In The Moment

I Hope You Have A Good Day

I find myself using this saying: “I hope you have a good day”! I use it as a closing good bye to people after I have talked with them, I usually close  our conversation with that statement of kindness. Thinking about it today, I wonder what really constitutes, makes up, or adds up to it being a “good day”? Is a good day all about a day we have stayed comfortable in our flesh?  Naturally we feel it is a good day when everything goes the way we planned it and it makes us feel good about that day. I believe a good day is staying wholly-holy aligned with God, or another way of saying it: Staying In The Moment With God From Every Moment To Every Choice, No Matter Where That Takes Us, Even If It Takes Us Way Outside Our Comfort Zone. Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video From The Rumble Channel: Heart To Heart.

For Our Good ~ For His Glory

What I love about God is how His purpose for us is always in play in our lives. He is always bettering our lives, teaching us, molding us, and shaping us by His Providential Care. God’s Providential Care has two main purposes in play, a purpose for our good and a purpose for His glory. It is kind of cool that there is God purpose in everything, in every season of our lives God is in it and He has brought us to it purposefully. And will grow us though it purposefully. If you are in a tough life season, then know this: God has a plan, so stay focused on God, He is purposefully working in us, so He can work through us, purposefully so.

“The great challenge that you are facing right now should not cause you to fear. because the God purpose in that great challenge you face, is greater than the challenge itself and the evil you see is no match for the good that God is working in the unseen for you. The evil attacks of our enemy, always underestimates the power of God’s purposes. So in the midst of your challenge you can be bold, strong and courageous in Christ Jesus. Purposefully So!” KimberlyMac

How Did We Get Here?

There is a great story of God deliverance in the Bible about the Israelites, Who found themselves backed up at the Red Sea with no where to go with an enemy advancing towards them at a rapid pace.  How did they end up in this terrible place? Who gave them the coordinates to be where they found themselves at. God did. God told them where to go and in directing them there, He put them at a dead end, where they could not flee from their enemy. But, God had a plan and sometimes that plan of God’s is not the way we would have done things, in fact, sometimes it is very, very uncomfortable for our flesh where we find ourselves in some of our tough life seasons.  Yet, God, He is famous for those incredible finishes, God finishes well.

Then the Lord gave these instructions to Moses: “Order the Israelites to turn back and camp by Pi-hahiroth between Migdol and the sea. Camp there along the shore, across from Baal-zephon. Then Pharaoh will think, ‘The Israelites are confused. They are trapped in the wilderness!’ And once again I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will chase after you. I have planned this in order to display my glory through Pharaoh and his whole army. After this the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord !” So the Israelites camped there as they were told. Exodus 14:1-4

This World Is Crazy-Cra-Cra Wonky

Suddenly, things can go wonky and get really bad. I feel that way about this world, it has gotten a bit cray-cray lately. To be strong and courageous, we must yield the moment to God and stay with Him, let Him navigate us, controlling our comfort zone. It may get really hot, unlike what we are used to, it may get very cold too, you never know what tricks the enemy is up too, but we know this, when the enemy is in play, we will feel uncomfortable, but God is with us, He does not leave us, He is the one navigating us through the darkness. We need to let God work. Let be and be still and know He is God. Our focus needs to stay on God, not the advancing enemy, or  the tough situation we find ourselves in, or we will lose ourselves in fear. God has a perfect, purposeful endgame for the life season we find ourselves growing through. He brings us to it, He grows us through it. This is our God, our God Who finishes well. Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video 

As Pharaoh approached, the people of Israel looked up and panicked when they saw the Egyptians overtaking them. They cried out to the Lord , and they said to Moses, “Why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Weren’t there enough graves for us in Egypt? What have you done to us? Why did you make us leave Egypt? Didn’t we tell you this would happen while we were still in Egypt? We said, ‘Leave us alone! Let us be slaves to the Egyptians. It’s better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness!’” But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. Exodus 14:10-13

Feeling Stuck Outside Of Your Comfort Zone?

Are you in the moment with God or are you stuck in your man made comfort zone? Today we are challenged to stay in the moment with God, put action to our faith, as we purposefully dig our life roots deeply in God’s way, truth and life, and we don’t despise small beginnings, we wait and patiently endure the growing times. We know as we trust God completely with our lives, as we have given Him the pen to write our life story, that it will be full of God purpose, good for us, glory for Him. Every challenge we face in this life, the God purpose in the challenge is greater than the challenge itself. God finishes what He starts and He finishes well. God Wins. Stay connected to God, Heart To Heart and stay strong in your commitment to a vital-vertical relationship with God. God said that all we need to do is believe Him, let God work, yield to God and watch the incredible things He can do as you wait yielded in belief, trust and active faith. God bless ya. Yield To God. So to dig deeper in this, we yield our “comfort zone” to God’s control: Stuck?! In Your Comfort Zone?! Dig Deeper To Find Your Way To Great God Adventure:

“The Red Sea may roll before us; the desert may entrap us; the enemy may press on our heels. The past may seem implausible and the future impossible, but God works in ways we cannot see. GOD WILL make a way of escape for His weary, but waiting children.”Robert J. Morgan

The best choices we make from every moment to every choice are the ones we make “In The Moment” with God. The choices that put Him first, the choices that cause us to step out of our comfort zone with God’s strength, courage and zeal and face our day connected to God, heart to heart, with His Holy Spirit navigating us from every moment to every choice. This is the “In The Moment” God Adventure that God hopes for us to have. He is in every moment, never leaving us, always present with us and for us, so we can be the same if we stop camping out in our human comfort zone and step out into the miraculous, In The Moment, With God. Listen Up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video and be encouraged to step outside of a man made “comfort zone”…

Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe today, where The Bridegroom Jesus, is the main chef as these spiritual meals feed our soul in that way only He can. The Just A Thought Table has a connection to our Rumble Channel: Heart To Heart where we post 1 Minute Encouragement Videos. Make sure you subscribe to those here: Never miss a 1 Minute blessing from Chef Jesus. Please leave us a comment and let us know how this spiritual meal blessed your soul. Also, we ask that you pass it on. Open up your social medial platform and share the link to this post, so others can be blessed too. God bless you, Much KimberlyMac

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