God speaks to us in so many ways, and the lyrics and anointing of Christian Music is one of the ways He uses to change things up in us. I like sharing Daily Song Inspiration, and I really love Worship Spotlight, knowing as I follow after the leading of the Holy Spirit, we all will be blessed. I know God will use this song in our lives to reunite the passion of our walk with Him, direct us, guide us and teach us to be wholly-holy-His. This song by 4Him, Back To The Basics is an old song, which always has a fresh anointing by the Spirit of Christ. Listen up to it, let it change you by the power of God’s anointing.
Horrific Consequences Of Choosing Independence From God
I praise You for Your Presence, Holy Spirit of God. You never leave us, even though we have left You. You pursue us constantly. The consequences of our sin is grave and You are not lifting our suffering we created by our illegitimate takeover of Your supremacy. You, Jesus, are not lifting our suffering we have brought on, but You purposely used it, staying with us through it. Our human authority, taken illegitimately has corrupted absolutely and we are suffering, yet You are growing us through the horrific consequences we are growing through; You have not left us, nor forsaken us, but are purposefully shaping us through all of our human mess. Jesus bring us back to the basics of You first.
Jesus Deliver Us From Our Human Condition
Back to the basics of pure hearted worship of our God, gratefulness and Awe-GOD respect, honor and reverence. I am grateful for Your daily deliverance from the evil intentions of our soul enemy. Thank you, Deliverer. You have saved us for all eternity, Jesus. Thank you! Everything You said You are, You are. Everything You said You would do, You do. You are the all of our everything and I hope we become wholly-holy Yours, hoping in You, increasing our faith daily and trusting You first.
A Warning Not to Drift from Truth~This is why it is so crucial that we be all the more engaged and attentive to the truths[a] that we have heard so that we do not drift off course. 2 For if the message of the law spoken and confirmed by angels[b] brought a just penalty to every disobedient violation; 3 then how would we expect to escape punishment if we despise the very truths that give us life? The Lord himself was the first to announce these things, and those who heard him firsthand confirmed their accuracy. Hebrews 2:1-3 The Passion Translation
Distracted And Drifting Farther From Truth
We have been so distracted by the enemy of our soul, deceived that our humanity is enough. We have rearranged what is right for what is wrong. It has not worked for us. We have drifted from the reality of Your Truth, our morals that governed our lives. Forgive us for serving no power higher than self, this power has absolutely corrupted our human condition! We have made a mess of the beautiful freedom You so graciously gave us, our free will choice, so we could choose You. You set before us death or life, saying we could do all things through our heart-to-heart connection with You.
Independence From God=Failure And Human Suffering! Listen Up To This 1 Minute Video Encouragement:
We chose independence from You, we wanted to do things our way. Without You, we are not good, our human nature fails us miserably. We trampled under our feet the Godly virtues that gave us so much light. We walk in darkness. Forgive us, help us to return to the basics of life, that You taught us. You came here, to us and You left us Your powerful Life Testimony, Your Living Word and Your Holy Spirit to teach us and be our Advocate as we navigate through the life storms our enemy stirs up. We have everything we need in You. Jesus, Father God, Holy Spirit, You are our enough! Help us to get back to the basics, shaking off all deception and living out of a personal relationship with You, spirit to Spirit, back to basically, all things You. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement video below about finishing well.
Pray It Up ~ Change It Up
Jesus, bring us back to the basics of life. We have lost so much. We must put You first. Let there be no room for compromise, we pray to be wholly-holy Yours. Jesus, You are our Powerful Supremacy, Who has positioned us underneath your Rulership of Love. How we need You, Jesus. Bring us back Jesus to You, passionately in relationship with You, heart-to-heart. Cleanse our heart, purify it, give us a love that is blind, we need a heart that is purified, cleansed by You. Ground our faith in You, make it fervent, alive, stretched and growing. Teach us Holy Spirit the way back to You, the way of enduring hope in You. We believe in You, Jesus, we know there is hope for us. We have been lost from You, we drifted away following after the deception of the enemy. Bring us back, Jesus to the basics of life in You first, for you first. The Supremacy of Jesus Christ is a Rulership of Love and we must reposition ourselves underneath this incredible freedom. Listen Up to this 1 Minute Encouragement video below: A Powerful Supremacy!
I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this gracious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ! Philippians 1:6 The Passion Translation
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café today. Our Worship Spotlight meal is always so amazing. We hope you enjoyed your time in the Manna Munch Table. God is always feeding us spiritually and we need to listen up to The Bridegroom’s Voice. God bless you, MUCH, KimberlyMac