Evil such as this we can’t fight. This battle belongs to God. Put on your spiritual armor. Stand on the side of truth and watch-wait-see how God breaks through the cheating – injustice – unfairness and expose the corruption and usher in the reality of truth. 1 Minute Encouragement Video
Exodus 15 The Lord is my strength, the reason for my song, because he has saved me. I praise and honor the Lord— he is my God and the God of my ancestors. 3The Lord is his name, and he is a warrior! CEV

“There is no human authority that can raise itself up and retain power. Our God is the only true permanent power and authority. We bow forever, only to Him. Human beings do not have the capacity for authority that can stand the test of time. Those who run over others, hurting innocent lives for their personal gain, will come face to face with the same evil that they used to destroy others with and will be consumed by it. Absolute human power corrupts absolutely and the corruption which has been sown will return upon them with a fierce destruction. Evil gain, is ill gotten gain that does not last, it is transitory as you exchange your soul for a temporary increase that you cannot hold on to. Jesus, we look to You, we pray it up. We cry out to You, asking You, Father God our Proof, Holy Spirit our Prover, and Jesus, our Proven, to disfavor, thwart and disrupt our corrupted human power and unauthorize their dysfunctional human authority. Jesus let there be LIGHT that shines upon the lives of this corruption coup against You, Your way, truth and life. Jesus, Light of Truth, speak what is true to us and shatter the darkness of those influenced and corrupted by evil that they may see the reality of Your truth. Jesus, expose evil, pull it out at the roots, killing fake reality and usher in Your Truth into our lives, Your reality of truth.” Excerpt from post: Look To God At The Bridegroom’s Café.com By KimberlyMac
Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/look-to-god/
Exodus 15:6 With the tremendous force of your right arm, our Lord, you crushed your enemies. 7 What a great victory was yours, when you defeated everyone who opposed you. Your fiery anger wiped them out, as though they were straw. CEV
Thanks for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café today. The “Just A Thought” table has some specialty meals from the HeartTOHeart Channel on Rumble.com https://rumble.com/c/c-278341 1 Minute Encouragement Videos are really very inspiring, and truly prove that it only takes 1 Minute for God to deeply encourage us. Please share this post with others so they can be encouraged. God bless you Much, and as always you are encouraged to listen up to The Bridegroom’s Voice. KimberlyMac