Category: Just A Thought

Little bits of thoughts that come to me from God

Present NOW

I will give you a new, undivided heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will remove your stubborn heart of stone and give you a tender heart that responds to me—a devoted heart. Therefore, you will keep my laws and faithfully obey my commands. Then you will truly be the people […]

Tell The Truth

Now it’s time to be made new by every revelation that’s been given to you. And to be transformed as you embrace the glorious Christ-within as your new life and live in union with him! For God has re-created you all over again in his perfect righteousness, and you now belong to him in the […]


Cultural Noise Why so much noisy, chaotic bickering in our family, schools, churches, community, states, nations??? Hmmmmm think about it… Have you ever lived in such a time where so many people have such a short temper? Noisy-Noisy backbiting people. Stop the noise. How? It begins getting back to our roots… remember this: By the […]

God’s Not Done

I Never Imagined… We have so many grandiose expectations for how we “think” our life should turn out. When you look at your life right where you are right now, does it look like anything you thought it would look like? I know mine doesn’t, there are things in my life I never imagined I […]

Ask God

There are so many times we think: I got this. I can handle this and we just don’t ask God for help. Then there are those times when these sudden strife heats up between people, and there is no explanation, just accusation that are false. We think we know what we think we know, so […]

Human Doer

Think On This Who do you serve? Why are you doing what you are doing? Do you consider yourself a “workaholic”? I am just full of questions today! 😜  It is really good to have a little bit of introspective thinking 🤔 about our lives. I am thinking that we human beings in our human […]

Deeply Rooted

In the same way you received Jesus our Lord and Messiah by faith, continue your journey of faith, progressing further into your union with him! 7 Your spiritual roots go deeply into his life as you are continually infused with strength, encouraged in every way. For you are established in the faith you have absorbed […]

Need A Refresher?

The arrogant in their elitist pride persecute the poor and helpless. May you pour out upon them the very evil they’ve dreamed up against others! Psalm 10:2 Adjust Your Armor I can’t say enough how important it is to stop and munch some scripture during the day, or have some connection time with God’s Holy […]

We Need Him

A Mess No One Could Clean Up Oh.. We Need Him… What a mess we were, us human beings, our whole deplorable human race. We have made crooked places! Our souls were dry and barren like an old piece of unbleached wood. There was nothing and no one we human beings could hope in to […]

Abba Father

“The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit. And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God. And […]

Soul Funk

Transitions Can Usher In Soul Funk Do you ever feel that restlessness in your soul that actually makes you feel grouchy with that “whatever” kind of attitude. The culture we live in has clashing tides. The incoming tide bounces against the outgoing tide and the current in the middle of this transition can be so […]

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