Then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being. Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper corresponding to him.” So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to come over the man, and he slept. God took one of his ribs and closed the flesh at that place. Then the Lord God made the rib he had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to the man. And the man said: This one, at last, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; this one will be called “woman,” for she was taken from man. Genesis 2:7,18,21-23
Jesus Created Women-Mothers
Jesus, you created Adam and then created Eve, the first woman and 1st mother on this earth. You created Eve out of the rib of the first man, Adam. The rib, it protects the heart, as our mothers have for generations protected the heart of the family. What an incredible gift, the protection of our heart. Mothers! Amazing Women. The rib also protects the lungs, the very air we breathe for life. The life of the family is protected, encouraged and inspired by our mother’s, the women in our lives. Mothers set the atmosphere in the home that protects the very soul of the family with unconditional love, joy, happiness, truth and fun. My mom was all these things. She protected the “life” of our home, setting the atmosphere with love and truth and she protected the “heart” of the family keeping us unified in loyalty, respect and honor of each other. Listen Up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video: Amazing Women
“God created man and woman. Gender was a deliberate thing. It is part of who we are and how we are made. Does that mean that all men act the same? Or all women act the same? No. Does it mean that a little girl that likes playing sports is a boy inside? Does it mean that a little boy that likes to play house is a girl on the inside? Of course not. Toys, games, likes, and dislikes have nothing to do with our gender. God created us to be individuals—but individuals under the parameter of one gender or the other.” Jennifer Heeren
Love And Truth
My mom protected my identity and helped me to develop into all that God had for me. She spoke truth to me. I knew that if I went to her and asked her about anything, that I would get truth. She taught me to love truth and be a woman of truth, a woman who was true to herself, strong in identity, godly characteristic, and never wanting to be someone else, but learning to be the woman God created me to be. Mom protected my identity by pointing me to Jesus, by bringing out the best in me, by telling me the truth in love. Mom spoke the truth to me that I did not want to hear and if she did not, I would not be married to the man I have been married to for 44 years. That is a story for another day. But I am grateful to her, she protected my life with pure truth, there was no mincing of words, rationalizations, assumptions or speculations with her, when she spoke, it was truth.
Valued Woman
Mom was a woman who loved being a woman and embodied everything God created women to be. Mom taught me that it was a wonderful, precious thing to be chosen by God to be a woman, and the whole world was open for achieving all God had shaped me to be. She taught me the beauty of femineity in tender, courageous and bold potency, my womanhood was to be moral, pure, right and true. God sees us, she taught me that. No one is invisible. She showed me the value of women, the validity of my gender and the way women are used by God to encourage, validate and help other people know they are visible and viable.
“Women are not independent of men and men are not independent of women (1 Corinthians 11:11). Women and men need each other. One can’t get along without the other.” Jennifer Hereen
Strong In Christ
“If you’re still worried that a submissive nature means that a woman is not equal to a man, consider the attitude of Christ Jesus. He was God but gave up his divine privileges to become a human being. As a man, he humbled himself in obedience to God. Moreover, he died a criminal’s death on the cross to become a sacrifice for all mankind’s sin, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:5-11). There is power in submission and obedience. God’s power shines through us as we humble ourselves.” Jennifer Hereen
Women, there is no confusion about our gender. We are women, created by our God to be so. Confusion is swirling around in our corrupted culture, and the author of confusion is the enemy of our soul, satan. Our enemy deceives through false narrative being spoken by a few, over and over again, and that creates a fake reality. But every time a baby girl is born with the same bodily features that baby girls have been born with since the first mother Eve birthed the first girls, nothing has changed. This is our reality of truth: The birth of girls, created by the hand of God, shaped in the womb to be a women, it shatters the darkness of the lie of the enemy. There are two genders. Male and Female. We are shaped in our mother’s womb by God with the gender of either male or female. A woman birthed you because male sperm and female egg met. You can’t change that up. Two genders, it took two and only two. Male-Female. Mother – Father. So on this day, there is no confusion, there is Male and Female and has been since the beginning with Adam and Eve as God created. The unbelief of people does not hurt the validity of truth. Truth stands the tests of time. The global corruption of mistruth, can’t even touch God, it can’t stop Him. In this season of life, the greatest of human schemes are taking place, by powerful deceptive deceivers, and yet, they all will end up bowing to God Almighty. God is Mighty and a Power like no other. There is no messing with God or His creation. God knows exactly what He is doing in times such as these, and we need to stand back in Awe and surrender our lives to Him. Our future is in Him, the One who is, was and will be forever. He flat out told us that we would have hard times here, but He would be with us, He would be our Advocate. Nothing compares to the future and hope He has given us. Awe Lord God. Listen To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video About Our Mighty God AWE-GOD! As the truth is spoken in Genesis 2, Motherhood continues with the egg of a woman and the sperm of a man and the creative life giving breathe of God. No corrupted culture can steal our identity; we are women destined and created specifically by the hand of our God. Women are fabulous, unique and incredible people. We are God’s created women. Confusion always has a deceptive core and the enemy of our soul is trying to take away the God validation of women, making them less vital, visible and viable in our culture. The atmosphere of the home is set by women, so the family can breathe and grow in love, strength and truth. Every day women are born, with a vagina, a womb to carry a child, breasts to feed their baby and the eggs that will join with the sperm of men so God can create a new male or female life. This in itself, is the God proof that shatters the darkness of the deceit that enshrouds womanhood in this generation. There is no confusion. God said it, it keeps happening and He proves it. Women, Mothers, we are loved by God, and He has incredible things for us to do as women in this generation. Stay true to the gender God created you with, cling to God, dig your life roots deeply in Him, precious woman. Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe for a spiritual meal at The Author Table. The Author serves up an exhortative meal full of the spiritual protein of truth. We hope you enjoyed it and will share it with others on your social media platform. Happy Mother’s Day to mom’s God bless you Much, Kimberly MacTwo God Created Genders
The Validity Of Truth Stands
"It is obvious the enemy is threatened by our design, the protector of the heart and breath of truth in the family and in society. We protect truth, we guard the hearts of our family with the atmosphere of love and truth. Figuratively a woman was created with a rib that protects the lungs because in order to live, we need to breathe. No evil threat against women’s gender will stand or prosper with evil intent towards us. God will thwart it with His truth.” KimberlyMac
Women Stay True To Your Gender