“Listening Up Today~In Followship Of God And In Fellowship With The Family Of God. I love how God is continuously blessing us, encouraging us, speaking truth to us through people, His people. We are God’s, we are His family and in this relationship with each other, heart to heart, we are such an encouraged bunch of people.” KimberlyMac

These are a few of God Servants who blessed me today with their posts on social media. Remember, Jesus knows right where you are, right what you need and He will lead you to what your soul thirsts for, feed it, nourish it, heal it and bring new life to it.
Steve Cooper Facebook Post
“Creating plans and setting goals for the year are good habits, but we do this in the shadow of knowing that God is big and we are small. In this space I believe we can learn something from our Arabic and Jewish friends in how to approach our future plans. In Arabic, the phrase inshallah means “God willing.” A similar Hebrew phrase, B’ezrat HaShem means “with the help of God.”
From a devotion by professional golfer, Tracy Hanson:
Today, be encouraged to make plans, set goals, and dream big in 2019. And always remember to submit it all to God willing or with the help of God.”
Donnis Steele Facebook Post
“When it pleased God … to reveal His Son in me.” Galatians
“Father God, we praise You with our whole heart. We exalt You with our whole being. Even before we were born, You chose us and called us by Your marvelous grace. Your call on our lives is an expression of Your Nature, and the act of service is our expression of the change within us. The more time we spend with You the more Your nature shapes our call. Then service becomes a natural part of our lives. It becomes a reflection of the inward change. Reveal Your Nature in us today, and out of our love and devotion to You we will serve as an everyday way of life.” Amen! Written By Donnis Steele

Renee Heath Facebook Post
“Encouraging words have the power to bring life back to broken people, create world-changers, and alter a generation forever!”– Tyler Binkley
Jenny Wallace Facebook Post
In the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight. (Colossians 1:22)
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me. (Galatians 2:20).
“Embracing these two truths is crucial for experiencing the abundant life that God offers. Related to identity, a person’s behavior is deeply connected with his self-perception. In other words, you will “live out” whatever you believe about yourself. It follows that a failure to understand our true identity in Christ results in being ill-equipped to act like who we truly are in Christ. Related to our approach to everyday life, if we don’t learn to allow Christ to live His overcoming life through us, we will continually operate in sinful independence. Our faith-walk will lack closeness with God and the daily consistency that only Jesus can provide. Discovering our true identity in Christ and learning to live wholly trusting in Him moment by moment is the way of grace.” Written by Jenny Wallace

Email Devotional By Wisdom Hunters
God’s generosity, it seems, knows no bounds. My gratitude to Him makes me want to show my love for Him by sharing what He’s given me. When I do so, perhaps by making a financial gift to feed the hungry, a deep sense of joy and delight wells up in me. I get to be part of what He’s doing. I get to help others taste and see that the Lord is good.
God’s generosity stretches further than the painted sunset-sky above, shines brighter than an endless sunflower field, soars higher than the Alps. Everywhere, we see evidence of our generous God. Everywhere, we see the beauty of His generosity.
Rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given you the autumn rains because he is faithful. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before” (Joel 2:23).
Email Devotional ~ Boundaries
Galatians 5:1 – “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
“God designed the entire creation for freedom. We were not meant to be enslaved by each other; we were meant to love each other freely. God designed us to have freedom of choice as we responded to life, to other people, to God, and to ourselves. But when we turned from God, we lost our freedom. We became enslaved to sin, to self-centeredness, to other people, to guilt, and to a whole host of other dynamics. Where there is control, or perception of control, there is not love. Love only exists where there is freedom.” Written By ~Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.
Seacoast Message By Pastor Greg Surratt

God has so much to say today, let His Holy Spirit guide you. He is speaking in that creative way only He can, open your ears wide to Him. He knows exactly what you need to hear this moment. Your heart to heart relationship with God is also known as a Vital-Vertical Relationship, simply-significantly the most needed thing in your life. I highly encourage you to stay wholly-holy aligned with God, soul synchronized with Him, making it personal with Him from every moment into every choice. The most constant conversation in your life should be you and God. I highly encourage you to subscribe by email to my blog: The Bridegroom’s Cafe. God is speaking, I am listening and sharing with you. Kimberlymac
Thanks for stopping into the Listener Table in the Bridegroom’s Café. Jesus is always speaking, so make it intentional to listen up to “TheBridegrooms Voice”. I can tell you, without a doubt, my book, The Bridegroom’s Voice will be an incredible boost to your personal relationship with God. It is a devotional that will create in you a “Make It Personal” heart’s desire to know what God is speaking into your life. God is always speaking into your life. This incredible book was written with a special vision of helping you take that personal “Journey With Jesus“. Purchase it today.
Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice