In a time such as this, we find ourselves distracted by our culture chaos and need to stretch our faith past what we feel, to what we know. Get back to the basics of Jesus, Our Savior, He is basically all we need as we are surrounded with the stank of the human condition in this dark time where humanity has flip-flopped right for wrong and wrong for right. It may seem like all good has lost, yet we can’t underestimate the purposes of God which are powerfully in play in the unseen. Our God is a strong finisher and He will finish well, what He has started. This is the truth we know. We must stretch our faith past what we see to the truth we know. This is a season to grow through with strong faith and complete trust in God. Let’s be so, standing on the side of truth, active in faith, strong in hope, seasoned by joy. Written By KimberlyMac
Yield To God~Surrender All To Him
Jesus, we surrender to You, we yield our lives to You, we wholly-holy submit to You, desiring You and You alone. Purify us, change us, make us like You. You are a humble servant, make us one too. Shake us free from all the influences of our worldly culture, mold us and shape us by Your Kingdom culture, bring us back to the basics of life with You, living out of Your Kingdom perspective. We lay down our worldly viewpoint, never to follow after it again, we choose to be in followship of You, Lord Jesus. Christ in us the hope of glory!
“Lord Jesus, In Our Finite Human Nature, When What We Fear Is Closing In On Us, We Remember God’s Faithfulness Is Infinite, Endless And We Stand In Awe Of You, Wholly Holy Submitting Our Lives To You, Giving You Total Access To Our Lives, Living And Being In Followship Of You Alone! Increase Our Faith, Jesus And Keep Us Wholly-Holy Aligned With Your Heart. Here I Am Send Me.” KimberlyMac
Sterotyped Civility – Divided In All Our Ways
We live in a society completely compartmentalized by finite stereotyping; we are people divided by people. Mankind is alienated by an illegitimate authority, a corrupted human supremacy trying to rule over sections of people by fake reality, using false narrative and cunning deception, temporary in its nature, and won’t last the tests and trials of time. Therefore, we live in insecurity, anxiety and fear, which is violent mob-driven and projected on us deceptively by a mediatic false frenzy. This deceptive godless culture is causing a fearful toleration of sin, a lawlessness which is not held accountable, but is held up as wrong celebrated and favored as right. This is a deny-accuse culture where the enemy of our soul has deceptively framed the good to be bad in a moronic defamation of character. In this flip-flopped morality, the bad people falsely accuse the good people for the bad things the bad people are actually doing in the unseen, they project their sin on the innocent, they deny-accuse. Be Lame, this is the mantra of our weakened society. In times such as these, wrong is favored and right is punished. People are afraid to be right, to walk in faith and stand on the side of truth in this cancel God culture. Fear tolerated is faith contaminated, civility corrupted, compassion fatigued and common sense sacrificed. We are a broken society, disunified by the consequences of our sin, yes pride has caused us to be fallen in faith and ruled by illegitimacy.
The Greatest Unifier
Jesus is the only unifier, the greatest unifier known to mankind. He is our common denominator as we ALL were created in the image of God, and He has written eternity on our hearts. We belong to Him, we belong to His Kingdom, ALL of us. There is no other living future, but in Him. No other option for a future, but His Kingdom, a never-ending Supremacy. Infinite Forever Supremacy! This is our God, this is the foundation of our faith, an unshakeable supremacy, an incorruptible authority, an Infinite rulership of love which has never been dishonored and is not and never will be susceptible to the depravity of the finite. We belong to the Infinite, Righteous, All Powerful Awe-GOD. This amazing Advocate God is Who we anchor our faith to. Our Almighty God, is unchangeable, stable, steady, consistent, faithful and trustworthy and is a worthy object of our faith. From faith to faith we go with God, strengthened by Him and sporting a strong faith.
The Power of Bold Faith Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen. This testimony of faith is what previous generations were commended for. Faith empowers us to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of God’s words! He spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen. Hebrews 1:11-12 The Passion Translation
Stretched Faith – Past Seen – To Unseen Kingdom Purpose
There is no greater Advocate for humanity than our AWE-God, Who has never betrayed us, never forsaken us and is always and will always be wholly-holy for us. This is why we can say no to fear and our faith can increase in times such as these, because there is no one and nothing that can stop the flow of His Sovereign power and love unto us, and for us. Truly, our Reality Of Truth is that no one and nothing in this universe can separate us from His Love, it is a forever soul saturating devotion, God with us, God for us. This is why we stretch our faith past what we see, to what we don’t see, because our Awe-God, is still working in the unseen for our good. Almighty God, whose goodness knows no boundary, Who is constantly working His purposes out in the unseen for our good, purposes in play for us right now, for our best, His endgame is yet to come, His best is what we hope for by faith.
Our Finite Is Shaped By Strong Kingdom Purpose
There is no evil schemed or formed against us that will prevail, of this we are sure, no doubt about it. The I AM, who breathed life into us will finish with excellence what He has begun in us. Endless is God’s faithfulness to us, He loves us with an Infinite Love. There is no authority higher than His, no rulership that is completely for us, void of the pursuit of self, all in with us, like our God. The righteousness of this Rulership of Love of our Sovereign God, it can’t and will never be tainted, it is pure-hearted with a purity of righteousness that remains unchanged from here to there unto forever. We, finite human beings, have an Infinite Creator God, Who not only created us with great God purpose, but will absolutely finish what He started, kingdom purposefully so.
No Finite Challenge Will Prevail
There is no finite challenge that can even touch the power of God’s Infinite purpose miraculously in play in the unseen for us. Every great challenge we face in our finite being, is trumped by the Infinite purposes of God in play, no seen challenge is greater than the purpose of God in play in the unseen, no doubt about it, our God is an incredible finisher, and His endgame is penned perfectly by His Providential care. No fear. Let us increase our faith by focusing on the reality of truth.
Pray It UP
Father God, purify us of every fake reality, shatter it by Your Light of Truth, expose and expunge every false narrative we have taken in that has dulled our first love of You, that has drifted our faith away from You, that has stolen our common sense, that has created incivility between us and our future, the place we do belong, Your Kingdom. Jesus, we surrender to You, be the all in our everything, increase our faith followship of You, bring us back to our first love, Jesus.
Throughout the Bible we find a simple formula: when the Word goes in, praise goes up, and faith goes out, God goes forth to strengthen His people. Dr. David Jeremiah
On The “Just A Thought” Table, In The Bridegroom’s Café You Will Find A Very Protein Filled Spiritual Meal, So Good For Your Soul. We hope you enjoyed it today. Please share this spiritual meal with one or two people on your social media platforms. Whenever you hear The Bridegroom’s Voice, this is always a good day. I highly suggest you subscribe to my Rumble Video Channel Heart To Heart so you don’t miss 1 Minute of God deeply encouraging you in 1 Minute. Subscribe Here: https://rumble.com/c/c-278341 God bless you Much, KimberlyMac