
Suddenly It is BONKERS

Suddenly everything goes “bonkers” and chaos is prevalent and we make impulsive choices to try to put right side up, what has gone so wrong. Distraction of the enemy is a sudden feeling of “bonkers” and it causes an impulsive reaction, which always supersedes the right choice or the consistently choice we have been making. If there is chaos, then our normal disciplines are temporarily disrupted and we have a choice of either a flesh out reaction or a Holy Spirit led response. I am pretty sure you know which one will be the best choice, and here is a 1 Minute Encouragement Video which will definitely be very encouraging and exorbitant in God’s Wisdom for making choices when everything has gone bonkers:

Got choices to make… listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video

God Help Us To Not “Flesh Out”

God help us not to react to the crazy suddenly the “bonker” which likes to pop up in our life path. Help us to fully face You, hear from You and respond godly with Your wisdom and navigation when things suddenly go “bonkers”. We can make the right choice today. When our hearts are yielded wholly-holy to our God, we don’t chase after feelings and we do what is right, make the right choice the first time. We can be people who don’t chase after our emotions, and our first response can be the right decision. Yes, we can! No doubt about it! We find that calm, wise, and steady stability by being Word Strong. The Bible grounds us in God’s Truth, therefore we do make consistently great choices, even when the sudden evil “bonker” tricks of our enemy, manifest and chaos erupts all around us. Wholly-holy connected to God, we can remain wise as a serpent, gentle as a dove. Empowered by God’s Holy Spirit, our heart is not divided, as God ’s Holy Spirit takes the time He needs to disrupts the chaos, and we remain steadfast, making the right choice the first time.

If your faith remains strong, even while surrounded by life’s difficulties, you will continue to experience the untold blessings of God! True happiness comes as you pass the test with faith, and receive the victorious crown of life promised to every lover of God! So this is why we abandon everything morally impure and all forms of wicked conduct. Instead, with a sensitive spirit we absorb God’s Word, which has been implanted within our nature, for the Word of Life has power to continually deliver us. Just make sure you ask empowered by confident faith without doubting that you will receive. For the ambivalent person believes one minute and doubts the next. Being undecided makes you become like the rough seas driven and tossed by the wind. You’re up one minute and tossed down the next. When you are half-hearted and wavering it leaves you unstable. Can you really expect to receive anything from the Lord when you’re in that condition? When you are half-hearted and wavering it leaves you unstable. Can you really expect to receive anything from the Lord when you’re in that condition? James 1:6-8,12,21

Every Moment To Every Choice

Plugging into the power of God from every moment, into every choice helps us to have a steady, calm, poised and peaceful life-style.  That is easy to do, because God is always with us, He is Omnipresent, and for this great characteristic of our God, we are so very grateful. Notice I said: “life-style”! This is what we want. No matter what, we want our choices to be self-controlled, and navigated by God. How do we manage the chaos that longs to disrupt our normal spiritual disciplines? This 1 Minute Encouragement Video will give you some great wisdom:

Equipped By God

God will equip us, as we connect heart to heart with Him, the only One who can infuse our inner spiritual core with the strength we need to be wisely self-controlled as we wait on God to act on our behalf. Yes, we can have a faith that is increased, joy that supersedes our situation, and we can know our next step as He lights up our life-path. Even if life gets “bonkers” we don’t react, we respond to God.

Consistent Vital-Vertical Relationship With God

It is good to spend time with God consistently, it is good to be in God’s Word faithfully, it is good to exercise our bodies and take care of  our health by eating good, because body affects our soul.  Truly, we can’t trust or follow after our feelings and make the right choice, especially if our body is out of whack, because we have junked out on food and we have not exercised. We can be people who are disciplined in our choices and not chase after our emotions, but admirably make the right choice, the first time. God can equip us, help us, navigate us and we can finish this day so very well in our body, soul and spirit. Make the right choice the first time.

Say NO To Impulsive Decisions

A good choice, is not an impulsive choice, it is a well thought out, directed by God choice, which makes it not only a good decision but the way to a good outcome. People get so sloppy in their choices, focused on selfish wants, not caring about what that choice might mean to others, this is not good and does not end well. Consistent good choices which are exchanged for impulsive decisions, create good consequences, good reactions, good attitudes, good outcomes, and a good life for you and all those you are doing life with.

These grace ministries will function until we all attain oneness into the faith, until we all experience the fullness of what it means to know the Son of God, and finally we become one into a perfect man with the full dimensions of spiritual maturity and fully developed into the abundance of Christ. And then our immaturity will end! And we will not be easily shaken by trouble, nor led astray by novel teachings or by the false doctrines of deceivers who teach clever lies. But instead we will remain strong and always sincere in our love as we express the truth. All our direction and ministries will flow from Christ and lead us deeper into him, the anointed Head of his body, the church. Ephesians 4:13-15

Dig Deeper

Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.” Quote By: Elisabeth Elliott 

Standing on the ledge of hell probably is not a good time to try to decide what to do… might be a good idea to set up boundaries that you just won’t cross. If you are that close, you are going to fall in. Set your boundaries before you find yourself standing on the edge of hell. By Kimberly Mac

Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe today. We hope your spiritual meal on the Smorgasbord Table has completely nourished your soul. Make sure you share the link on one of your social media platforms so others can be nourished by God too. We hope you heard Jesus, The Bridegroom’s Voice loudly today and hope you enjoyed our 1 Minute Encouragement Videos from our Heart To Heart Channel on Rumble. God bless you, Much, KimberlyMac Make sure you also subscribe to The Bridegroom’s Cafe by email so you don’t miss even one of the spiritual meals served here. 

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