One Minute Encouragement Video: A Place For Us. This Video Is God Encouraging Us Deeply In One Minute That No Matter What Or Who, There Is A Place For us. We Have An Incredible Belonging In Christ Jesus. Enjoy!
“Do you feel displaced? Everything has purpose and that is what is so cool about our God and His creation. What a Masterful Creator. He creates and He maintains. Incredible Way-Maker God! He is constantly shaping us, we are clay in His Hands, so be responsive clay to the Potter’s Touch as He molds your life. There is a place for you, purposefully so. Wait on God, He will finish what He started in you. No doubt about it. He sees us finished. God always finishes what He starts in us and we do have a great future with Him.” KimberlyMac

We Are Constantly Bombarded By Our Culture
The things of this world can easily take over our lives. And Yes, this mediatic frenzy of all things worldly being thrown in our face at every turn, it will cause us to feel very, very displaced! Maybe that is even a good thing! The things we are “growing through” are very hard at times and we find ourselves stretched between this world and where we belong! Being set apart for God may even lead us to brokenness through the persecution of this world as we serve God first. We don’t have to worry, because God is constantly pursuing us, pointing us to our future and hope, telling us over and over again that Jesus went to prepare a place for us, so hold on, hold on to this hope. As we cling to God and pull up our shallow roots here, transforming them, digging them deeply into Kingdom soil, we will know deeply in our spirit, exactly who and WHOSE we are and we will be anchored steadfastly knowing that Jesus Christ is enough and He is faithful to shape us, equipping us for our tomorrow.
Dig Deeper:
“If we gain the whole world and find not God in your own soul, what have you got? It’s worth nothing to you. Let’s search; let’s pray; let’s get still; let’s get quiet. Let’s learn the wonder of silence. Let’s learn the beauty, the secret of seeking after God. With our Bible open before us and our knees bent, all alone in humility and penitence, let us cry, “Only God, only God and God alone! Take the world but give me Jesus!” Author: A.W.Tozer
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café today. We hope the meal at “Just A Thought” table has nourished your soul. There is a special Chef for this table. These 1 Minute Encouragement Videos are prepared by our Rumble Channel Heart TO Heart. The 1 Minute Encouragement Videos are uniquely made, inspired by God who is completely able to deeply encourage us in 1 Minute. So, I hope you take a moment to subscribe to these 1 Minute Encouragement Videos here: God bless you, Much Kimberly Mac