Tenacious Friend

Hearing God’s Heart

We are all gifted in many different ways by our Awe-GOD. I think that is so cool about God. I know without a doubt, I am called by God to intercede in prayer for others. He has given me the gift of prayer-exhortation. It is a pretty amazing thing to hear God’s heart, to know it and pray through the desires He has on His heart for the people He created in love. We should all take time to listen up to God, it is totally an Awe-GOD thing when we hear His Heart passion, as it disrupts our day to day focus on all things us. I hope for God to give us all attentive ears to His Voice and I hope we will pray out of His heart’s desire for others.

Romans 12:1 The Transforming Power of the Gospel; Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship. The Passion Translation

Sin Happens

I was online, chat hosting for Seacoast Church and someone asked for prayer for a friend, a friend who has been spiritually paralyzed by guilt, condemnation and shame from a sin that they had committed. Sin happens. We make wrong choices, but I hate it when the enemy traps us in guilt and paralyzes us through condemnation. I do believe we grieve for the sin we fall into, it hurts our soul, yes, but I also believe God forgives, as we turn our hearts to Him, fully face Him, asking for His forgiveness. God forgives and restores us fully in His fellowship. He gives us a new day in Him.

Consequences Of Sin Hurt

Yes, the consequences of sin are sometimes soul stark. We underestimate the power of sin because its consequences touch not only the sinner but everyone connected to the person who has made a bad choice. Consequences of sin are definitely trying and hard times. Yet, the freedom in Christ we receive, as we face our sin, turn away from it to fully face God, and ask for forgiveness is incredible. There is no greater strength, than a person whose heart has been purified, gripped by God’s mercy.

Experience The Purity Of Right Standing

God’s forgiveness received, is likened to the dawning of a new day. The darkness is shattered by the light. I love watching the sun rise from behind the back of the mountain, it peeks out, cresting the top of the mountain and then everything lights up; a brand-new day, an incredibly bright perspective is that of darkness to light, miraculously so. I have been there and done that, been brought out of the old into the new day, Jesus so graciously granted me. God’s forgiveness runs full circle as, it helps us grow through the consequences our sin has brought about. Jesus will give us a new day. He will be with us.

Shake Off Compassion Fatigue

I was really moved to compassion for this person, I did not even know. I immediately recognized this as God’s heart for them. This person who was chained to shame and paralyzed by condemnation, I knew Jesus wanted to set them free. Why? Because I know Jesus, I know His way, truth and life, I recognized His Voice. The truth about Jesus is, He convicts us to move us back into wholly-holy alignment with Him, but He does not condemn us, this is the crappy work of the enemy of our soul. I knew God was calling me, His Servant Prayer Warrior to pray for this person, who was paralyzed by the enemies’ voice of condemnation. Sometimes we need to shake off our “Compassion Fatigue” get in the moment with God and hear the heart of God and pray it up.

The Wisdom In Heavenly Hindsight

That day in the online chat, where the limitations of not being face to face are present and the not knowing who is behind the nickname, we know that God unifies us, the distance, separation and communication confines, don’t separate us from God’s Presence and Power, He is there with us. I knew God was so Present to each of us there and as we all began to pray for this friend, it was obvious God had a plan and His purposes were in play in that online chat. I felt a deep admiration for the friend who had been touched with God’s compassion for his friend who was struggling with this paralyzing effect of condemnation. He typed into the chat, asking for prayer for his friend. This was the best first step this friend could take for the God healing and freedom for his friend. I was reminded by God about the heavenly hindsight wisdom of this scripture that was so spiritually relevant in the chat that day:

Luke 5:18-20 Some men came to Jesus, carrying a paraplegic man on a stretcher. They attempted to bring him in past the crowd to set him down in front of Jesus. 19 But because there were so many people crowding the door, they had no way to bring him inside. So they crawled onto the roof, dug their way through the roof tiles, and lowered the man, stretcher and all, into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. 20 Seeing the demonstration of their faith, Jesus said to the paraplegic man, “My friend, your sins are forgiven!” The Passion Translation

Be A Tenacious Friend

We can be those people, those Servant Prayer Warriors. God puts us in divine appointments of prayer. I had one that day in the chat when a friend asked for prayer for a friend who was a spiritual paraplegic, his life in Christ is paralyzed by guilt and condemnation from the enemy of his soul. So what do I do with that need? I could tell God did not want that prayer request to dead end in that chat. Does God care about a person I don’t know? He absolutely does! I realize that God knows this person and it is God’s heart I heard for this person. In the Light of this God-Truth, I joined his friend, I asked others to come with us, and we together will pray it up and tenaciously do what it takes to take his friend to Jesus. Prayer is a way-maker, we pray it up, we make a way for this paralyzed friend to get to the feet of Jesus, to hear Jesus say: “My friend, your sins are forgiven, pick up your mat, walk away from condemnation from the enemy and live in the strength and truth of the love I give you.” Jesus

God’s Love Has The Farthest Reach

I am praying the hope and truth of God for this paralyzed friend and hoping Jesus sets Him free from the blame-shame game of the enemy. Lord Jesus may our friend receive the truth that Jesus is right where He is, with them, never left them. May this friend choose the freedom of God’s Grace, which has no end, no limit. We all fall, we all make mistakes, we all hurt from it, but we are never far from the Love of God, we get up, we shake off the dirt, we take the hand of God and we walk on in the new day He gives us. We hope this for our friend, touch Him Jesus, open the eyes of this person to your revelation of truth, there is a new day for this friend. The Song: “Right Where You Are” By Michael English came across my life path, I knew I was to listen up to it and pray up the wisdom contained in it for this friend, who so badly needs to be free from condemnation. Listen Up ~ Pray It Up


I hope this menu on the Prayer Mentor table in The Bridegroom’s Café has impassioned your soul for prayer. Please pass this on to others who need this encouragement. Leave a comment for me below, I would love to hear from you. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac PS… Purchase my book. You will be so glad you did. “The Bridegroom’s Voice” is such an anointed book, it will take you on a God Journey and change it up in your relationship with God.


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