Tag: Heart of God

A Lovely Day

 God of Heaven’s Armies, you find so much beauty in your people! They’re like lovely sanctuaries of your presence. Deep within me are these lovesick longings, desires and daydreams of living in union with you. When I’m near you, my heart and my soul will sing and worship with my joyful songs of you, my […]


F.aithful A.vailable T.eachable Jesus was so generous with His life, He invested everything in us. Jesus gave His time, talent and treasure to us, He poured Himself out for us. Our lives should reflect this kind of generosity. Living generously is such a blessing, as Jesus pours in, we pour out. This is living F.A.T. […]

Chase God

So above all, constantly chase after the realm of God’s kingdom and the righteousness that proceeds from Him. Then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly. Matthew 6:33 Passion Translation Spirit-To-Spirit Jesus, bring this family to a life-focus that incorporates all things You and Your Kingdom first. Father God, keep our […]