Jesus: Move out into deeper water, and drop your nets to see what you’ll catch.
Luke 5

An Odd Year
2019, Happy New Year! I am thinking it truly is going to be an “odd” year and could make for quite the “God Adventure”! I am seat belted in with God and ready for the ride. How about you?
On Mission
I am always on mission with God, it is the sweetest, most fulfilling way to live this life. I always want to be heart to heart with God, and hope to work at keeping my petty human condition at bay, so my heart can be undivided for Him.
This year God has shaped my mission with words that will direct my 2019, so the adventure begins with these words: “Make It Personal”. My focus needs to radically shift from a heart viewpoint, which as a human being can be all about me, to a heart focus which is not mine, but is God’s. I need to change it up in 2019 to God’s Heart, to what is on His heart, first. No matter what the state of my life is, the state of my heart must be on mission with God.
Surface Living
It is so easy to skate on the surface of relationship, being allusive and keeping everything me to me. It is easy not to get involved in day to day living with other people. It is easy to stay unaware of everything around me and to live focused for me. This is the broad, easy breezy way, but this is not God’s way. This is God’s way:
She said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing to draw with and the well is deep; where then do You get that living water? John 4:11
Deeply Related
God is not “out” on the first sign of relational conflict. God stays all in with our humanity, even suffered for us and in the end, paid the ultimate sacrifice ever paid for all of mankind. All for us, He was, all in with us, all of us. God did not stay in the shallows, He was deeply related to us, heart to heart in full out sacrifice for us. I am not like Him. I am shallower in my human dealings. God is calling me out from all things me and out into the deep with Him in 2019.
Enlarge the tent pegs of your heart, enlarge the territory of relationship. This is 2019 and here we go, learning and growing together with God. “With God” is the key ingredient to making it personal. The position of this mission is heart to heart with God. What clutters this connection? Clear it. Because only God can direct us through the darkness of the human condition with the light of His Truth, an inextinguishable light.
Daniel 2:22 He reveals deep truths and hidden secrets; He knows what lies veiled in the darkness; pure light radiates from within Him. The Voice
Light Of Truth
God fully knows everything and everyone, He is the Light of Truth and that is why my first priority of every day is God’s heart. I know nothing real or true, I live in a world dominated by false narrative, assumption and speculation. I am in this world but not of it and that is why I attach my life strings to the heart of God. Every day I must choose to listen up to His Heart first. It is my desire to live truly and I have kept that desire basically as a singular thing, God wants it to be more plural, more relational with others.
Deeper Relationship
Acknowledging God, in all of His ways, this will always keep me out of the shallows and bring me into deeper relationship with all things that are true on earth as they are in heaven. God is all about adding value to people’s lives, He wants to be the very present help in the lives of His people. Truth is the greatest value we can add to our lives and the lives of those we love. Come out into the deep, the deepest part of God’s life, His way and truth and share it, add this great value to the lives of others.
Make It Personal
God is communicative, encouraging and helpful, as He constantly and consistently adds eternal value to our lives. I have been challenged in 2019 to get heart to heart with God and to “Make It Personal”! I am encouraged to see how this God purpose plays out this year. God bless ya and Happy New Year.
Thank you for choosing to dine at The Bridegroom’s Café at the Author Table. It is our heart’s desire and the desire of our Chef, Jesus, that you share this meal with someone else today. Take time to share truth, pass it on. God bless ya, KimberlyMac