Turn To GOD

This “realm of death” describes our former state, for we were held in sin’s grasp. But now, we’ve been resurrected out of that “realm of death” never to return, for we are forever alive and forgiven of all our sins! He canceled out every legal violation we had on our record and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict us. He erased it all—our sins, our stained soul—he deleted it all and they cannot be retrieved! Everything we once were in Adam has been placed onto his cross and nailed permanently there as a public display of cancellation. Then Jesus made a public spectacle of all the powers and principalities of darkness, stripping away from them every weapon and all their spiritual authority and power to accuse us. And by the power of the cross, Jesus led them around as prisoners in a procession of triumph. He was not their prisoner; they were his. Colossians 2:13-15 The Passion Translation

Turn To God ~ Pray It Up

There is so much going on in our nation, but right now, my heart is burdened for the Senate Judiciary Hearing for the SCOTUS nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Please pray with me for our Senators, for our nation, during this difficult time. We pray to God for the Light of Truth, we pray asking the Holy Spirit to “Let There Be Light”.

Look To God ~ Pray It Up

Jesus, shatter the power of revenge over our United States Senators, shine a light of truth, an unmistakable God favor for those pure in heart, so bright that people can’t look away from it. Reach into the hearts of our Senators, shatter the idols of politics, the poo-poo politics which they sacrifice their common sense, human compassion and wisdom too. Reach the common decency You implanted in the soul of their character, as they were created in Your Image. Jesus evoke the eternity You planted in their hearts. Holy Spirit, speak what is true into their spirit. Shatter the Fake Reality that they walk in, disrupt it with thoughts of Your Reality of TRUTH. Bring to the light of truth every false narrative they have subjected their mind too. Holy Spirit draw them to do what is right, unto Your Righteous Son, Jesus, Who died for them, who gave them the authority, leadership and power they now possess.

Turn To God ~ Pray It Up

Purify the authority of our Senators, solidify their leadership with the purity of Your Righteousness. These Senators, you have put into power Father God, for a time such as this, saturate their souls with the blood of Jesus, cleansing all corruption. Holy Spirit, again, I ask you to saturate them with the resurrected blood of Jesus, the one Who was innocent, but condemned, Whom was crucified for our sins, died our death, so we could live in His Life. Wholly-Holy Align these United States Senators with their Savior Jesus, who died for them, giving them the privilege to walk in the light of truth as they exercise their God given authority to serve this nation. Raise up the standard of truth so HIGH, favored by the power of Your Holy Spirit, that there will be no doubt of what is true, what is right and what is just. Restore the common-sense people have sacrificed to their political idols. Jesus, so be it.

Please give Your servant a listening heart for judging Your people and for knowing the difference between what is good and what is evil. Who is capable of judging Your chosen ones, a great people? 1 Kings 3:9 The Voice

Look To God ~ Pray It UP

Jesus, unsecret hidden motives at play in our national leadership. I pray by the Power of YOUR Spirit that no spirit of revenge, no lying spirit, no hateful spirit, no divisive spirit, no principality or power of arrogance or vengeance will be able to operate in the hearing room of the Senate Judicial Committee hearing. Father God, send your legions of warring angels to hold them at bay. By YOUR Spirit, stop, silence the deceiver, shine a light on Your Truth, favor it by Your Power, favor it from spirit to spirit, heart to heart and mind to mind by the powerful name of Jesus.

“Wisdom is not arrogant, in fact, where pride puffs up, common sense flees, and real perception disintegrates as it is exchanged for the foolishness of fake reality.” KimberlyMac

Turn To God ~ Pray It Up

Holy Spirit we pray you would disrupt the inner peace of those bowing to political idols, until they fully face You, Jesus, Spirit of Truth. Prince of Peace, Jesus, let Your truth reign over fake reality, let true inner motives be seen, faced, repented of and changed. Holy Spirit pave a way of truth and light to shine in the darkness of our soul motives and shatter the hold of deceit in all false narrative and fake reality. Light up our spirit, the spirit of every man and woman with the reality of Your Truth. You know. You know the truth. I pray Lord Jesus, we would acknowledge You, I pray You would unsecret hidden motives of dark deceit and let Your truth be revealed in the hearts of all people. Those in our national leadership caught up in deception, flip them Jesus from bowing to their political idols to bowing to You, to Your Spirit of Truth. Distract them from the voice of principalities and powers and disrupt their peace until they fully face You, Your way, truth and life.

