Jesus the Living Vine ~ “I am a true sprouting vine, and the farmer who tends the vine is my Father. 2 He cares for the branches connected to me by lifting and propping up the fruitless branches and pruning every fruitful branch to yield a greater harvest. 3 The words I have spoken over you have already cleansed you. 4 So you must remain in life-union with me, for I remain in life-union with you. For as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to mine. John 15: 1-4 The Passion Translation
1 Minute Encouragement Videos
I am such an amateur and I am so comfortable in my skin. So many times God has asked me to step up into things that I felt like were way “above my pay grade”! My newest venture feels that way. I call them 1 Minute Encouragement Videos. They are videos of nature and beautiful things and they have one minute of me encouraging with words God speaks into my heart. God led me to Rumble a social media platform through a podcast that I watch that I absolutely love, because of the truth and facts that are presented there, and the genuine atmosphere of The Dan Bongino podcast. I am grateful Dan told us all about Rumble on His Podcast. I had been making the “1 Minute Encouragement videos” as God led me, but wasn’t sure where to post them. Rumble is a perfect place to do so. God is flawless in equipping and teaching me the things I need to know to step out and do the things He has asked me to do. I am an amateur, abiding in Christ. I know I don’t have to be perfect, I know I can step out courageously with Christ, do it afraid, because even in failure, there is forgiveness.
Christ’s endless love for his disciples on the last night of his life on earth seems to emphasize God’s love even for those who fail and disappoint him. Peter’s denial didn’t bring rejection from Jesus. He takes up [to himself] every fruitless branch.” He doesn’t remove these branches, but he takes them to himself. As the wise and loving farmer, he lifts them up off the ground to enhance their growth. The Passion Footnote Commentary John 15:1-4
Jesus Shrinks My Learning Curve
Rumble was hard to learn at first, but if you hang in there, you can learn it, I feel like I am getting there, the learning curve is shrinking. I stepped out and then felt overwhelmed, thinking those three downer words: I can’t do this. I asked for God’s help and He provided it. I am such an amateur at videos, I am a writer, check out my website: https://thebridegroomscafe.com. I am much more comfortable with writing and absolutely stepping out of my comfort zone with video. As an amateur making videos, I smile at the things God asks me to do. My YES is on the table with Him, so He knows if He asks me, I will step out and do it. Why? Because I know He will teach me, I know He will equip me, and I have found He is absolutely good and purposeful at putting us in situations where we can’t do it without Him and we have to patiently endure and grow through it, with Him being the power behind us. Therefore, I am an amateur, who abides in Christ and who follows after the current of God’s leading, as I have said before, I lean out of my understanding into His Sovereign Sway.
Yahweh will always guide you where to go and what to do He will fill you with refreshment even when you are in a dry, difficult place. He will continually restore strength to you, so you will flourish like a well-watered garden and like an ever-flowing, trustworthy spring of blessing. Isaiah 58:11The Passion Translation
Heart To Heart
#1MinuteEncouragement is one of the new God Adventures God has taken me on… way above my pay grade. LOL… But, as usual, in my weakness, God shows Himself strong. He showed me what He could do in the capture of this one video. It is amateur, but oh, so very God sweet. I just happened to capture this precious surfing dad riding his son into shore on his surfboard and then I realized how much it spoke of God. God is seizing these little moments of life, and translating them into encouragement, and the great thing is, I don’t have to be perfect to do it; a growing amateur is okay, as I listen up and the Holy Spirit of God speaks into my soul during the normal moments of my life. It is cool how God led me to Rumble.com and I am using that platform, with a channel called Heart TO Heart, so check out my videos, https://rumble.com/c/c-278341 and subscribe to them. Be encouraged by this one. I loved the opportunity to capture this: https://rumble.com/vajchd-are-you-a-wave-rider.htm
YES On The Table
God can use us in so many ways if we are just opened in our heart to Him, giving Him total access to our lives and living in followship of His Voice. I am really just an ordinary person, nothing really special about me. None of my college learning was in writing or video, but I am willing to do anything God wants me to do. My yes is on the table with God. I am an amateur at most things I endeavor, even in the creating of my website, all I had was a vision. It took 6 months of online classes to learn to write html and I was sure, I could not learn it. But God, He definitely empowers what He asks us to do. I am finding I don’t really need to know anything, I just need to be the amateur I am and lean into Him, because He will always be the power behind what He leads me to. I trust Him in this because I have so much heavenly hindsight that proves this is true.
