I know for certain that God doesn’t show favoritism with people but treats everyone on the same basis. Acts 10:34 TPT
Common Denominator
I was watching people at the beach the other day, as what I was doing, I noticed they too were doing. We were picking through shells, but we only picked up the ones that were perfect. When it comes to our society, to people in our world, to all of us, there are a lot of broken shells. How do we treat them? Do we overlook them, shun them, and not pick them up? We all have a human condition; this makes all people on level ground; this is our common denominator. We also have the same opportunity for a relationship with God and in this vital-vertical connection, this is our holy ground, something we all have access too, even though we are a broken shell. All human beings can choose relationship with God, He gave us that free will choice and He is always here with us, waiting for us to turn to Him, heart to heart. God will always pick up a broken shell.
Broken Vessel of Light?
React Or Respond
The storms in life come in and out, kind of like the tides do in the ocean. Storms are rough on the shore of your soul and they stir up a lot of strife. Soul emotions can break our shell into a millions pieces. How? When we react to our trials, storms and strife with our flesh and “flesh out” instead of responding to God with our spirit and “truth in”. What does that mean? In our broken state, we can either lash out in pain, reacting impulsively and independently from God, or we can patiently respond to God, putting our broken pieces in His Hands and being dependent upon Him for our response. Broken vessels can still stream light. Are you broken? Are you a broken shell?
Psalm 24:14 Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting—for He will never disappoint you! The Passion Translation
Identity In Christ
This react or respond position in our vital-vertical relationship with God determines the degree of our brokenness. No one is perfect, everyone has a human condition, and it breaks us as we interface with the cultural stormfronts in our world. Life storms can be violent and some of us are chipped, some of us are worn down by life and some of us are in pieces. But God’s desire for us is the same, that we would connect with Him, put our identity wholly-holy in Him and be complete, completely-completed in Him. Though our outer shell is beat up and worn, our spiritual inner core is strong, when we stay in vital-vertical relationship with God. We need to take time to strengthen our inner spiritual core with God’s Word, because out of our core comes our words.
“When the pressures of life come down on you and the word of God comes up out of you. This is when you have the victory.” Lisa Bevere

Broken Vessels Of Light
Jesus doesn’t just pursue and pick up perfect shells, He shows no partiality to our condition, He only see’s what we can be, not what we are. Jesus picks up all the pieces of our lives and makes us into a beautiful, broken vessel of light. My life was broken into pieces from a child hood trauma, but Jesus, He put me back together and shaped my broken inner core into the most beautiful design, that glows His glory through all the broken pieces. I may look like a shell worn out by the tides of life, but I am inner strong, my inner spiritual core will not be shaken as I dig my life roots deeply in Jesus and cling to Him. I am God’s broken vessel of light, and because of the way I was broken, I am designed by God to shine in that way only I can.
“Enemy! You do not have permission to speak into my life. You speak out of past perception, not my present reality of truth. I know who I am in Christ. I am His chosen, His workmanship, His temple, His messenger, His beloved and in Him I have the chosen identity of His Child, who is brand new, loved and free indeed.” KimberlyMac
Embracing Imperfection
When you watch people on the beach searching for shells, they look for the perfect shell before they will pick it up and take it home to display in their shell collection. God is not like that. God picks up the broken pieces and embraces them as His own. I know, I used to be like that. I did not want to get close to anyone who was broken, much less embrace them. But once you experienced brokenness, you realize how much God loves you and values you, even though you are imperfect. This is when you have a Kingdom Perspective that embraces the broken. As a broken vessel, you then begin to mirror the love of God that wants a relationship with broken people, even if they are not all-together yet, because you also are an imperfect shell.
2 Samuel 22:31-33 Your way is perfect, Lord, and your word is correct. You are a shield for those who run to you for help. You alone are God! Only you are a mighty rock. You are my strong fortress, and you set me free. Contemporary English Version
Love And Truth
God’s love embraces truth, and in that embrace, it does not diminish it. God’s Infinite Love goes hand in hand with His Sovereign Will. When God’s Will seems hard to swallow, it will go down nicely and easily with His Infinite Love. Broken people need love and truth. God uses truth and love to heal us from the inside out. Truth strengthens our spiritual core and love soothes our soul with God’s healing touch. Through love and truth we are made holy-whole. God is simply significantly perfect in all of His ways of relating to us and we see that through the hand in hand relationship of His Sovereign Will and His Infinite Love. His will and His love are never separated, they remain together, one complementing the other, perfecting the purposes of His Providential Care with His good and His glory in play in our lives. Are you a broken shell? You will be remade and renamed.
John 15:15 ~ Jesus calls us “Friend”
1 Thessalonians 1:4 ~ Jesus calls us “Chosen”
Ephesians 2:10 ~ Jesus calls us “His Workmanship”
1 Corinthians 6:19 ~ Jesus calls “His Temple”
Acts 1:8 ~ Jesus calls us “His Messenger
Romans 5:8 ~ Jesus calls us “Greatly Loved”
John 8:36 ~ Jesus calls us “Free Indeed”
2 Corinthians 5:17 ~ Jesus calls us “Brand New”
Galatians 3:26 ~ Jesus calls us “His Child”
Above By Hosanna Wong

When we embrace someone who is broken, we know it is God’s divine appointment of love and truth. God is the only One who can heal our brokenness. We don’t fix people; our Triune God does and He is very capable of doing so. Our Father God is the Proof, the truth that stands the tests of time and Jesus is the Proven, God’s testimony of the miracle of unconditional love, forgiveness, restoration and renovation. The Holy Spirit is the Prover. His is the power to save and change it up in us as we love in Him with His truth. As Jesus repairs our inner spiritual core, we know He is for us and we will not be shaken, we believe in Jesus, we believe Jesus and we know all things are possible in Him.
Beautiful Agony
Embrace the broken and speak truth and love in your words and actions unto them and through the power of Jesus’s resurrection. Dead things come to life in Christ Jesus and the broken are restored in that beautiful way only He can do. Jesus makes all of our suffering, a beautiful agony. We are all broken shells and God can make us broken vessels of His Light. Our design is flawed, but it is crazy beautiful as we choose to trust God and shine out of our broken vessel, God’s truth and love. Pick up a broken shell and respect what it has gone through, honor the brokenness by being willing to open up your life and listen up to the back story of those broken by the rough seas of this life. Unconditional Love is the value behind the reality of truth and truth is the reality of a broken vessel of light that shines so very uniquely of God’s Glory. Awe-GOD!
This meal today at the Miraculous Musing Table was spiritually rich for our inner core strength. Love and Truth are the main ingredients in this meal. It is always good to partake of the Love and Truth of Jesus, our Bridegroom. Please share this meal with others through the social media share button below. We need to spend time listening up to The Bridegroom’s Voice. There is an incredible relational journey you can take with Jesus and you grow through the book: The Bridegroom’s Voice. You can purchase it here and start your Great God Adventure with Jesus:
Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice