“The branch of the vine does not worry, and toil, and rush here to seek for sunshine, and there to find rain. No; it rests in union and communion with the vine; and at the right time, and in the right way, is the right fruit found on it. Let us so abide in the Lord Jesus.” Quote By: James Hudson Taylor
Are You Anxious In This Season Of Change?
I listened to this song and my heart was flooded with a light of hope and revelation. I began thinking: Why do I live like I don’t have a love like this, one that never lets me go? Forgive me Jesus. I hope to be wholly-holy Yours. Walk with me today, Holy Spirit, I open my heart wide to You. Speak what is true into my life and let me walk on the firm foundation of Your Word. I receive Your Love, this precious love that sacrificed so much for me, it is tenacious and strong and always able to capture my heart, no matter how far or where it may have wandered. Jesus You have the farthest reach and your love keeps reaching for us, it will not let us go. To be intentionally kingdom cultured by God we must abide in Him, in a vital-vertical relationship with Him, heart to heart, staying in a constant conversation with Him. Let this be so in us.
“My cherished bride, I AM the beautiful spirit of all life! I offer Myself, all that I am to you each day through the possibility and purity of My love. My love for you is complete, a wholesome devotion expressed by My Holy Spirit, Who lives inside of you. Daily, I grant you a righteous, divine character through your holy alliance with My Spirit.” Excerpt From The Bridegroom’s Voice ~ Week 14 A Beautiful Spirit By KimberlyMac
Pray It Up
Teach me Holy Spirit to stay ever close to You, heart to heart. Teach me to be intentionally kingdom cultured, to respond to You, Your Way, Truth and Life first. I want to be less and less reactive to this world, I hope to be captured by Your Love as I receive it from moment to moment and realize its strength in my inner spiritual core, and in my life, on this side of heaven. Jesus teach me to abide in You and help me not to be distracted by my worldly viewpoint, but to set my focus on Your Kingdom Perspective, living out of the wisdom of Your Word. I hope to become wholly-holy Yours, Jesus.
Refocus ~ Wholly-Holy Align
Fear has been violently ushered in with quick changes in our culture. We are pretty freaked out and anxious about how much things are changing. Quickly times are rapidly changing! How many of you are struggling with this speedy cultural change? My head is spinning! I reminded myself of a couple of things: I need to remember to focus on Jesus, realign myself with what He is doing right now. Change has happened in this cultural war of “canceling God” and it is not fun. We should try to forget the past, things are not going to change back to the way they were, to the way we were so comfortable with, this is our new reality and God is in the midst of it. It is time for us to stop lamenting what we feel we have lost, and press forward with God, abiding in Him from every moment to every choice. Lots of things are changing, but simply-significantly, God is not, has not changed. He is steady, trustworthy, true, faithful, ready, available and with us. His Presence is a beautiful gift and in this reality of truth, we find our strength to patiently endure. God’s Got Us, No Doubt About It. God is with us, now, for us now and is the Christ in us now, our hope of glory.
If indeed you continue to advance in faith, assured of a firm foundation to grow upon. Never be shaken from the hope of the gospel you have believed in. And this is the glorious news I preach all over the world. The Divine Mystery~ I can even celebrate the sorrows I have experienced on your behalf; for as I join with you in your difficulties, it helps you to discover what lacks in your understanding of the sufferings Jesus Christ experienced for his body, the church. This is the very reason I’ve been made a minister by the authority of God and a servant to his body, so that in his detailed plan I would fully equip you with the Word of God. There is a divine mystery—a secret surprise that has been concealed from the world for generations, but now it’s being revealed, unfolded and manifested for every holy believer to experience. Living within you is the Christ who floods you with the expectation of glory! This mystery of Christ, embedded within us, becomes a heavenly treasure chest of hope filled with the riches of glory for his people, and God wants everyone to know it! Colossians 1:23-24 The Passion Translation

What Has Stolen Your Focus? What Has Captured Your Eyes And Ears?
There is good news today and here it is: We have an eternal home, You, Jesus came to us from there, to experience the human condition like we do daily. It is a tug of emotions, joy, temptations, hurts, happiness and pains, and now You, Jesus know it all now, God Incarnate. You bore all of it, and now you can emphasize with us in our human being of weakness, shame, sin and suffering. You know, You understand us, completely. I am so grateful You came, Jesus, and You died to self and rose to defeat our flesh of death. Once for all. Now, You abide with us. When we stand with You, heart to heart, we put on Your Love and our life becomes more focused on what is good, right, and pure. The heart of the gospel is change. Jesus came to us, He died our death, so we could live His life. The resurrection of Jesus was the greatest transformation mankind would ever know. Death to life. If we serve no power higher than self, we will never experience the miraculous grace of God in action in us and through us, we will remain unchanged. How sad is that?!
“The Bride asks, I feel afraid. My insides are quivering and I feel sick when I see how truth is corrupted by white-lies. I am homesick for Heaven. It can’t be OK to tell a white-lie even if the outcome is good? In this generation, if it is politically correct, then a lie is readily disguised as reality. Will 100% kingdom truth ever again prevail? The Bridegroom Speaks: Abide In Me. Abide In My Truth. Do not despair. Truth is not diseased; it is the human will that is corrupt. Out of this distortion, a dysfunctional dishonestly labeled a white lie has emerged as the new human standard. A white-lie is, simply put, a deceit. It is an appearance of reality that is temporarily established upon a shaky foundation of fallacy with an immoral motive and it is not or could never be pioneered by a genuine fact. Deceit! I will raise a stand of righteousness against it and it will not stand. Jesus, Your Bridegroom.” Excerpt From The Bridegroom’s Voice – Week 39 ~ Choose Truth. Written by KimberlyMac
Jesus the Living Vine~ “I am a true sprouting vine, and the farmer who tends the vine is my Father. 2 He cares for the branches connected to me by lifting and propping up the fruitless branches and pruning every fruitful branch to yield a greater harvest. 3 The words I have spoken over you have already cleansed you. 4 So you must remain in life-union with me, for I remain in life-union with you. For as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to mine. 5 “I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless. John 15: 1-5 TPT
Do You Have A Messy Human Condition?
There is no life apart from You, Jesus and there is no created thing that You did not speak into being, and now, You maintain all of it. You are the only Supremacy! Abide You do, in that way of persistence, as You hold on to us, our Keeper, You refuse to lose even one of us. You continue, caring for us with Your Providential Care, finishing what You started in us as Your two-fold purpose, a resolution You have put into play in our lives, for our good and Your glory, advocates our way, and writes our life story in that way only You could. Your love for us is strong, it never fades and we are never lost from You. Your love endures, it does not let us go, it continually reaches past rejection, hurt, human pain, until it completely captures our heart in that unforgettable way. You have promised to finish what You started in us and there is no doubt You can and will do it. When we serve the created instead of the Creator, this is when our human condition becomes very messy. We were created to worship and serve God first.
“My heart was not meant to be controlled by the creation but by the Creator. Our desires wage angry war within us. Our anger is connected to our desires. Desires for even a good thing, when that desire becomes a ruling thing, a desire for things in the creation, instead of the Creator, a desire for acceptance, position, power, success or possessions is not a good thing. When these things grip our hearts, anger and conflict will always result. We don’t so much need anger management, as much as we need worship realignment.” Paul David Tripp
Is Pain A Constant Companion? Broken Heart?
Jesus, You came and walked this broken world, to know our pain and conqueror our flesh, to rise above our sin nature. Teach us Jesus to persevere like You did, to focus on our future and hope when we are overwhelmed by the suffering of this world. We hope to be able to focus up and receive from You a Kingdom Perspective that speaks the truth that no matter what we “see” here and now, that You are able to bring forth Your potential, Your purpose and Your possibility into the all of our everything. Abide with us, don’t let us fall, don’t let go, ever, Lord Jesus. We cling to You; we dig our life roots deeply in Your Kingdom. We hope in our human condition to walk with You, to stay heart to heart with You, being found in a constant conversation with You. Strengthen our Vital-Vertical relationship with You, Jesus and keep us wholly-holy aligned. We hope to be like You are, to receive Your Love that never lets us go and to have a reciprocal love paid forward with You. We were saved by You to serve by Your side, sharing Your life and pointing people to You and Your Kingdom. Let our Joy be full, abiding in Christ. Jesus Christ in us, our hope of glory.
Thanks for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café! We are so glad you came and we hope that you subscribe by email to this Café where Jesus is preparing spiritual meals to feed our soul. Don’t miss one meal. Be fed by God’s Holy Spirit. Today, our Worship Spotlight is an incredible meal, it will feed your soul with courage, faith and joy. We hope you share it with others through your social media voice. Thanks! PS… There is a unique devotional book called: The Bridegroom’s Voice. It is such an amazing God adventure, a journey with Jesus that will increase your awe of Him, stabilize your vital-vertical relationship and help You grow in you desire to hear His Voice. He still speaks, He speaks continuously, so listen up to The Bridegroom’s Voice.