Psalm 37:23-24 The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives 24 Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. NLT
The Bridegroom’s Voice
At one time, God asked me to write a book, I obeyed and “The Bridegroom’s Voice” https://thebridegroomscafe.com/this-season/ miraculously sprung out of that obedience and He made a way for it to be published. It has not exploded on the book charts, but it has blessed a few churches and people along the way. This is what my life has looked like, and in response to my lake of cultural notoriety my heart has learned to say: “if not just for one”. That is why, even in my retirement, I am not retired. My time belongs to God, and I write for my website, The Bridegroom’s Cafe, tweet, and post Godly encouragement, inspired by His Holy Spirit. I spend my days in service of God’s way, truth and life, not to be liked or famous, but unto an Audience of One, unto Jesus and if not just for one.
Prayer Mentor And Exhorter
You see, my life as a prayer mentor, with the God gift of exhortation, is not about reaching the masses, I am not into numbers or being successful by the standards of the culture. I am into reaching that one, just that one divine appointment God has for me each day. It is about the one for me. Who can I reach today, which one needs this encouragement today? How can I as God’s amateur, inspire one person today who needs the divine appointment of what my Tweet says; what my Faith Social post encourages; what my Parlee on Parler truths out; the things my Instagram post heartens; what my Rumble video portrays of God’s love and truth; how my LinkedIn post links people to Jesus; how my Tumbler post encourages people to look up to God; what my Facebook post inspires in people’s heart; how my Pinterest picture points people to God. God always has something to say, and so many creative ways to say it; so I listen up and I talk it up and “this is me”, my life, as God’s amateur, with Christ in me, the hope of glory. I work very hard for God every single day, working for Jesus, I don’t pursue making money, getting famous, website stats or any of that, I just serve, I was saved to serve and I go about my Father’s business and the rest of it, He adds to me. I haven’t made any money, I have lost money, but in my bank account in heaven, the glory of God overflows.

A Digital World
In our generation, in times such as these, it is a digital world. If just for one, I will use every avenue of social media, at my disposal, to point people to Jesus to inspire them by His Love and His Words of truth, to encourage them with Godly wisdom and to give them the light of hope in their darkness. If not just for one… I was saved to serve, even in my retirement, I work for Jesus, I daily follow after His Voice and dare to share what He says, pursuing every divine appointment He has for me. I dare you, to do the same. You don’t have to have it all together, God uses amateurs. Use time wisely, for the one person who may need that encouragement you say, post or pray. Will you be the one, I will be the one! I am comfortable in my skin and finally after so many years of struggle, it doesn’t matter to me what people think of me, whether I will get a like or not, what matters to me most is loving God and staying in followship of Him, being the one He can use to reach the one, He wants to reach on this day.
A Seasoned Servant
I answered God’s call over 40 years ago, to be the one who encourages those in a broken world where truth was hard to find and it has been a Great God Adventure, one like I never could have planned if I wanted to. He has taken me places, I never would have dreamed of going, every day is a day I am taught by Him and the God Adventure is always great. He is my Savior; I am His Servant. Because I have had so many different and diverse ministry experiences and opportunities over the years, that God opened the door of, you might say I am a “Seasoned Servant”, but I don’t think that way, because with God, all things are new and we are continually being taught, every day in every way no matter what our age, it is not over, us being trained and shaped by God. With every new opportunity God gives me, I clear the slate and I know nothing, because wisdom is much more than what I think I know, wisdom is experiencing life in followship of God, who does know. I am wide open to being taught by God’s Holy Spirit, to be His learner and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be so, to be the one in followship of the One Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What a great God Adventure it has been every time I step out of my comfort zone into the boat with Him. I never know where the journey will lead, but I know it will be miraculous in that way only the Lord can design.
Deuteronomy 13:4 Serve only the Lord your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him. NLT
I encourage you to do the same, to live a life of love, a life in love with Jesus, listen up to Him, let Him navigate you. Give God the pen, let Him write your life story, this is totally an amazing way to live life in this world we are in, but don’t belong too. We were saved to serve and the only way to be like this is connected heart to heart with God. The best is yet to come, so be best while you are here, by strengthening your inner spiritual core, staying in a vital-vertical relationship with Jesus, and using your time wisely and powerfully by staying wholly-holy aligned, heart to Heart with God. God bless you, MUCH KimberlyMac