
Awe Of God

We can be so moved by the beauty of God’s creation as our God given common sense comes alive in us and we know that there is a God. I found the most beautiful shell the other day and I was in Awe of the way it was created with such intricate design, and as I held that big beautiful shell, I was in Awe of the Creator God. Yes, there are things we see and experience that definitely point us to the reality of truth that there is a God. 

Take God At His Word

So, we are halfway there to the place where God wants us to be. We believe in God, but do we believe Him? I am thinking God desires for both of those two decisions which would make for a wholly-holy belief in Him. If we believe in God, than as we spiritually mature day by day, we become believers, those who “believe God”. We take God at His Word. We believe what God has said. We stand strong in that belief that what God said is true, what God said is what He meant. This is what Jesus desired, that we would believe in Him and believe Him with no doubt about it. Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video

They replied, “So what should we do if we want to do God’s work?” Jesus answered, “The work you can do for God starts with believing in the One he has sent.” John 6:28-29

I Believe Him

The first one is easy, there is so much that we can’t look away from, so much that says there is a God who has created and who is maintaining our world day by day. The second one, not so much as easy as the first. The second one is do we “believe Him”  We can believe God, but do we believe Him. Do we trust what God says to be true? When we are in the Word of God, can we believe for it, can we believe the Promises of God to be true?

God’s Word is powerful, nothing has stopped it. The famous scripture of course is John 3:16: “For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life.” 

The Next Steps

What about that next step? Have you taken it? Do you say, Yes, Lord, I believe, and Yes Lord I believe You, what You have said. I believe that what You have said will come to pass. I believe You, Jesus, I believe You and I trust everything you say, I wholly-holy love You and I believe you.

Blessing after blessing comes to those who love and trust the Lord. They will not fall away, for they refuse to listen to the lies of the proud. Psalms 40:4

God Is F.I.T.

It seems like when we take one step towards God and in belief embrace Him, and then we take that second step, out into the deep and we say, I believe you God, I believe every word You have spoken and I believe You still speak today. When we have taken both those steps and wholly-holy believe in God, our lives are so amazingly navigated by God’s Holy Spirit, there is great peace in our soul that is not dependent upon our circumstances but resting upon our faith and our belief. We believe God is F.I.T. to sit on the throne of our lives because we know and trust that He is:  Faithful, Infinite and Trustworthy.  God bless you and may you find your way to that wholly-holy belief in God.

Dig Deeper: 

Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe at the Just A Thought table. We hope you were spiritually nourished today. Please take a moment to leave a comment, let us know how this spiritual meal fed your spirit. We hope you will take the time to follow our Rumble Channel: and enjoy all the 1 Minute Encouragement Video’s posted there. Thank you also for subscribing to this website by email… it is so appreciated. God bless you, Much, KimberlyMac

1 comment on Believe

  1. Believing in God often just involves the head where believing God involves the heart …. Big difference

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