Seductive Power

1 Timothy 6:9 From God’s Word, We Learn The Truth About What Harms Us And We Change It Up In Our Lives

1 Timothy 6:9 But those who crave the wealth of this world slip into spiritual snares. They become trapped by the troubles that come through their foolish and harmful desires, driven by greed and drowning in their own sinful pleasures. And they take others down with them into their corruption and eventual destruction. TPT

Craving wealth has caused us to drift away from God, our Provider and we have slipped into some horrendous spiritual snares. Our human condition in the pursuit of temporary things is fleshing out all kinds of evil. We are trapped by our foolish desires, oh how true this is in our culture today. We are reaping in horrific consequences the sowing of people in pursuit of money, fame and power. Driven by greed mankind is drowning in sinful pleasures that are temporary and never satisfied. The craving of wealth, power and position has been such a harmful desire, as its consequence of corruption is destroying our liberty, freedom and justice. Greed and the love of money has absolutely corrupted our culture, whose cry now is to cancel God in the all of everything, deceitfully thinking this will help satiate their need for wealth, power and fame. Has the seductive, foolish, harmful power of greed won the day? How do we endure this?

“It is the grace of endurance granted to you by the God of endurance that provides you with everything you need to continue to be what He calls you to be and do what He calls you to do between this moment and the moment when you cross over to the other side. When difficulty exposes the weakness of your resolve and the limits of your strength, you do not have to panic, because God will endure even in those moments when you don’t feel able to do so yourself.” Quote By Paul Tripp

1 Minute Encouragement Videos Where It Only Takes ONE Minute To Be Deeply Encouraged By God

Thanks for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café. We hope our spiritual meals whet your appetite for more of God. The Breakfast Table has many delightful meals, we hope you were spiritually fed well today. Make sure you share this “spiritual meal” with someone else today on your social media platform. We appreciate that. Remember to “Listen Up” to “The Bridegroom’s Voice” today, tomorrow and forever. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac

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