“Wisdom is not arrogant, in fact, where pride puffs up, common sense flees, and real perception disintegrates as it is exchanged for the foolishness of fake reality.” KimberlyMac

Look To God ~ Pray It UP

We pray Father God, for You to arouse the spirit of each person connected at all with this hearing with Your Image-Character, which is imbedded in their hearts. There is no one on this earth who was not created in Your Image. Therefore, Father God, every person who is involved in this situation has the Image of God inside of them. Jesus. They are created in Your Image, it is deeply imbedded in their spirit, let the characteristics of Almighty God rise up within them and shatter fake reality with the compassion of God, the truth of God, the mercy of God, the kindness of God, the justice of God, and the Spirit of God’s love and kindness. Help them to fully face the reality of truth, dispel dark principalities and powers surrounding their lives by sending legions of warring angels, praising God so loudly that they disrupt the enemy and bring confusion to false narrative, fake reality and political idols. Disrupt the peace of those who are bowing to political idols so they may fully face their true motives and the reality of truth, of their decisions made out of corrupt leadership motives. Holy Spirit, pave the way for Truth to be revealed in their hearts, for they were created in Your Image, they have Your compassion and truth deeply imbedded in them, they have the desire for justice, truth and liberty deeply imbedded in their soul. Draw it out Holy Spirit, help them to fully face the Image of God implanted at the core of their being.

“A Strong Current Is Not Impeded By Stones Thrown Into The Creek; It Gently, Justly, Flows Over Them.” KimberlyMac

Turn To God ~ Pray It Up

Jesus, Spirit of truth, favor each person speaking the truth, with Your influence, energize their words with Your resurrection power that cuts through every fake reality, every false narrative and paves the way of truth. Jesus disfavor every false testimony, every accuser who is being used by the enemy and every accused who is not walking in truth. Disfavor them, let truth raise up a standard of right, that no one can look away from, a brilliant light that uncovers the motives of every heart, that reveals the trickery of evil schemes. Jesus send your warring angels of LIGHT to fight the darkness, the principalities and powers of deceit, arrogance, strife, vengeance, bitterness, hatred and revenge, confuse them, so none of them are allowed to operate. We ask you Jesus to disrupt the authority of principalities and powers of darkness. Let this hearing room of men and women, and every person watching in the galley or by television and internet, be filled with the power of Your Spirit of Truth ushered in by Your Favor for those who are speaking truth with pure motives. Resurrection power, fill this hearing room, and all those in our country and other countries who will be partaking in this hearing, no matter their motive, I pray You confront their mind, heart, soul and spirit of with the standard of Your Truth and the purity of Your Righteousness, in Jesus name. Let the say-so of God’s Truth be the final say. Amen.

If a nation marches against you, know that I am not behind it. Anyone foolish enough to challenge you will fall to you. I have created the blacksmith who readies the fire and forges weapons for wars; and I have created the destroyer to ravage and ruin. But no instrument forged against you will be allowed to hurt you, and no voice raised to condemn you will successfully prosecute you. It’s that simple; this is how it will be for the servants of the Eternal; I will vindicate them. Isaiah 54:15-17 The Voice

Look To God ~ Pray It UP

Lord I pray You would shut the mouth of the deceiver. The one who denies what they have done and accuses others of the same thing they have done or are doing. This is a horrific deceit and has no place speaking into the lives of innocence. This Deny-Accuse trickery of the enemy is seeded in arrogance and we pray Jesus, that you would shut down the power of principalities and powers who are scheming with people who have actually committed the sin, to deny it and accuse innocent people of doing it. Shut this down Jesus by the power of Your warring angels fighting to keep sinners from speaking into the lives of righteous people.

Turn To God ~ Pray It Up

Forgive us Father, this nation, Your people and all of those you have gifted with authority, power and leadership. We ask you to forgive us for bowing to political idols, for desiring power and authority so much that we have sinned and fallen short of Your glory. Forgive us Jesus for putting political gain above people, justice, right doing. Forgive us Jesus for devising schemes and carrying out deceptive acts that ended up hurting people, damaging their reputations, destroying their careers and being detrimental to their families, friends and communities. Forgive us Jesus, our Savior, Who came to us, unconditionally giving Your innocent life up for our unrighteous ones, sacrificing for us, dying for us on our behalf, so we could live in eternity through Your Life. Change us Jesus from bowing to all things us, to bowing our lives to You. Change it up in us Jesus, to make choices that reflect Your Image rooted at the core of our spirit. We were created in Your Image with the desire for eternity written on our hearts, may our every moment to every choice reflect this. Flip us from idol worship to worship of You in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

I am a Prayer Mentor, God has gifted me with “Exhortation”. I feel deeply for our country in times such as these and feel we can’t fix this mess our country is in, there is evil in play which we can’t underestimate the power of. We must turn to God. Today I prayed for our nation and I hope you will join me and pray also, and ask others to pray too. God bless ya. KimberlyMac

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