Lord, I have always trusted in your kindness, so answer me. I will yet celebrate with passion and joy when your salvation lifts me up. I will sing my song of joy to you, the Most High, for in all of this you have strengthened my soul. My enemies say that I have no Savior, but I know that I have one in you! Psalm 13: 5-6 Passion Translation
Our Enemy Will Be Silenced
Faced with the unknown, traversing through tremendous trials, our soul wilts under the stress and strife of this world, where we do not belong. Troubles come, troubles go, but the faithfulness and trustworthiness of our God is here, with us and remains steadfastly so. We desperately seek answers, but the One Answer we need is Jesus, whose unfailing love made a forever way for us. Jesus, our Savior, is forever strong in the face of a roaring enemy and He will not be defeated. Our God will silence the talking of the enemy of our soul.
What Is Your Trial-Temperature?
We seek what we think is good for our lives, and we naturally pursue a temporary fix and quickly realize what we thought was good for us only raised the trial-temperature of our soul more. The forever goodness of God is with us in this moment, God never leaves us, His goodness is always purposefully in play in our lives. We need to wholly-holy be in pursuit of God’s goodness. It doesn’t matter the trial-temperature of this moment, what matters is God is in it, with us and will not let our soul wilt. On this day, God’s Holy Spirit is with us, He is good, His goodness never fades, it is a permanent gift of Presence. God is enough, His Presence is all we truly need; this is our reality of truth that combats the lies of the enemy that saturate our soul with the despairing cry that we are forgotten. Be present with God and listen up to God’s Voice and know the joy of His Strength.
God Is In Every Moment
There is no moment of our lives God is not in, no moment we are not saturated in the goodness of His Presence. It our choice whether to be Present with Him, or absent with fear, dread, hopelessness or despair. Wrestling with our thoughts is something which is happening in all of our lives. Why? Because we have an enemy, who wants to discourage, cast doubt and stir up our emotions negatively. Our enemy is disruptive in nature and wants to interrupt the peace of our soul and steal our joy. Joy is gifted by God and it is, the strength we need to grow through our trial, patiently enduring, surrendered in praise as God works in the unseen for our good.
The weapons of the war we’re fighting are not of this world but are powered by God and effective at tearing down the strongholds erected against His truth. We are demolishing arguments and ideas, every high-and-mighty philosophy that pits itself against the knowledge of the one true God. We are taking prisoners of every thought, every emotion, and subduing them into obedience to the Anointed One. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 The Voice
Self-control may actually start in our mind as we battle with God to win the war of our thoughts. Our enemy can crush our soul with thought patterns which hypnotize our focus on despair. It is a divisive plan, the changing of the atmosphere of our soul from an attentive praise, gratefulness and trust, to one of despair, hopelessness and doubt. A self-controlled mind is a healthy soul, and a trusting spirit. We forget there is a battle for our mind. We forget we have a choice to think what the enemy speaks, or use our self-control to cast out those thoughts and willfully think on God’s Word. God is always speaking, we must choose to tune out the enemy and listen up to God. God will speak what is true, calming our mind, soothing our soul and strengthening our spirit.

Miraculously Refreshed Mind
If we sit in the darkness of doubt within our minds, in a frenzy of fearful thought, we have a soul in drought and we need the living water of God’s Holy Spirit to quench our thirst. Soul dryness is easily created by the hot winds of our personal trials continuously sweeping over our emotions, parching our soul. The Word of God miraculously refreshes our soul with living water. As we drink deeply of God, the light of His truth overtakes the darkness of our enemy’s deceit. Bowing our spirit to God in a surrendered trust, our soul is replenished in that way only God’s Word can do. A mind revitalized in praise, is a soul steeped in God’s Living Water. Be so, make a choice of sacrificial praise which steps over feeling into the freedom of God’s truth.
What If?
What if? We entertain thoughts that begin with this question. Our enemy loves to speak the answer to our personal inquires which arise in our minds as we patiently endure and grow through the purposeful trials of our lives. We must give God total access to our mind and realize the truth that the answers to our doubtful “what if” questions will be answered by the turmoil of our enemy’s divisive nature. If our thoughts are saying we are forgotten and we listen, we rut up our mind in despair and this translates into soul sorrow. Deceptive thoughts should have a counterstrike with the Truth of God’s Word, with the hope of His Promises, with the knowing that He is with us, He never leaves us. Fight the good fight of faith, with a strategy that keeps the enemy’s thoughts at bay. Think Up.
Praise Up Your Joy
Our mind thoughts create the atmosphere of our soul, where our emotions are influenced and formed. Our emotions act out what we have been mulling over in our mind. Our self-controlled emotions, begin in our mind. The battle for our mind is the Lord’s and it is to Him we must turn when the enemy unleashes a frenzy of false narrative into our thoughts. In times such as this, we choose to turn away from the thoughts of our enemy and fully face God, listening up to God’s Holy Spirit. It is always good to remember the goodness of our Father God, and how faithful and trustworthy His goodness is. This alone is a great foundation of our heart of praise. God’s Providential care is trustworthy. Jesus is always redeeming the worldly badness for Kingdom goodness, working out His purposes in our lives, for our good and His Kingdom glory. Turn up the heavenly hindsight of the goodness of God and praise Him as you turn off the negative thoughts of the enemy, and fill your mind with praise, which translates into a soul saturated with joy.

Rest In God’s Unfailing Love
Evoke trust when the enemy attacks us with crushing thoughts, remind him of the unfailing love of our Father God, Who sent His Son to us, to save us. Jesus came to us, to give His life for us, a goodness which brought about the greatest transformation ever known to mankind. This is unfailing love, we can trust it, we have already been shown a sacrificial love, a resurrected love, which defeated death forever. We can rest in this unfailing love of Jesus, a tested and proven love which is completely enough for us.
Take a good look at me, God, and answer me! Breathe your life into my spirit. Bring light to my eyes in this pitch-black darkness or I will sleep the sleep of death. Don’t let my enemy proclaim, “I’ve prevailed over him.” Psalm 13:3-4 TPT
Equip Your Mind In Joy
Are you in a horrific life storm? Cling to God, dig your life roots deeply in Him, He will anchor you in His unfailing love. Fully face God, give Him total access to Your life, and wholly-holy align yourself with His way, truth and life. It is good to open your heart wide to Him, positioning your soul in trust and bowing in surrendered praise. God can and will breathe His comfort into your spirit, quench your soul-thirst, equip your mind for the battle ahead and strengthen your spirit by the power of His Holy Spirit in you. If you are being pricked by a cactus of a trial, stuck in the middle with no way out, look up, Your God can and will bloom joy in your cactus worldview, and make a good way of escape for you. Watch, Wait See. Patiently Endure, embracing trust, praising hopefully and realizing the joy of your strength. Listen Up:
It is a happy day in The Bridegroom’s Café. We hope your joy is full from the meal on the Prayer Mentor mentor table. If you know someone who is under it all, having a rough time of trial, make sure you share this meal with them. I highly suggest a great tool for you to Journey with Jesus in the Word each day. Jesus still speaks, listen up for His Voice of Truth as you Adventure through the book: The Bridegroom’s Voice. You can purchase it below. God bless you Much, KimberlyMac Prayer Mentor~Author
Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice