2020 Awe-GOD

I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! 8 If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave, you are there. 9 If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, 10 even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me. 11 I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night— 12 but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you. Psalm 139:7-12 New Living Translation

Ending 2020 In AWE Of GOD

I end 2020 so much more in Awe of God and His Sovereignty than I could ever have hoped for or imagined in times such as these. I finish out 2020 well, bowed before God and very humbled by the way He has maintained what He created in that way only He can. As I look back in heavenly hindsight on this year, I see His Hand in every single area of life in 2020. God is on the move in ways I have never experienced before. God has dethroned every single human idol in our culture and for every evil induced dark night, He has brought in the glory of a Kingdom dawn. Nothing and no one have stopped the power of His light and truth. I am shocked at how far evil has gone and how many people are being deceived by the enemy, but even so, I am amazed and in AWE of God and how He has flip-flopped every evil intent formed against us and has used to for our good and His Glory. His Providential Care is simply-significantly miraculous. I stand in Awe of how God, among us, by the power of His Holy Spirit has translated evil into good and He hasn’t skipped a beat this year of 2020 and He has changed things up to good and Kingdom glory.

Jesus, the Light of the World~Then Jesus said, “I am light to the world and those who embrace me will experience life-giving light, and they will never walk in darkness.” 13 The Pharisees were immediately offended and said, “You’re just boasting about yourself! Since we only have your word on this, it makes your testimony invalid!” 14 Jesus responded, “Just because I am the one making these claims doesn’t mean they’re invalid. For I absolutely know who I am, where I’ve come from, and where I’m going. But you Pharisees have no idea about what I’m saying. 15 For you’ve set yourselves up as judges of others based on outward appearances, but I certainly never judge others in that way. 16 For I discern the truth. And I am not alone in my judgments, for my Father and I have the same understanding in all things, and he has sent me to you. 17 “Isn’t it written in the law of Moses that the testimony of two men is trustworthy? John 8:10-17 The Passion Translation

Incredible Light Of God

I stand in Awe of God and how incredible the way the Light of God has exposed the human condition in 2020, as every evil deed is coming into the Light and people everywhere have been confronted with truth. Every secreted evil has been coming to the light of God, from the highest of those in authority to the lowest of titles, God has sent forth His warring angels of light and truth to expose, expose, expose the evil deeds of darkness. Secreted deeds of evil have come to the Light of God, and we are more aware than ever how God’s Truth is able to stand through the terrorizing of the dark side of the human condition, controlled by our evil enemy, the father of lies. In 2020, as we prayed during very desperately dark days, we were confronted with the truth that God is able and we are not, that God is the Fixer and we are not. God collided with every fake reality, every idol, every deception and put out every man-made fire, shattering the dark night of evil and bringing forth a new dawn of joy in the revelation of His Authority, as He trumped evil and every single time, realigned His people underneath the Rulership of His Love. Amazing Awe GOD! Our God Reigns In Complete Supremacy Over His Creation.


Will And Love Hand In Hand

The Infinite love of God and the Sovereign Will of God have gone hand in hand in 2020 to usher in a new reality, a reality of Kingdom Truth. This reality of truth, will never be superseded by false narrative or fake reality as God’s Kingdom Perspective reveals what is true and truth is established and prioritized over our worldly viewpoint of disappointment, discouragement, disillusionment and despair. This has all been replaced with AWE of God. 2020 is a year where the enemy of our soul saturated us with deception, seeded in disappointment, despair and disillusionment. In 2020 we felt the weight of war-torn souls. Our human nature is a disappointment, we have a human condition, and apart from God, it has run amuck. Life has had one earmark in 2020 and that is our disappointing humanity and how deplorable it can become without God, and how in serving a power no higher than ourselves, we created an illegitimate supremacy that allowed our enemy to use our disgraceful human condition to kill, steal and destroy. Yet, God countermanded the deployment of the enemy’s deceptions and disappointing tactics, with the brilliance of His Light and Truth. The Reality Of Truth Is, We Are A God Blessed People, One Nation Under The Authority And Supremacy Of Almighty God. God Has Not Forsaken Us.

