Ephesians 4:16 For His “body” has been formed in His image and is closely joined together and constantly connected as one. And every member has been given divine gifts to contribute to the growth of all; and as these gifts operate effectively throughout the whole body, we are built up and made perfect in love. TPT
Cultural Say-So
In the past year or so there was a “buzz phrase” that was popular. The phrase was “it takes a village”! I don’t necessarily agree with that, because I believe outside of connection with Jesus Christ, (John 15:1-8) we can’t do anything that truly matters, that can stand the test of time, being a transformation that remains.
Kingdom Say-So
It takes a vital-vertical relationship with Jesus and out of that heart to heart connection of relationship not religion, we grow and are equipped to do great things in Christ. When our lives make a symbol of a cross, where our horizontal lives are reaching out to our world and our vertical lives are connected to God, this is a brilliant testimony, that can’t help but be responded to.
Singularly Unique
God forms us (Psalm 139:14-16) and we are uniquely and wonderfully equipped to do something very special on this earth. We all have been called by God and He is constantly finishing the work He started in us, purposefully so.
Beautiful Together
When all of us join in the Body of Christ, being about His Kingdom business, (Matthew 6:33) all the gifts He has gifted us with make for a beautiful Bride of Christ and we learn and grow together in His perfect love. God’s Infinite Love is the foundation of all our relationships, and it is a firm platform as we do life together with Him, being found in His perfect sovereign will. God’s Infinite Love and His Sovereign Will go hand in hand and never the two shall part.
Brilliantly Colorful
We need to do our part; we have a God purposeful part in His Kingdom work. I pray we all find out what it is we should be doing, because what each of us do individually, makes such a difference to the whole of who we are, The Body of Christ, God’s Church. The Bride of Christ is beautifully colorful when we give back what God has given us. Individually, we shine and corporately we are a brilliant testimony that gives God’s Kingdom great glory. I pray we will be found doing our part, that which we are uniquely gifted to do, and I hope we do it unto the Lord, (Colossians 3:23-34) faithfully and excellently.
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