Heart To Heart

Vital-Vertical Relationship

The Bridegroom’s Voice: “Love the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, and with every thought that is within you. This is the great and supreme commandment. And the second is like it in importance: You must love your friend in the same way you love yourself.” Matthew 22:37-40 Passion Translation

Heart To Heart Launching February 14th 2019

I am so excited for our Facebook Group, Heart To Heart to launch. We are appropriately launching it on February 14th 2019! What a fun day to launch a group that has a vision of loving God, Heart To Heart, making it personal with Him. We also will be encouraging friendship between each other, and hopefully waking up the silence that seems to be so prevalent among us. I am hoping God will reignite conversation, heart to heart in this group. I want it to be “our thing” in this group, sharing from our heart. I want us to take “Liking” the next step further, and I want us to share, write a comment about the thought that was on our heart, when we “liked” the post. It is just a little more of a stretch, but a great way to break the silence between us with sharing, caring and encouraging.

Vital-Vertical Heart Relationship

I do have a hope for this group that we will learn and grow our way into a “Heart To Heart” relationship with God. I love my personal relationship with God. I like to call it my Vital-Vertical relationship. It is definitely vital! I have grown over the years in relationship with God, especially when I gave God total access to my life, let go and let Him write my life story. I remember that day like it was yesterday, the day when my YES was put on the table with God.

Heart Maintenance

Oh, I don’t want to dissolution you, it wasn’t easy, letting go and letting God shape my heart. I know that my heart is undivided (Psalm 86:11) because I opened my heart wide to God and His Holy Spirit worked thoroughly to decompartmentalize my heart so God was a part of all of my life. I continue to guard my heart diligently (Proverbs 4:20-23) to keep it that way. God has total access to my life and I have an undivided heart.

Guarded Heart

My YES is on the table with God and He comes first in my life. (Luke 9:23-34) I am wholly-holy aligned with God. Lots of things in this world knock me out of alignment, but when I guard my heart with God’s Word, it straightens out the crooked places and once again I have a smooth straight path to God’s heart. (Isaiah 40:3-4)

Sharing Heart

I wanted to give you just a little glimpse of my growing through in my walk with God, because I will be administrating the “Heart To Heart” Facebook group, so I hope my short testimony helps you feel more comfortable in joining this group. God has gifted me with exhortation, another word for encouragement. (2 Timothy 4:2) I love encouraging others to “Make It Personal” with God. We live in such an impersonal, shallow, relational time. Truly, we do and loneliness of the soul is spiritually epidemic. We need to change that up, truly become The Body Of Christ, which God designed for us to be. There are so many cultural barriers to being one in Christ with each other, to finding our way to deep and genuine friendship, sharing and caring.

Heart To Heart Facebook Group~ Join In

I think you will enjoy this group, I know you will grow in a personal relationship with God, make new friends and we all will do life together. God has given me some creative thoughts for posts for the “Heart To Heart” facebook group and I am excited about it. I hope you will join in “Heart TO Heart” and grow with us. Below is a sampling of some things you will be seeing at the “Heart To Heart” Facebook group. If you are interested in joining, leave your “Facebook Name” in the Comment Section of this post and I will be sure to tag you when the group launches in Facebook, on February 14th 2019. God bless ya. KimberlyMac

A Week In The Life Of The “Heart To Heart” Facebook Group

Heart TO Heart ~ Make It Personal

MONDAY In “Heart TO Heart”

Monday Will Not Be Mundane In Our “Heart To Heart” Facebook Group

These posts will inspire us to move our body and move our spirit, to stay healthy, body, soul and spirit. You may even see an occasional video, that I am sure will be fun and inspiring.

These will be incredible meals prepared at The Bridegroom’s Café and they will be spiritually nourishing in that way you can’t even begin to imagine.
Will be a sweet time where we care for each other, sharing our needs and taking them to God in prayer.

TUESDAY In “Heart TO Heart”

Tuesday Will Be A Terrific Day For “Heart To Heart” Group

We will be sharing some terrific God Truth for us to “Think On” in all kinds of creative ways. I am thinking you will love this day. Everyone posting the blessings of God’s Word, can’t beat that!

There is a lot of good things to think about. Our human nature seems to tend to lean into the bad things. We will be highlighting good things on Tuesday, it will be a “Thought Smorgasbord” anything goes as long as it tastes good to our soul, then post it!

WEDNESDAY In “Heart TO Heart”

Wednesday A Wondrous Day For “Heart To Heart”

We will be sharing things on Wednesday that will increase our Awe of God. Pictures that show God’s glory. Scriptures that proclaim Who He is. Personal testimonies that stir up our AWE in what God has done for us.

There is so much amazing music that inspires our soul. It is going to be a day for worship where we share the songs that have spoken to our hearts. We can listen together, make comments and enjoy the worship of our God.

THURSDAY In “Heart TO Heart”

Thursday Is A Thankful Day Of Sharing “Heart To Heart

Thursday is going to be a sweet day of thanks for each other. We are blessed every single day by someone. Tell them thanks and share with us, how they blessed you, you can even post something they wrote that blessed you. We will be sharing who are thankful for and why and hopefully encouraging each other.

Thursday is a good day for being vulnerable with each other and make it personal, by sharing the things we are currently trusting God for. It will be a good day to encourage one another in our tests, trials and temptations. Of course, we will be praying it up for each other, encouraging each other with every creative way known to God so we can increase our faith and dispel our doubts.

FRIDAY In “Heart TO Heart”

Friday Is A Fun Day Of Laughter In “Heart To Heart”

Laughter is medicine for the soul. Did something make you laugh this week, share it with others. What pictures make you smile, share them. God does have a sense of humor, share those times with us that you experienced His funny side.

It is always good to share something or receive something that will inspire your faith. Thank God It Is Friday. It is a good day to replenish our faith after a long week of working with people. Without people, Christianity would be easy, right?! Let’s renew our faith on Friday, replenish, restore and revive it.

SATURDAY In “Heart TO Heart”

Saturday Is A Smorgasbord Day In Our “Heart To Heart”

This is a great day to share, share, share. Whatever you want, just do it, get creative and add value to someone. Encourage each other. Give us what you’ve got. God has been encouraging you all week, so encourage someone else. If you need to be encouraged, this day is a great Smorgasbord of care.

Many times, others who have walked with God for a long time, they become the “Seasoned Servant Of God”, those who are able to be used by the Holy Spirit to bless us much with the experience they have gained, the wisdom of God. I hope to share quotes from some of these “Seasoned Servants” on Saturday’s and I hope you will share yours too.

SUNDAY In “Heart TO Heart”

Sunday is a day to Soul Synchronize “Heart To Heart”

Sunday is a great family day, most of us go to church and we fellowship with friends and family. On this day, we will post a scripture and for those who would like, we will “Soul Synchronize” with this scripture the week ahead, thinking about it, musing about it, getting it from our head to our heart.

Share a message link from a church sermon that blessed you and will encourage someone else.

This is the vision God has given me for the “Heart TO Heart” Facebook Group. Every day we can post the things that help us to enrich our relationship with God and each other, encouragements that help us grow through our life situations together.

I hope you enjoyed the Prequel for the “Heart To Heart” Facebook Group at our “Soul Synchronized” Table in The Bridegroom’s Café. It is our hope for God to connect us to Him, making our relationship with Him personal. Soul Synchronize with God and with God’s family. Let’s do it! God bless you Much, KimberlyMac PS: make sure you subscribe by email to “The Bridegroom’s Café” so you don’t miss a meal.

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