God’s Purposes Trumped Evil Intentions

In 2020 it was the evil intention of enemy to isolate us, interrupting our heart-to-heart connection with God, stealing our compassion, destroying our civility, killing our courage, demolishing our God given common sense, and disunifying our godly community. BUT GOD, has used this evil attack for our good and His glory. God’s Holy Spirit, here with us, has transformed evil to good and is returning us back to a love relationship with God. God is cleansing our hearts, purifying our souls and spirits of all things that we have idolized, and creating in us an undivided heart of hope in Him. This Year, Of 2020, Almighty God Smashed Our Idols! Throughout the worst of 2020, God has been wholly-holy aligning us with Him and His Kingdom. In heavenly hindsight, we see God has done great, great things with the challenges of this 2020 year. God’s purposes have been in play in the unseen, purposes that have been much greater than our greatest challenges, of the year of 2020. God’s purposes have been at work, never not at work. In the unseen, God has been on the move, His purposes have been in play working out of the victory He already won at the cross of Calvary. The Resurrection power of Jesus Christ, this is the victory being worked out in our lives, this is the victory we stand in and walk out of, this is our blessing from generation to generation.


2020 Ends Well In Christ Jesus

As 2020 closes out, we are realizing that we all are the same, we have the same human condition which is capable of incredible corruption and deportable actions. We have walked by the light of a man-made fires, which have flamed out and left us tormented in the dark. There has been much mourning of soul, and lamenting of spirit, and repenting, yet our faithful Star of the Morning, Jesus Christ, Our Light and Salvation has not left us, nor forsaken us. Jesus Christ is still reaching for us; He has the farthest reach out of the victory He won at the cross. In 2020 we have learned a hard lesson, that apart from God, we are not good, we all are desperately wicked without the influence of God’s goodness in us and through us. This is why we need GOD; we don’t need to follow after people, put people up on pedestals, they fall off, we need a personal, heart to heart, vital-vertical relationship with GOD first and foremost. Oh, 2020 ends well as we turn back to our God and He receives us in His embrace of love.

Micah:7 8-9 NIV Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light. 9 Because I have sinned against him, I will bear the Lord’s wrath, until he pleads my case and upholds my cause. He will bring me out into the light; I will see his righteousness. Psalm 18:28 The Passion Translation 28 God, all at once you turned on a floodlight for me! You are the revelation-light in my darkness, and in your brightness I can see the path ahead. Psalm 18:28 New International Version 28 You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. Psalm 27:1 The Passion Translation~ Fearless Faith~ The Lord is my revelation-light to guide me along the way; He’s the source of my salvation to defend me every day. I fear no one! I’ll never turn back and run from you, Lord; surround and protect me.

Wholly-Holy God’s People

For many of us as we finish out 2020, we have realized our need to turn our lives wholly-holy back to God and rely upon Him, tear down every compartment in our hearts, giving Him total access to our lives and change up our focus off of our worldly viewpoint to living out of a Kingdom perspective. We stand in Awe of God, knowing that He changes not and never will have the stank of sin on Him or even near Him. He is the purity of righteousness and the light of His Truth will never be put out. We have witnessed a full out attack of evil in 2020 and we have seen Almighty God’s counterattack. Every weapon formed against us has not prospered and every evil intent of darkness has been met with the LIGHT of God, as every trial we have faced, as we turned to Him, He has delivered us from our enemy. God Is On The Move. Listen Up.


Awe GOD~Without A Doubt~I Believe

As I step into 2021, I know without a doubt, God’s powerful truth, it remains. Human beings, whose corrupted nature tried to force human supremacy over one another, through a “Cancel God Cultural War”, they will not prevail. As for our Awe God, His Truth remains and will never be extinguished, He Supremely reigns. In 2021, Jesus Christ still holds the keys to our forever future and hope and no human being, no principality or evil power can alter this. I believe for me in 2021; God is going to teach me how to “stretch” past my human viewpoint to His Kingdom Perspective in the all of my everything. I believe my AWE of Him will stretch; my faith will stretch from here to there unto forever. In 2021 Jesus will change up our focus to His Kingdom and will stretch us until we wholly-holy align with Him and His Kingdom. We don’t belong here, we are here to be HIS Light, to point the way to Him, Jesus Christ, the Only Reality of Truth, the only ONE Who can transform and empower our human condition for selfless good, godly compassion, civility, love and truth. In 2021, I will stretch my life up to God to serve a power higher than self, get to know God personally in new ways. I will stretch beyond what I think I know shedding all the experiential wisdom of this world and clothing myself with God’s Way, Truth and Life. I hope and pray to be part of the bright embers of the Bride of Christ, the Enfuego fire of God that is never extinguished in this dark world, and points the way to Jesus, the way of the reality of truth of our real future and hope. 2021 Stretch!

2021 Awe GOD ~ The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Can Never Extinguish It. John 1:5

Thank you for stopping in The Bridegroom’s Café today. We hope the “spiritual meal” served on the “Author Table” today has fed your soul with the nourishment it needed for you to step out into this New Year hand in hand with Almighty God. In times such as these, The Bridegroom’s Voice is a true treasure. Listen Up. Please share this post with others, this is your mission reader, on this day, post this link at one of your social media platforms. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac

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