Purposeful Permanence

“Our Father holds the purse-strings, and what we lose for his sake he can repay a thousand-fold. It is ours to obey his will, and we may rest assured that he will provide for us.” Charles Spurgeon>

Be Inspired As You Listen To This Daily Song Inspiration: “The One I Am Running To” By 7eventh Time Down. Click The Above Play Button And Be Blessed By God.

Life Happens

Sometimes the evil intentions of our enemy, they suddenly flood into our life in all of their little aggravating ways that stir up frustration in our soul, until we are boiling over in negative emotions. Life Happens! The enemy pours out his garbage and we collect the stank in our soul. But God is able to balance it all out, with the fragrant blossoming of His goodness that will overwhelm all the stank of our enemy and permeate us with the fragrance of God. This divine intervention is always God’s purposeful permanence in play in our lives. Life Happens. 

Famously Masterful God

God is famously masterful at the using of these enemy tactics to stretch our faith, to increase it in that way only He can. God’s goodness changes things up within the influence of His Holy Spirit working in our lives, translating the things designed to frustrate us, steal our joy and emotionally trash us, into such amazing good for us. God is famously masterful at taking what was supposed to be bad for us and creating incredible goodness out of it.

Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video, Which God Will Use To Deeply Encourage You In 1 Minute

Ever-Pleasant Presence

The enemy floods in temporary discomfort and the Lord uses it for permanent upgrades of our faith. God purposefully increases our faith. Jesus, our Savior, Redeemer, Protector, Keeper, and faithful Provider will always and forever be our Way-Maker out of the soul flooding of our enemy. There is no greater connection, than a heart-to-heart connection with God. Life is sweet in the Presence of God, and our life path pleasant to the soul. The Permanence of God is the path of pleasantness that the enemy can only temporarily interrupt. God’s way is never temporary, it is seeded with the power of longevity. In Christ, we can patiently endure the foolish interruption of our enemy, because our life line is purposefully redirected to the durable, forever-existing, and ever-pleasant Presence of God. 

Distressed By Sudden Life Storms?

And suddenly… there was… a life storm… completely flooding our soul… Yet, it passes as quickly as it comes in. Why? Because at the core of evil is a temporary nature. In our sudden life storms, God remains, faithful, true, restorative, reviving our soul in ways we could not even begin to hope for. God is the Master at reconciling the sudden disappointments that distress our soul with frustration that disheartens our faith and tries to steals our joy. 

Battered By Sudden Life Chaos?

We are positioned underneath the Rulership of God’s Love and there is no force of evil that can knock us out of wholly-holy alignment with God. We are battered by the chaotic whirlwinds obtrusively stirred up by our enemy, but through the navigation of God’s Holy Spirit, we choose not to step into the chaos, we remain anchored to God’s way, truth and life and navigated by God’s Holy Spirit through the chaos to clarity. Despite the enemies thrashing about all around us, we can make the next right choice with the intelligibility of God’s wisdom. 

Is A “Suddenly” Interrupting Your Life?

Got a suddenly banging at the door of your soul? God’s commitment to us is permanent, whereas our enemy can only foolishly flit in and out of our lives in a temporary, fleeting way. This is why we choose to focus on the permanent, the stability, faithfulness and trustworthiness of our God.  When our life suddenly erupts with chaos, we make the next right choice, we focus up! No weapon of the enemy formed against us on this day, will stay in play; nor will it prosper in the divisive plan it was sent with. Why? Because God’s purposes, always in play in our lives, will outperform the enemy’s scheme with the goodness of God. 

Nothing We Plan Can Not Be Superseded By God’s Divine Appointment With His Purpose.  Quote By: KimberlyMac

Sudden Is Trumped By God Permanence

The very nature of God is wrapped up in durable permanence. God is not going anywhere. God stays. God is in the storm and after the storm stops, God is still there, still at work, purposing His goodness. God never quits working for our good. God’s purposes are always in play in the unseen, never not working for our good. Never take for granted the Permanence of God’s goodness at work purposefully in our lives. Embrace God with gratefulness in the good and the bad times, and know the joy of His purposeful permanence. 

The Longevity Of Hope

God restores. God rehabilitates. God revives. God renews. God is a permeance that can never be made temporary, so common sense says: Cling to the permanent, focus on it and dig your life roots in durable soil, deeply in Jesus and His unending Kingdom, our forever future.  The longevity of our hope is Christ in us, and we patiently endure and grow through the temporary displeasures our enemy suddenly springs on us. Why? Because our God is trustworthy, and it is in this characteristic of God’s faithfulness that our hope anchors and keeps us steadily and patiently enduring, growing through the sudden storms of our enemy.  

The Lord is the portion of my inheritance, my cup [He is all I need]; 
You support my lot. The [boundary] lines [of the land] 
have fallen for me in pleasant places; 
Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. 
I will bless the Lord who has counseled me; 
Indeed, my heart (mind) instructs me in the night. 
I have set the Lord continually before me; 
Because He is at my right hand, 
I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:5-8

How was your meal at The Bridegroom’s Cafe today? Was it soul nourishing? Leave us a review comment, we would love to hear from you. The Bridegroom’s Voice is the sweetest voice we will hear in our life time and it is so important that we learn to listen up to Jesus, Our Bridegroom, and benefit from the riches of its wisdom, the treasure for our soul. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac

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