Chase God

So above all, constantly chase after the realm of God’s kingdom and the righteousness that proceeds from Him. Then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly. Matthew 6:33 Passion Translation


Jesus, bring this family to a life-focus that incorporates all things You and Your Kingdom first. Father God, keep our focus off of our physical needs and what we want, may we seek Your will first. I pray for our family, I pray we would put our first heart focus on Your eternal purposes for us. It is these God purposes, which are in play for us, on this day, in that way only You, Way-Maker God can do. As we seek Your Kingdom first, everything else on this earth falls into place. Let it be so in our family-life today, may Your Providential Care be purposefully in play in our family lives for our good and for the glory of Your Kingdom. May we choose to let go of all of our questions, focusing more on our commitment to Your Kingdom than all of our stuff here on earth. God first. Let it be so.

Patriarchs Rise Above

Jesus in this world of craziness and cultural warfare, our family Patriarchs need to rise above the distractions and disruptions of the enemy and lead our families. May the pressures of their life jobs, never supersede or distract them from the Patriarchal role, as the spiritual headship of their family, the Father God, the Patriarch of all fatherhood, has positioned them in. I pray the patriarchs of our families rise up in the purposes of God, seeking first His Kingdom and in doing so, Jesus let every worldly task fall in pleasant places with an abundance of your Kingship favor, wisdom and provision. May the worldly success of our family patriarchs be seeded by their first heart desire being for God’s Kingdom. Jesus may the minds of our Family Patriarchs be filled with what is on Your heart, may their thoughts be Your thoughts and their actions model after Your truth. Jesus, let it be so. Encourage, inspire and grow the hearts of our Family Patriarchs.

Fully Face God

Father God, bring our souls face to face with Your Word of truth and power today, feed our spirit with Your Promises, draw each one of us to Your Word, on this day. Speak what is true to us, on this day, may we hear Your Voice of Truth first, respond to it first above all other voices. We hope to hear Your Heart, Lord God and our soul passion to be stirred and inspired by it, our hearts broken for what breaks yours. Jesus, I know without a doubt if we, of this family, will put You and Your Kingdom in first position of our lives, that everything else on this earth will God purposefully fall into place. Let it be so in us, Jesus. Stretch the territory of the hearts of this family, may we give You total access to our lives. Holy Spirit, enlarge the borders of our spirit to incorporate a wholly-holy Kingdom Perspective that leads us by Your Divine Revelations.

Psalm 16:6 Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places. I’m overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following you, for you have given me the best! The Passion Translation

Chase After Jesus~ Hook Up

Jesus as we chase after You first, help us to hook up our shields of faith, as a family and extended family and together, let us be the living legacy of Your way, truth and life. Help us Jesus, to know Your heart, to walk spirit to Spirit with You, to glean the wisdom of Your Holy Spirit, and be led by the revelation of our Creator God. Jesus, speak what is true to this family and may our relationship with You, be daily renewed, refreshed by Your Spirit and Truth. In followship of You, may we “hook up” with each other, heart to heart and spirit to spirit, be a part of each other, linked and hooked up in our passion and love of You and for you. Bind our hearts together with mercy and grace being at the center of our lives, drawing others to You, being a train in the temple, a robe of righteousness that covers and envelops other families in our sphere of influence.

We never enter into the Kingdom of God by having our head questions answered, but only by commitment. Oswald Chambers

I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Isaiah 6:1 ESV

Pray It UP

Father God, cover this family with Your robe of righteousness and shield this family from the intentions of the evil one. Guard the hearts of this family, post the promises and truths of Your Kingdom at the doorway of our hearts. Lord Jesus, enliven each of our spirits with Your joy, which positions us in Your favor and strength. Holy Spirit, I pray Your Grace leads this family in the pleasant paths of servant leadership, in followship of our Redeemer, Jesus. Let there be the light of hope that shines within and without our family lives, as an anticipation of our forever life in our Father God’s Kingdom. May the joy of God’s endless Kingship, be the spring in our steps, as we invite others to hook up with us, like a train that fills God’s Temple on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

The Family Life table in The Bridegroom’s Café is serving up some incredible meals. Make sure you share today’s “Family Prayer” with other families. The flavor of this spiritual meal today is especially nurturing to the taste buds of sweet family life. The Bridegroom’s Voice is the best voice to be heard in our family lives. Learn to hear less from this culture and more from God’s Kingdom. Purchase “The Bridegroom’s Voice” and start your own personal journey with Jesus, allowing His Voice to be more and most in your life. This is a Great God Adventure for your spirit and I highly recommend it. KimberlyMac, Author.

Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice

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