“Stop being distracted. Reduce things. This is a reset God has given us. Consider it a gift when your only option is God, and He is the only One Who can turn this situation around. This is not a bad thing; this is a gift.” Pastor Bill Johnson~ Bethel Church
God has been speaking to me about this more and more lately. Resting in Him. I admire the relationship my granddaughter has with her father. She was always able to rest in his lap, find security, peace and love in her relationship with her earthly dad. There are not many times that they were together as she grew up, that she did not find her way to sit in his lap, in the soul rest she found as she rested in his lap and leaned into the safety, security and strength of her dad-daughter relationship. She trusted him completely. It is the same now for all of us with our heavenly Father. God is worthy of our trust in times such as these, and we can climb up into His lap, lean into His Sovereign will, letting go of all things that worry or scare us, and rest all of our expectations, rest our hope in Him.
“My Bride, My plans are set in motion and they will bring drastic change to your world. I have allowed what is taking place and what is coming as part of My preparation to reveal kingdom purposes. Church, do not look to man for comfort, wisdom, or guidance, but to keep your gaze only upon Me. Holy ground is not impossible to find, for in Me all things are possible. The stability, purity, and refuge you seek is found in My presence.” Excerpt From: The Bridegroom’s Voice By KimberlyMac
What Human Helplessness-Hopelessness Feels Like
This life season has knocked me completely off my feet. My comfort zone is blown to pieces and I could not put it back together if I wanted to. There is no firewood to kindle my own fire in times such as these. There is nothing truly known, there is no clarity, no truly clear path ahead. The data collected by human beings conflicts itself daily with new data. There is nothing to lead us. This is exactly where God wants us. We can’t figure it out. I am exhausted by bucking up my will against this unseen enemy. Every expectation I have had has been dashed. I can’t see ahead with any hope.
Isaiah 50:10-11 Fear of God~ Who among you has true fear and reverence of Yahweh? Who of you listens to the voice of his servant? Are any of you groping in the dark without light? Let him trust in the faithful name of Yahweh and rely on his God. But if you presume to light your own torch, you are playing with fire. So go ahead, walk in the light of your own fires and the sparks you have kindled. But I can promise you this: it will take you down into torment! The Passion Translation
God Has Allowed This? Purposefully So?
What God is allowing in a time such as this has made me completely uncomfortable in my skin and I am suffering in the chaos of this confusing time. Yet, God has a defined purpose and an incredibly good endgame in all of this. No, it is not fun, I have not enjoyed this time and I have lamented greatly over friends who have lost their lives during this time. I know God is on the move, not in the way I would have chosen, but I can’t deny His purpose is in play. So, I have decided to yield all my future expectation to Him, to surrender the pen of my life story to Him and watch-wait-see how He writes this out, knowing that when it is right, and when He is ready for me to know, His endgame will be completely clear.
“Sandwiched: Romans 8:26~ Romans 8:28 ~Romans 8:34 (between these Two Intercessors (Jesus, The Son Of GOD And The Holy Spirit Of GOD) is the promise: All Things Work Together For Good. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is interceding for us and Jesus is also interceding for us before the Father on our behalf. Sandwiched between these two realities, these two Great Intercessors is the Promise God works everything works together for our good. Our confidence of God resolving every situation for our glory has nothing to do with our great skill, faith or gifts, it has to do with the Holy Spirit and Jesus interceding for us.” Bill Johnson
Staying Positioned In Christ
So in the light of God’s Truth, I hope in the dark, resting my hope in Jesus. I remind myself of this: I am NOT the Savior; I am the servant of the Savior and it would do me well to stay in that position. I serve a power much higher than my self-knowledge and self-ability. I don’t know what I think I know and I am not as strong as I think I am. I am not able to fully discern my heart condition, I have blind spots. But God knows and God is able to show me and change it up in me. I am taught and loved unconditionally by God. Therefore, it is a good choice for me to open my heart wide to God. I have a Messiah; it is not me. Jesus, has commissioned me to love Him with all my heart and love my neighbor as myself. I can do this because of the Grace of God, it strengthens my human condition, and it is sufficient for me, empowering my will to resist the enemy and do good. Grace filled by Jesus, I have been equipped with His power, purpose and passion to live wholly-holy in Him and for Him.
“Waiting is a place where our hope is set on God, not what He can do for us, but on Him. We won’t know His will if we don’t know Him. Could there be something more God wants us to see while we are waiting? God can support the weight of human hope, we put our expectations in His Hands. We are waiting for OUR HOPE to Rest IN HIM, for our hearts to be captivated in Him.” Mike Ashcraft

My Weakness Is The Portal For God’s Strength
Oh, yes, I have definitely felt weakness in this last month. Yet, I have decided to let go of my worldly viewpoint and let God change it up in my spiritual eyesight, with a new lens of a kingdom perspective. I desire more than anything to see Jesus first, worship Him alone and experience His miraculous way, truth and life in the all of my everything. That is why I know this: My weakness is a portal for God’s Grace, and His Grace is the strength and power, of His passion and purpose, and it infuses my will, soul, mind and spirit with an active courage to say no to sin, and yes to God, to resist the enemy and do good. I will climb up on the lap of my Father God, flesh out, cling to Him and expectantly wait with patient endurance, security, trust, peace and hope for Him to fill me abundantly to overflowing with His Love. My Father God is trustworthy and worthy of my resting my hope in Him, to my Awe-God do I silently submit and wholly-holy bow my heart.
Isaiah 41:9-13 I drew you to myself from the ends of the earth and called you from its farthest corner. I say to you: ‘You are my servant; I have chosen you. I have not rejected you! Do not yield to fear, for I am always near. Never turn your gaze from me, for I am your faithful God. I will infuse you with my strength and help you in every situation. I will hold you firmly with my victorious right hand.’ “All who rage against you will be ashamed and disgraced. All who contend with you will perish and disappear. You will look for your enemies in vain; those who war against you will vanish without a trace! I am Yahweh, your mighty God! I grip your right hand and won’t let you go! I whisper to you: ‘Don’t be afraid; I am here to help you!’
Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café, Author Table. This meal has a “kingdom” flavor and entices us to continue intentionally nourishing our soul with the truth of the Kingdom. The Bridegroom’s Voice is an incredible book of a daily journey with Jesus as He speaks, leads and teaches. Be a person who is “taught” by Jesus as you grow through the God Adventure contained in the very unique devotional book: “The Bridegroom’s Voice. God bless ya. Kimberly Mac PS… please share this post on your social media and leave me a comment, I would love to hear from you.