Worship Manna Spotlight
“To love God does not mean to meet His needs, but rather to delight in Him and to be captivated by His glorious power and grace, and to value Him above all other things on earth. All the rest of the commandments are the kinds of things that we will do from our hearts, if our hearts are truly delighted with and resting in the glory of God’s grace.”Quote By- John Piper
Your strong love, O True God, is precious. All people run for shelter under the shadow of Your wings. In Your house, they eat and are full at Your table. They drink from the river of Your overflowing kindness. You have the fountain of life that quenches our thirst. Your light has opened our eyes and awakened our souls. Psalm 36:7-9 The Voice
We put our lives gratefully into the gentle hands of the Holy Spirit, where the healing flow saturates our souls and holds our spirit in the power of God. God’s smile brings us such great peace as He captivates our soul with a joy that the culture of this world cannot contaminate.
The voice of the Lord is over the waters; The God of glory thunders; The Lord is over many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; The voice of the Lord is full of majesty. Psalm 29:3-6 New King James Version
The Voice of the Lord becomes the strongest and loudest voice amidst our lives and it breaks through our confusion like a holy fountain and a rushing river and captivates our thoughts with hope as Jesus whispers love and divine life into our hearts. Oh, the Voice of the Lord God is so powerful and it breaks through and we see the Light of His Face and everything else is lost in the shadows, every chain is broken as we are captivated by our AWE-GOD and bound up in His Grace.
We pray to be drawn closer to our Redeemer, our Lord Jesus and hope in our hearts to be captivated by His love at all times. The enemy is all around us and we glance at his fanatical tactics in play, yet our gaze does not stay, no, we set our eyes on Jesus, our deliverer and His display of great power through His purposes in play in our lives enrich our hope and awaken our courage as the Creator’s symphony of Grace plays out of our lives.
“Doth not all nature around me praise God? If I were silent, I should be an exception to the universe. Doth not the thunder praise Him as it rolls like drums in the march of the God of armies? Do not the mountains praise Him when the woods upon their summits wave in adoration? Doth not the lightning write His name in letters of fire? Hath not the whole earth a voice? And shall I, can I, silent be?” Quote By Charles Spurgeon
I hope this Worship Manna Spotlight of the song Captivated by Watermark, blessed your soul. Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on this song, what spoke to your soul. God bless you much, KimberlyMac. Make sure you share with someone you know about The Bridegroom’s Café. Share this post on your social media and lets bless others!