
Psalm 71:3 The Passion Translation

You’re the only place of protection for me. I keep coming back to hide myself in you, for you are like a mountain-cliff fortress where I’m kept safe.

Crushed By The Words Of Your Enemy? Listen Up

Win The Daily Battle

Our enemy wants to crush our soul with loneliness, he isolates us in a divisive way with a plan to attack us with the feelings of being forsaken. God is greater than our enemy and He is able to soul saturate us with His peace as we walk through the difficult times of our lives. We must look up, fully face God and connect with His Holy Spirit heart to Heart. God, He is our refuge respite. It is good to stir up our determination through the influence of His Holy Spirit. In the strength of Jesus, we can proclaim that on this day we will win the battles for our soul peace by clinging to God, digging our life roots deeply in His Life and Truth. Our reality of truth is Jesus, and He is as close as the mention of His name. He never forsakes us. Jesus’ peace is our refuge.

“Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him everything else thrown in.” ― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

God Finishes Well

Life changes and during its transitions are the times we feel alone, forgotten, not pursued or wanted. Loneliness crushes our soul with its heel and it feels like a greater pressure than our courage can withstand, as we face our changing life. These fierce soul battles hit us hard, especially when we are in life transitions were nothing seems stable and we feel uprooted from the security of our status quo. Continuance is a good choice, it leads to patient endurance. We have to continue to fight the fight of faith, knowing that God is in control of our lives and He will not bring more into our life path than we can handle. God is able, God is greater than loneliness, health issues, money problems, relationship strife, and God is the source of our peace, our refuge in the midst of our transitioning life. God will finish what He started and He will finish well.

Philippians 1:6 The Passion Translation

I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this glorious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you and will put His finishing touches to it until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ!

False Narrative Leads To Fake Reality

The enemy speaks into our souls that no one cares, that no one is pursing us in friendship, that we are utterly alone, and he continues to pull at the anchor of our soul, trying to dislodge our peace. When we entertain all of the enemy’s divisive communiques, our soul reacts to the false narrative he streams into our mind, and we feel the heavy weight of hopeless. The enemy is good at creating in us a fake reality of being forsaken and alone. But, this is not the truth, our God is closer to us than we are able to perceive and we have the relationship with Him that we allow. When we give Him total access to our souls, Jesus will be our perfect peace, a refuge in the intense battle for our hope. Jesus is a strong anchor for our soul.

Jesus Can And Will Strengthen Our Hearts In That Way Only He Can. Listen Up:

Jesus Is A Creative Refuge

Jesus is greater than our loneliness, He is our refuge from the heat of lonesomeness that springs us during our changing life seasons. How can this be? It is all about His purpose. There are God purposes in play which are greater than the challenge we are facing. Don’t underestimate Jesus, His creative purpose in play in our aloneness. Jesus is able to change up our tired and weary souls, as we seek the refuge of His Presence. God is in control, even in the times when it feels like another day in the desert of our soul, will completely parch our already dry spirit. Do you feel like your soul peace is dried up today? Seek Your Refuge, Jesus Christ, Living Water flows from Him. Drink.

God Has An Endgame ~ It Is Kingdom Perfect

Hopelessness is the enemy’s endgame for our soul. Jesus is our courage as we stand on the platform of our faith. We know Jesus undergirds us with His strength and will hold us up during these times of soul wilderness. Positioning our souls wholly-holy in Jesus, the only One Who can revive our souls in peace, we will know He is able to be a soul sustaining Refuge, we will experience His Peace which surpasses all of our understanding of what we are “growing through”. Soul peace gives us clarity to see the obvious, and we begin to know and experience God’s purposes in play in the situation we are in. It is good to know and believe that God is in control of this day and our tomorrows. He has the endgame well in hand and He will infuse His hope in our weary soul before our feeble knees give out. Things in our lives may have that impossible look and feel, yet we are loved by a Father God, Who is the God of the impossible and we cling to Him, putting all of our hope and expectation in Him.

“In Jesus Christ on the Cross there is refuge; there is safety; there is shelter; and all the power of sin upon our track cannot reach us when we have taken shelter under the Cross that atones for our sins.” A. C. Dixon

Change It UP To Hope

When our souls are so very tired of the fight of loneliness in our trials and we feel it is more than we can endure, there is only one good choice and that is continuance, to continue in a battle that seems endless means we have to position ourselves in Christ. Continuance is fueled in our vital-vertical relationship with God, as we turn to God, seek His Refuge. How does this play out practically in our lives? We fully face God, we look up, listen up and align our souls, minds, wills and spirit with God and His Truth. Hopelessness attacks our belief in the impossible, erodes our faith to the point where our soul is sorrowed and the light of our joy fades, therein our strength to patiently endure erodes and fear, anxiety and dread take center stage of our heart. We have to change this up to be able to achieve a continuance in our trial that increases our faith and strengthens our hope.

A Respite Of Peace

On this day, Jesus is with us, He is our helper, our shelter, closer than anyone on earth can be as He fills our moments with purpose in the ways we could never do. Our refuge from loneliness is in the Lord, in our relationship with Him, His peace is our respite, our refuge when trials bear heavily down on our soul. When our courage activates by faith, we can and we will overcome and grow through our seasons of trials with loneliness and we will patiently endure with hope which stays steady as a lighthouse to a sailor in a stormy sea of darkness, navigating his way to safe harbor.

“God has been good and He will continue to manifest His goodness. Let us approach these days expecting to see the goodness of the Lord manifest. Let us be strong and of good courage, for the Lord will fight for us if we stand in faith.” Francis Frangipane

I have a precious God-Gift, it is called “exhortation”. I use it to prayer-mentor others. If you have a prayer need, don’t hesitate to ask, you will be prayed for. Leave a comment below. God is still speaking to this generation, and intercessors are still praying. Put the two together and you have a perfect meal for The Bridegroom’s Café, Prayer Mentor Table. I hope your soul was nourished. I would also like to take this time to highly suggest an incredible journey you can take with Jesus, a Great God Adventure of daily listening up to His Word. My book, The Bridegroom’s Voice is a perfect way to tune in to God’s Voice, hear more clearly and enhance your personal relationship with Him. You can purchase it here:

Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice

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