Tough Days Ahead

A Hellish Culture

Why are we not afraid when everything in our lives is hellish??!! Why don’t we worry?! Ummmmm because… of what God has said and already done for us. The Father God sent Jesus to us, here to us, that is something we never get over!  Our Advocate God is with us in Spirit and Truth and even though what we see seems hopeless, He is working out a plan for our good, and the glory of His Kingdom. This is the “Providential Care” of God. It has two purposes for, our good, and for God’s glory. This is why things may appear to be a bit bumpy in our lives right now, because God is at work, exposing and expunging evil for our good and for His glory. God has a great endgame; we just have to be patient and endure until He balances out His Kingdom purposes for our good and for His glory. Sometimes, it feels very uncomfortable for our flesh, as we grow through these hard times and it seems like the darkness enshrouds us, but the morning will come. We Trust God!  He will not forsake us. He is a God of Justice and His right will adjust what is wrong and His justice will prevail. We have no doubt about that. We believe in God, we believe God. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video, you will be blessed:

“Truth is your support. It provides the essential backing you need when you’re in the midst of spiritual war.” Priscilla Shirer

Isaiah 11:4-5 God will give justice to the poor and make fair decisions for the exploited. The earth will shake at the force of his word, and one breath from his mouth will destroy the wicked. 5 He will wear righteousness like a belt and truth like an undergarment.

Human Condition At Peak Stupid

To say that there is a storm ahead is not an exaggeration. Our cultural chaos has reached peak stupid when it comes to the expression of our human condition in full out rebellion against God, His way, truth and life. There are so many things that “push” against our belief in Jesus Christ. We live in a society where more people want to “cancel God’ than people who embrace Him in personal relationship. How do we navigate? How do we find our way? The deception of our time is seeded by the enemy of our soul, who has enticed so many to believe that what is wrong is right and what is right is wrong. It is a twisted-up reality where what is illegal is now accepted as okay, where law and justice is relative to what political party you are in. How can you fight against this? Especially when the Main Stream Media is pushing so many false narratives that create a fake reality that deceived people are living out of. We can fight the good fight of faith by putting on our God Armor.

Now my beloved ones, I have saved these most important truths for last: Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus. Stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through you. Put on God’s complete set of armor provided for us, so that you will be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser! Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides so you’re protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious. Ephesians 6:10-13

I can’t, YOU can, I think I will let YOU. Quote by John Orthberg

Let God Navigate

People choosing to do evil things are spiraling downward so fast, out of control, but God has a plan to boomerang the evil right back at those who are dishing it out. When we light our own fires and walk by the light of a manmade fire, it will flame out and leave us in total darkness (Isaiah 50:10-11). The best thing to do against a strong “Cancel God” current is to yield to God, look to God for direction and stay in followship of Him. Let God navigate us by His truth, strength, courage, wisdom and peace. God has a plan, it is good. Trust God. If we try to go it on our own, walking against the evil current in this rocky time, we will get all cut up emotionally, and spiritually, as we try to navigate the “Cancel God Current” in our own strength. It is just not going to happen; we can’t do it alone. This is a spiritual battle, and this battle belongs to the Lord. We need God. We can do all things with Jesus, Who will strengthen us, equip us and make a way for us that no one else could. The endgame belongs to Jesus, He has the final say. Yield To God’s Sovereignty, And Wait For Him To Make His Move. Stay In Followship Of God. God Wins! Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video:

Wise As Serpents ~ Gentle As Doves

The more the Cancel God current sweeps away all that is good, the less we have civility and our society becomes more and more lawless. We can’t fight against the corrupted FBI, DOJ, Executive Branch of Government, Congress, Senate, Main Stream Media, Democrat Party, Hollywood, and so many more who are corrupted by the deception of the enemy of our soul, and broadcasting constantly mediatic false frenzy. With everyone pushing left it becomes a current that no one can stop the flow of. We can fight against the cultural chaos in our own strength, but to no avail, we will completely exhaust ourselves as we fail to even walk upstream against the flow of this strong deception. BUT God, He can divinely interrupt the flow of this evil current of deception.  That is why we need to stop trying to be the fixer, God is the Fixer, we are not. Jesus is in control, He has not abdicated His Authority, but is working purposefully for our good, and the glory of His Kingdom. The Holy Spirit is Present with us and is at work, He is exposing and expunging the evil in play in our world. This is a spiritual battle and we must Armor Up with God’s Word and walk wisely as a serpent and gentle as a dove.

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

“Your enemy wants to distract you, sister. So he can blindside you. And listen to me—he is not indiscriminately shooting these arrows of his. He is tailored in his strategy. He’s studied your tendencies and habits, your deepest fears and weaknesses, and has aimed at those areas in particular. He knows he can’t destroy you. You’re eternally secure in Jesus. But he fully intends to sidetrack your attention by setting any number of internal fires ablaze in your life—like insecurity, intimidation, anxiety, worry, or busyness. He wants you to be unfocused while he sneaks up from behind.” Priscilla Shirer Listen Up To The Wisdom Found In This 1 Minute Encouragement Video:

Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe today for a Spiritual Meal. We hope you share it with others so their soul can be nourished too. The Author Table is the unique preparation of spiritual meals by the Author of The Bridegroom’s Cafe and each meal will tantalize your taste buds for more of God. We hope you check out our Appetizers that whet your appetite for spiritual growth at our Rumble Channel Heart To Heart. God bless you and Yours as you Listen Up to The Bridegroom’s Voice.

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