Change It Up

Even The Demons Recognize Who Their Lord And Judge Is.

Matthew 8:28-29

God Is Correcting This Adult Generation

“We Are Just Kids”. I heard that out of an anguished teenager yesterday. He was on national television asking for accountability, responsibility from our adult generation. He had been through a horrific school shooting where many of his friends and mentors had died. We are just kids, his heart cried out, we should not have to be enduring this. No, they shouldn’t have to grow up this way, they should be able to live in a nation that has civility and security. God is saying enough to this “Adult Generation” and is calling us to change it up. God is serious about his children and will do what it takes to protect their childhood from irresponsible adults who are rebellious, in all their ways and hurting those they were given to love, care, protect, serve, shepherd and guide. God is on the move in this nation, His purposes are in play and He is saying: “Enough”!

Isaiah 1:16-18 Wash yourselves, clean up your lives; remove every speck of evil in what you do before Me. Put an end to all your evil. Learn to do good; commit yourselves to seeking justice. Make right for the world’s most vulnerable— the oppressed, the orphaned, the widow. Come on now, let’s walk and talk; let’s work this out. Your wrongdoings are bloodred, But they can turn as white as snow. Your
sins are red like crimson, But they can be made clean again like new wool. The Voice

Wake Up Adult Generation ~ Come Alive In God’s Life

Adult generation, we have to wake up and be responsible, accountable, reliable, respectful, honorable, law abiding, Godly adults. It truly is not gun control that the generation below us needs, they need a stable, self-controlled, civil adult generation above them, adding value to their lives, that yields security and peace to their souls. We have advocated a civility of lawlessness, resistance, rebellion and we are reaping what we have sown into our nation. Our national civility is messed up by our horrific behavior, and who does it affect most, the generation below us. Adult Generation, it is time to change it up before we lose everything we hold near and dear to us, beginning with our dignity and ending with our freedom.

“Sin Exchange! We exchange pride for our dignity. The enemy steals our self-respect when we operate in arrogance.”

James 1:5-8 The Voice If you don’t have all the wisdom needed for this journey, then all you have to do is ask God for it; and God will grant all that you need. He gives lavishly and never scolds you for asking. The key is that your request be anchored by your single-minded commitment to God. Those who depend only on their own judgment are like those lost on the seas, carried away by any wave or picked up by any wind. Those adrift on their own wisdom shouldn’t assume the Lord will rescue them or bring them anything. The splinter of divided loyalty shatters your compass and leaves you dizzy and confused.

Adult Generation ~We Are Not In Our Right Mind

This adult generation is the root of the problem in an out of control, violent, feeble minded people who are deceived, tricked and being used by the devil to do horrific dark deeds. The enemy has outwitted this “Adult Generation” using it for his divisive intention to steal the national civility of our country, the security and the soul peace from the generation below us. We have become an adult generation who is rebellious and lawless, we are disrespecting God and the authority He has set up. It is this adult generation that needs to change it up and stop devaluing the mental stability of the generation below us. We adult generation, by our irresponsible and horrific behavior are creating an instability in the soul, mind and spirit of the generation below us. “We Are Just Kids” that is what this soul anguished young teen, who was thrust out of his childhood into the path of our generational responsibility, way before he should be. The condition of our nation, where an 18 year old, out of his mind shoots and kills 17 of his peers. This is on us, “Adult Generation” and we need to change it up. God is in discipline mode, He is on the move and He is correcting the path of our “Adult Generation” and we need to listen up and change it up.

We have all had fathers here on earth who corrected us with discipline. And we respected them. So it is even more important that we accept discipline from the Father of our spirits. If we do this, we will have life. 10 Our fathers on earth disciplined us for a short time in the way they thought was best. But God disciplines us to help us so that we can be holy like him. 11 We don’t enjoy discipline when we get it. It is painful. But later, after we have learned our lesson from it, we will enjoy the peace that comes from doing what is right. Hebrews 12:9-11 Easy-to-Read Version

Adult Generation ~God Is Correcting Our Course

God is on the move in this adult generation, He is revealing the heart corruption and the sin that has been secreted. He is bringing all things deceptively and secretly hidden in the dark, to the light of revealed truth. God is correcting the corrupted course of this adult generation, who has fallen away from wholly-holy dependence on Him. Wake up adult generation and turn back to God, His way, His truth and His life. Turn away from the sin of disrespect, dishonor, lawlessness, and flesh out the riotous rebellion expressed through horrific deeds. We have a human condition that is completely impulsive, reactive and lacks self-control, responsibility and accountability to the generation below us. Adult Generation, it is time to stop the craziness and be the stability, the civility, and the noble living legacy the next generation so badly needs. We must surrender to God and give Him total access to our lives, to our mind, soul and spirit. Let God lead us, “Adult Generation” we need to put our YES on the table with God and live honorable, responsible, and accountable lives unto Him. Change It Up.

