Crappy Communication


“If we are to trust God in adversity, we must use our minds in those times to reason through the great truths of God’s sovereignty, wisdom, and love as they are revealed to us in the scriptures. We must not allow our emotions to hold sway over our minds. Rather, we must seek to let the truth of God rule our minds. Our emotions must become subservient to the truth.”

Quote By: Jerry Bridges

Crappy Words = Crappy Communication

Wow! Us human beings, in times such as these, we are not communicating well. We are missing something and I believe for all of us that it begins with keeping our YES on the table with God. Yes God! We love you and through this relationship of love, we will act righteously, we will finish well. We need so desperately to change it up, our use of words. We have picked up bad habits as we flesh out negative emotions, with words that mirror our feelings, and do not reflect fact. In our generation, communication rolls in devaluing, hurtful, and sometimes a very volatile ways, where feelings are pushed forward as facts.  Bad assumptions, speculations and theories spoken by the enemy of our soul, breed deceptive thoughts and soured, embittered soul emotions. People in our times, are impulsively communicating feelings arising from assumptive and speculative false narratives, creating a fake reality, and dysfunctional emotions of displeasure, disappointment, disillusionment and anger.Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video: 

“And the same with mighty ships, though they are massive and driven by fierce winds, yet they are steered by a tiny rudder at the direction of the person at the helm. And so the tongue is a small part of the body yet it carries great power! Just think of how a small flame can set a huge forest ablaze. And the tongue is a fire! It can be compared to the sum total of wickedness and is the most dangerous part of our human body. It corrupts the entire body and is a hellish flame! It releases a fire that can burn throughout the course of human existence”James 3:5-6 TPT

Corrupted Cultural Current

In our nations, civility is being swept away in a chaotic cultural rip tide of deception.  A corrupted cultural current has come in, these waves of evil-motivated, deceptional words are crashing into our communities with misleading narratives. Wave after wave of mediatic false frenzy, crappy communication of words, are flowing out of a flawed human condition, words which are spawning dark emotions being conversed through incredibly, deplorable, violent, lawless ways.  We need to pray it up, that we can change it up, the use of our words from bad to good.

Guard Your Heart

This is a dark night season, where the worst of our human condition, being realized by us all, is being experienced through us deceived human beings, who are justifying the way we “feel” through bad behavior. It is a double jeopardy of the enemy, using people to speak crappy communications, which are deceptively, an evil directive of destroying, killing, and stealing our civility, freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Beware, guard your heart with the light of God’s truth in times such as these, because our enemy is using crappy communication, through crafty words, which incite deceived people to hurt innocent people, while making hero’s out of those who have wronged others. Pray it up for God to change it up, protecting us from evil deception and drawing us to His Word Put your YES on the table with God before you use your tongue to speak. Yes GOD, I will always add value with my words, I will never not encourage others, I will not start a forest fire of hate with a little spark from my tongue. My heart will be guarded with Your Word, Jesus. Therefore, out of the goodness of God in my heart, I will speak truth, kindness, compassion and civility.  

Mediatic False Frenzy

Don’t underestimate the power of the enemy’s deceptive words being spoken nationally through our media. Turn off the mediatic false frenzy and open up the Word of GOD.  We see the end game of the enemy as the deceptive words create dark emotions and these feelings are played out in looting, stealing, destroying the property of people who are completely innocent of doing anything wrong to the people violently attacking them. People are communicating their dark feelings, emotions corrupted by an evil mediatic false frenzy of deception. We are all reeling from nation to nation over the deplorable actions of deceived people, because we have underestimated the consequences of the evil use of words. Feelings expressed instead of truth sought, is a crappy way to communicate and we need to change it up. 

The words of the wise are kind and easy to swallow, but the unbeliever just wants to pick a fight and argue. Guard your words and you’ll guard your life, but if you don’t control your tongue, it will ruin everything. Proverbs 13:2-3 TPT

Power Of The Tongue

We all do, not one of us have it together when it comes to communication. Communication has been affected by our chaotic cultural clashes and we are not communicating well. Words can’t be taken back and that is why God taught us the power of the tongue should not be underestimated, either way good words or bad words have power. Communication should start with God and His Word. God is an incredible communicator, He spoke the world into being with words, His words are powerful and continually used for good, miraculous, godly transformation in our lives. 

Less Us Is More God

Less of our words and more of God’s words will make for a better world. We all need to make this so. Our challenge, Heart TO Heart is to pray it up for ourselves and then for those we have divine relationship connection with and speak good, kind, wise and godly words to all we meet up with today. On this day, we are challenged to add value with our words, be kind, be compassionate and take our feelings captive by the reality of truth and let God direct our actions out of His communicated facts and not our feelings. God bless us all with His thoughts, His Words and at the direction, and with the power of His Holy Spirit, may we have His compassion, His civility, His truth and His kindness in our thoughts, emotions, motives, words and deeds. Let it be so. Amen.

“If our heart goes unexamined then we drift into a sick state of denial. We lose touch with reality and relegate others into our wrong thinking. Don’t speak your mind until your heart has been examined and set free by the Spirit. Bear your soul before your Savior before you boldly confront. Whether in silence or speech, it is the Holy spirit that governs a heart controlled by Christ. Therefore, do not allow your words to get ahead of your heart.  The Spirit prompts us to speak up. We are unclear of the outcome but He gives us the courage to converse. This is a heart of boldness.” Quote By Boyd Bailey

Wisdom Hunters.Com

We are so glad you chose to stop in The Bridegroom’s Cafe today to nourish your soul at the Prayer Mentor Table. Please take time to share this spiritual meal with others, encouraging them to feed their soul with the strong ingredients of truth and civility. The Word of God is powerful and I highly encourage you today to listen up to The Bridegroom’s Voice.God Bless You Much, KimberlyMac

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