Reciprocal Love

“Heart To Heart, It is a good day to intentionally add value to someone’s life. The Son rises on our day and shatters the darkness of night adding great value to our day. This happens every day, showing the faithful love of our God, Who lovingly maintains our world, this beautiful place He spoke into being.  We experience the kindness, providential care and nurturing love from our God faithfull, every single day.”  KimberlyMac

On This Day ~ Challenged To Love Reciprocally 

We can show reciprocal love, because we have been given so much from our God, abundantly so, lavished in His love. Overflowing with love from God, His goodness naturally overspills from us if we are not distracted with self-interested selfishness, which is knowing no love expression higher than self. Heart To Heart, we are loved well, therefore, we are also challenged, encouraged by God, to express reciprocal love. God created everything with us in mind, we are always the motive of His expressed love as He becomes the all of our everything. Awe GOD, He is a Maintainer, this is what He is great at. He maintains what He has created, holds us together by His rulership of love, which we are positioned under day in and day out. Receive God’s Love – Reciprocate! Praise God! 

He is the exact living image [the essential manifestation] of the unseen God [the visible representation of the invisible], the firstborn [the preeminent one, the sovereign, and the originator] of all creation. For by Him all things were created in heaven and on earth, [things] visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him [that is, by His activity] and for Him. And He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. [His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe] Amplified Bible Colossians 1:15-17

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On This Day ~ Be Intentionally Alert To Others

On This Day, we should take the time to be alert to those around us.  In this compassionless world where civility is hard to find and people are invisible and isolated from each other, I do hope we all notice the people around us today. Be intentionally caring today and be the one who is kind, be loving, and respectfully add value to all those we meet today with compassion, civility and forbearance being the God character we shine.

On This Day ~ Shine Love ~ Shatter Darkness

The enemy of our soul wants to keep us isolated, wants us to feel invisible to one another. Reciprocal Love shatters this dark desire of our enemy with the light of  God’s love, through the expressing of human caring, which acknowledges other people, letting the Sonshine break through the darkness of invisibility, adding worth to  people’s lives in tenderhearted kindness and unconditional love towards them.

On This Day ~ Express Reciprocal Love

Just as when we acknowledge God’s ever-present Presence, basking in our love relationship with Him, being valued by Him, we should do so for others. Reciprocal Love, the receiving and giving of love heart to heart.  Our Awe God, He is always, continually adding value to our lives, and thus and therefore, we are challenged to be so for others. Reciprocal love is selfless, putting the interests of others first. A big distraction to being selfless and expressing love is our feelings. There are times we chase after our feelings and we miss out of so many divine appointments to love others well. We need to be led by God, not our feelings, and stay in followship of God.

Look at how much encouragement you’ve found in your relationship with the Anointed One! You are filled to overflowing with his comforting love. You have experienced a deepening friendship with the Holy Spirit and have felt his tender affection and mercy. “your heart flutters with his compassion.” So I’m asking you, my friends, that you be joined together in perfect unity—with one heart, one passion, and united in one love. Walk together with one harmonious purpose and you will fill my heart with unbounded joy. Be free from pride-filled opinions, for they will only harm your cherished unity. Don’t allow self-promotion to hide in your hearts, but in authentic humility put others first and view others as more important than yourselves. Abandon every display of selfishness. Possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of your own interests. And consider the example that Jesus, the Anointed One, has set before us. Let his mindset become your motivation. Philippians 2: 1-5 The Passion Translation

On This Day ~ Shine In God’s Love

Reciprocal love, it is not duty as much as it is an overflow from being loved abundantly, it never stops giving. Let God’s love flow freely from your life to others. On this day, Dare to care, be bold in love, leaving all those you relationally collide with, in that divine God appointment kind of way, smiling, loved and better. God bless your day. Shine in God’s love. Be reciprocal and love well.

Dig Deeper:

We are so happy you stopped into The Bridegroom’s Cafe at the “Just A Thought” table. The spiritual meals prepared at this table are catered by Heart To Heart Rumble Channel: I highly recommend these very convenient fast food spiritual meals called: 1 Minute Encouragement, where it takes only 1 minute to be deeply encouraged by God. Make sure you subscribe and don’t miss these catered meals being delivered right to your email address. It is always a pleasurable way to hear The Bridegroom’s Voice. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac

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