Shatter Darkness

“Darkness comes into our lives in the form of fear and light shatters it by the truth of God, a truth such as this will dispel the fear in our lives. This is why we stay in the word of God, and when we mull over  “Just A Thought” it is a Sword of the Spirit for us, used to push back the darkness and usher in the light of God’s Victory.” KimberlyMac

Listen Up To The Godly Wisdom In This 1 Minute Encouragement Video
Deuteronomy 31:6-8 So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” 7 Then Moses called for Joshua, and as all Israel watched, he said to him, “Be strong and courageous! For you will lead these people into the land that the Lord swore to their ancestors he would give them. You are the one who will divide it among them as their grants of land. 8 Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

The Gift Of the Bible ~ Our Sword Of The Spirit

The truth is, we have been loved so extremely well by our God. “Forever Yours” shouts from everything God is and in the commitment made to us, a loyalty of love that is supreme in all of its characteristics and sharings. The Word of God, our Bible, given to us is one of those forever love gifts that we take for granted so much. The Bible is alive, living and powerful in our lives on this day, yet we neglect it and then we question God’s love for us because we don’t have the strength to “grow through” the hard things in our lives. God has given us everything we need to be “forever in love” with Him, to not doubt, waiver or betray Him, to stay committed in wholly-holy loyalty to God. We have all we need in Jesus, His Word and the Holy Spirit of God, and also the Father God, our forever Advocate.

No Fear! We Have A Forever Yours… Promise

We lack nothing we need because of a “forever yours” love commitment from our God. Lack is not the problem of the human condition, receiving is. We get distracted by the things of this world and deterred in doubt, fear and anxiety from what is true, and we step into fake realities that darken our world with disappointment, disillusionment, discouragement, despair, all devilish deters. To keep our hearts loyal to the One True God, Who has promised and kept Himself loyal to us, in a “forever yours” commitment of love, we must stay in a vital-vertical relationship with God, receiving from Him, being in constant communication with Him, having no compartments in our life which He is not present, and maintaining a guard on our hearts so we stay undivided in mind, soul and spirit, heart to heart with our God. Let it be so. Forever Yours. Forever walking in the Light of God that shatters the darkness.

“Flesh Out” To Stay Wholly-Holy-His

Fear puts out the passion of God in us. Fear has that overtaking way when we lean into it, it spreads darkness  of hopelessness in our soul. Fear causes us to doubt God’s promise and makes us feel abandoned, when in truth we are not. Fear is deceptive in its way of causing us to feel God is failing us and it sneakily worms into our soul and diminishes our passion for God as we focus more on our fear than we do Him. Jesus is our light of hope. Focus Jesus! Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video and focus your hope on Jesus and walk in His Light of truth.

Darkness so dense can be shattered by the Light of truth in a 1 Minute Encouragement Video Listen Up!

“Truth In” Precepts Of God’s Light

Are you afraid? Feeling Hopeless? Truth In the Light of God’s Word! We are promised that God will be with us always and being with us is not just a “doing” kind of thing for God, it is an all in passion for us. The passion we have for God increases our courage and bravery as we face things in this life with the hope of our future. Passion always lights up strong when we think of the future God has provided for us. How can we fear when God has done so much for us already. His promises have stood throughout all generations. He has not left us, He has not abandoned us.

Wholly-Holy Align With God’s Light-Truth

The more passion we have for God, the more we are focused and holy aligned with His heart. Passion given back to God through praise and relationship time is the best way to ward off the fear of our enemy. As we love God and His Word with an all in passion, diligently seeking Him, there is no room for the fear our enemy wants to bring into our soul. Our soul is full out for God as we believe in the truth of the promises that He will not leave us, He will not forsake us and it is this that feeds the bravery and courage in our spirit and keeps us passionately in love with our God in that forever kind of way. 

Dig Deeper Exchange Darkness For Light

Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe today, where you will always meet up with The Bridegroom, Jesus and hear His precious voice of encouragement. We hope you enjoyed your meal on the Just A Thought table and we hope you will take a moment right NOW and share this hope with someone else on your social medial platform outreach. These 1 Minute Encouragement videos are from our Rumble Channel: Heart To Heart and we hope you subscribe to this channel and not miss one of these: God bless you, MUCH, KimberlyMac Author

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