“Only God can give you your heart’s desire. The temptation to sin for a temporary pleasure is truly a disappointing exchange.” KimerlyMac

Wisdom, as James understands it, is the ability to live life well and make good decisions. Wisdom doesn’t come from old age or hard knocks. Wisdom begins with knowing and depending absolutely on God, who is never stingy when it comes to wisdom for those who seek it. He supplies all the wisdom we need when we ask. But when we try to go it alone—without God—trouble is around the corner. The Voice Commentary James 1

Adult Generation~God Is Disrupting Fake Reality

God is revealing truth, He is disrupting the false narrative of the enemy of our soul and shattering the fake reality we are living out of. This falsity has roadblocked us from the reality of truth. God is tearing down the platforms of our idols and they are falling, crashing into billions of pieces their ingenious platform of authority. In this Adult Generation, we have sacrificed God’s way, truth and life to idols of our own making and in doing so, we have forfeited the very common-sense God gifted to us so we could think for ourselves and not be deceived by fake news. Our life style has the stank of the unrighteous as we stand on the side of deception and corrupt our human condition even beyond the cause that began our rebellion. We have become more perverse than we ever imagined possible. We have underestimated the power of the evil one. The misstep of opening the door to the enemy of God through resisting authority and rebellious lawlessness has snowballed on us. What we have sown we are reaping, in lives that disrespect, disregard and dishonor God’s way, truth and life and this has led to miserable times, horrific experiences of a human condition out of control and lashing out violently in ways we never could have begun to imagine would happen in America, the home of the free and the brave.

Adult Generation ~Listen UP To God’s Voice

Make very sure that you never refuse to listen to God when he speaks! For the God who spoke on earth from Sinai is the same God who now speaks from heaven. Those who heard him speak his living Word on earth found nowhere to hide, so what chance is there for us to escape if we turn our backs on God and refuse to hear his warnings as he speaks from heaven? The earth was rocked at the sound of his voice from the mountain, but now he has promised, “Once and for all I will not only shake the systems of the world, but also the unseen powers in the heavenly realm!” Now this phrase “once and for all” clearly indicates the final removal of things that are shaking, that is, the old order, so only what is unshakeable will remain. Since we are receiving our rights to an unshakeable kingdom we should be extremely thankful and offer God the purest worship that delights his heart as we lay down our lives in absolute surrender, filled with awe. For our God is a holy, devouring fire! Hebrews 12:25-29 The Passion Translation

Change It UP From Slaves To Servants

We “Adult Generation” are bowing to idols, we are enslaved to our causes and our prideful need to be right. We are slaves to all things that don’t matter. God called us to serve the generation below us with wisdom, honor, respect, civility, and lawful behavior, this is their security; instead we have become slaves to lawlessness, the things that are wrong, we lift up as right, the things that are right we say are wrong. We have divided hearts of loyalty and have created an unstable atmosphere for the next generation to have to grapple with, and it has created a mental instability in them, it is more than they can handle. Will we choose to continue to press to “be right” above the need to “do right” and be the godly examples the next generation needs. Our prideful press of our right to be right, has snowballed into some truly horrific behavior. We have put the generation below us through so much incivility towards one another. We have become slaves to the things we have made idols in our lives and we are no longer servants to the generation below us. In being slaves to all things us, “Adult Generation”, we have enslaved the younger generation, the enemy has used us to steal their stability, kill their hope and destroy their childhood. We need to change it up “Adult Generation”, from slaves to servants. Flesh out and Truth in. The reality that the generation below us is living in, this Reality of Truth, is damaging their mental ability to cope with life. We are the ones hurting them. Change It Up.

Pray It Up~ Change It UP Lord God

Hebrews 12:11-13 New Living Translation No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.

  • Jesus return this adult generation back to being rooted in faith, belief and trust in God, fleshing out all things human condition and being clothed in the Kingsman Power of the Holy Spirit of God. Help us believe, increase our faith, change our ways to the stability of Your ways.
  • Holy Spirit, speak what is true to this “Adult Generation” that is so lost in the speculation, assumptions, presumptions, presuppositions and theories of the father of lies. Disrupt these false narratives and shatter the fake reality set up by them by the power of Your Reality of Truth. Jesus let it be so.
  • Speak what is true to this generation Holy Spirit and thwart the mind sets of the enemy, disrupt the evil imaginations and vain philosophies of the father of lies. By the power of Your Living Word, cut through the strong holds of irrational thought that sets up road blocks that blind the flow of common sense reality of truth. Jesus speak truth to us and by the Kingship power of Your Kingdom, let Your Favor bring truth to our reality, confront our false narratives and shatter them.
  • We confess our weakness and inability to escape the temptation to take matters into our hands and lawlessly try to make things happen. We confess that we have been bowing to idols instead of bowing our lives to Your way, truth and life. We confess that we lack self control, we are taking up offenses and beating, bullying each other with false narrative and fake reality. Lord Jesus help us to overcome our human condition and turn back to You, depending on You first, listening up to Your word first.
  • We pray, Holy Spirit that You would lead us, and equip us with the discernment and wisdom we need to respect and honor others, to add value to the civility of our nation. We pray for a servant’s heart like you have and we ask you Jesus to break every chain of slavery that keeps us from being a servant like You were and are.
  • Strengthen us Lord God and help us to listen up to You, recognize Your Voice first and reject the lies of the enemy, so we are not tricked and outwitted by our enemy. Disrupt all things the enemy begins in us and thwart the intentions of our enemy towards us. Convict us of sin and change it up in our lives Lord Jesus. Amen.

Dig Deeper In God’s Word And

Change It UP Adult Generation

Hebrews Chapter 12


Hebrews Chapter 13


James Chapter 1


Thank you for stopping into the Smorgasbord Table of the Bridegroom’s Café. This is where the meat hits the table. This meal today is bold, and it confronts our taste buds with a meal our soul will not soon forget. This meal: Reality Of Truth will leave our soul wanting for more. We, Adult Generation need to open our lives up to a Journey with Jesus where we listen up to our Bridegroom’s Voice, we hear it daily, we learn it and we develop a new spiritual habit of hearing from God, first in the all of our everything. I highly encourage you to purchase: The Bridegroom’s Voice and begin a Great God Adventure with Him and change it up in your life. God bless your MUCH, KimberlyMac Author

Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice

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