved me. Never let me forget how You redeemed me. Thank Y for releasing me from the prison house of sin. I am no longer a Slave of the devil. How can I serve You?” Elmer L. Towns

Tagged By God’s Creation

Being fixers keeps us way too busy as we act like little gods. We are naturally self-fixers and try self-figuring out all the life riddles in our situations. Ever been an over thinker? There is no lack in God’s knowledge, so why are we thinking up a plan to tell God what He needs to do? Why are we serving no power higher than self? Overthinking everything with our dependence on the BIG I and not God is exhausting. Stressed out is not a good way to live life, and is not conducive to relationship with God which forms peaceful attitudes in our soul. Acknowledging God as our Creator and maintainer of all things and stop to smell the roses, enjoying the beautiful beach breezes brushing over your face with salt air, is a good thing, being a fixer who is dependent upon self is not a good thing, it is very chaotic. Which do you choose?

Who is able to advise the Spirit of the Lord? Who knows enough to give him advice or teach him? Has the Lord ever needed anyone’s advice? Does he need instruction about what is good? Did someone teach him what is right or show him the path of justice? Isaiah 40:13-14 “Behind this verse stands the doctrine of the omniscience (wisdom – awareness – wisdom – insight) of God. Because He truly knows all that was, is, will be, and even all things that could be. Since there is no lack in His knowledge, no one needs to tell the Lord what He needs to do.” Ray Pritchard 

This 1 Minute Encouragement Video will give you great wisdom on how to navigate the waters when God is slow.

Tagged By Godly Expectations

God has created beautiful things and when we are attentive to Him, He navigates us to see and appreciate the beauteous things He created, things that are tagged by His Peace. That is why when I walk the beach, I feel such peace in my soul. If I want peace to be my life motto, then I must let go of my life disappointments and let God be the fixer, the ONE Who can figure things out way better than me and finish so excellently well. I am not the Messiah, He Is. I am not the Savior, He Is. There is no disappointment to frustrating to bear when I put my expectations in God, let go and let Him work in my life in that fantastic way only He can.  God does things His way, in His timing and He will always come through for us when He is good and ready, when His purposes line up with His Sovereign Will for us.

“The disappointments of life are simply the hidden appointments of love.” Quote By: C. A. Fox

Tagged By God Focus

Right now, would be a good time to hand over to God all those things and all the people you are trying to fix and figure out. This is the way to true, lasting peace. Being a fixer and taking on the burden of figuring out is not our place, and it distracts us from the beauty in the day at hand and disrupts our peace. Trust God, let Him Navigate our lives by His way, let Him be The Fixer, and then we can enjoy the beauty that fills each day and not miss one bit of it from sunrise to sunset. God truly wants to be our enough so we can be present in the day at hand and learn and grow in an atmosphere of peace, instead of stumbling through life with a chaotic, harried and anxious heart. Let’s change it up, heart to heart, from chaos to peace. #DigDeeper

“He giveth quietness. Whose homeless feet have pressed on our path of pain. Whose hands have borne the burden of our sorrow, that our losses we might find our gain. Of all Your gifts and infinite consolings, I ask but this: in every troubled hour to hear Your voice through the all the tumults stealing, and rest serene beneath it tranquil power. Cares cannot fret me if my soul be dwelling in the still air of faith’s untroubled day; grief cannot shake me if I walk beside You, My hand in Yours along the darkening way. Content to know there comes a radiant morning, when from all shadows I will find release; seen to wait the rapture of its dawning – who can make trouble when You send me peace?” Streams In The Desert A.B.

The Just A Thought Table In The Bridegroom’s Cafe Is Catered By Rumble Heart To Heart Channel. There are a few 1 Minute Encouragement Videos served at this table today. If you enjoyed this kind of spiritual meal make sure that you subscribe to my Rumble Channel here: You can also subscribe to this website and never miss a spiritual meal, it will be delivered right to your email. God bless you, Much KimberlyMac and thanks for listening up to The Bridegroom’s Voice today.

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