
Got A Transition That Feels Like A Cactus Patch? Hope In God!

“Looking and seeing are two different things. They represent the same gap in attention that exists between hearing and listening. One is merely the physical, almost involuntary action of a functioning human body, while the other action requires the willing cooperation of the heart.” Priscilla Shirer

Got Transitions?

Life transitions can put great stress on a marriage, especially if the change is a radical change, shaking up major life foundations. Trust is a good choice when your marriage is in followship of God, where God is on the move, beckoning you to follow Him like a pioneer into the unknown. We hear from God and we need to listen to God, cooperate with His Holy Spirit, waiting on Him to lead us. Our enemy, in times of transitions, is lurking, just waiting for us to step out impulsively. Impatience is the open door for the enemy, who we tend to underestimate, as we listen to his deceptions and buy into his rationalizations, as to why it would be better for us to kindle our own fire and walk by its light.

So, you who are listening, do you acknowledge the Eternal One as God? And do you take seriously what the servant of God has to say? If you are enveloped in darkness, with no light to see, take confidence in the name of the Eternal One; rely on your God. Ah, but if you’ve tried to go it alone, the light by which you go is your own consuming fire, and the torches you light will be your undoing. Isaiah 50:10-11 The Voice

God Rights Our Wrongs ~ Righting Them By His Miraculous Power

We Don’t Know It All

It is our human nature to want to know everything and to have a well-planned transition. Bad things happen when we know no power higher than ourselves, and we think we know, what we really don’t know. When we take the helm to turn the ship faster, in our time of tradition, thinking we know better then our helmsman, the stress on the rudder will cause failure, the ship will capsize and keel over. Oh the mess we make as our ship lies on it’s side completely out of commission, only God’s righting can reverse this and make a message out of this mess. When we turn back to God, and fully face Him, asking for His help, God’s Holy Spirit will intervene with enough flotation of truth, which will right things and prevent our marriage from totally sinking. Jesus is our marriage hope.

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11 Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 New Living Translation

Pray It Up

In our transitional times, the truth well learned is this: “with human striving, the only thing we create is human strife”. In Christ, we have hope that every situation our marriage faces, we are a three strand cord that is not easily broken. Husband-Jesus-Wife. The reality of truth is, our marriage should be this:

“As long as your heart is surrendered, all in with God’s heart, and intertwined with my heart, then “Christ Pioneers” we are, and in Christ, we will conqueror the transitional challenges ahead!” KimberlyMac

I hope you enjoyed your meal at The Prayer Mentors Table. I hope it enriched your soul and impassioned your spirit. Don’t miss even one meal made at “The Bridegroom’s Café”. Go to the front page and subscribe by email to directly receive each spiritual meal here. I also highly suggest, in times such as these, you develop a “Listening Ear” for the “Bridegroom’s Voice”
My devotional book is a tool for hearing and listening up to God. It is a Great God Adventure like no other, that will develop a “More of God, Less of You” relationship. You can purchase it here:

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