Hello Bridegroom’s Café reader. Welcome to the Constant Conversation with God meal. Yes, this a smorgasbord of a lot of talking it up with God. These posts are sloppy and may not have good grammar, they are taken right out of my personal journal, a sampling of my God conversation with God. God is always speaking and I hope to be listening and catching the rays of His SonShine daily. So here we go with this Constant Conversation With God. Enjoy!
Daily Song Inspiration
I have thought about this in connection with all the various kinds of work God has given to mankind. 11 Everything is appropriate in its own time. But though God has planted eternity in the hearts of men, even so, many cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:10-11 Living Bible
Family Prayer
Matthew 7: 13 There are two paths before you; you may take only one path. One doorway is narrow. And one door is wide. Go through the narrow door. For the wide door leads to a wide path, and the wide path is broad; the wide, broad path is easy, and the wide, broad, easy path has many, many people on it; but the wide, broad, easy, crowded path leads to death. 14 Now then that narrow door leads to a narrow road that in turn leads to life. It is hard to find that road. Not many people manage it. The Voice

- Rescue us every time we face tribulation and set us free from evil. For you are the King who rules with power and glory forever. Amen. Matthew 6:13 TPT
- Keep us from sinning when we are tempted. Save us from the evil one. NIRV
- Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. But let Your kingdom be, and let it be powerful and glorious forever. Amen. The Voice
- Keep us from being tempted and protect us from evil. CEV
- And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. CSB
- And do not lead us into hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One. For kingship, power and glory are yours forever. Amen. CJB
Good Morning Manna

I long to drink of you, O God, drinking deeply from the streams of pleasure flowing from your presence. My longings overwhelm me for more of you! My soul thirsts, pants, and longs for the living God. I want to come and see the face of God. Psalm 42:1-2 The Passion Translation
Just A Thought

We encounter so many things in our culture every single day, which completely blow our minds as we try to wrap our mind around the decline of national civility and the increase of human depravity. It seems as if our culture is at war with God, His way, His truth and His life. During this season of cultural war, where right is wrong and wrong is right, we can’t gaze long at this misdemeanor, we must look up. God will highlight the truth; He will shine His light on our life path with His reality of truth and He will give us the strength and power to resist the lawlessness of generation. Jesus is our true reality, He is our Proven, the Father God is our Proof and the Holy Spirit is our Prover. We do not need to rumble in this culture war. We need more than anything to look up, pray it up, live up and daily encounter the absolute power and awesome strength of our God. This is what He asks us to do, believe in Him and amidst a cultural war against Christianity, our truth will not be missing, the right way will not be missed, as we cling to God, dig our life roots wholly-holy in Him.
Think On These

Isaiah 40:26
Look up at the sky! Who created all these heavenly lights? He is the one who leads out their ranks; he calls them all by name. Because of his absolute power and awesome strength, not one of them is missing. New Living Translation
Acts 17:28
It is through him that we live and function and have our identity; just as your own poets have said ‘Our lineage comes from him.’ Passion Translation
Psalm 34:5
Gaze upon him, join your life with his, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again. The Passion Translation
Psalm 121
Shall I look to the mountain gods for help? No! My help is from Jehovah who made the mountains! And the heavens too! He will never let me stumble, slip, or fall. For he is always watching, never sleeping. Jehovah himself is caring for you! He is your defender. He protects you day and night. He keeps you from all evil and preserves your life. He keeps his eye upon you as you come and go and always guards you. Living Bible
Miraculous Musings ~ Kmac
“God’s Word is powerful. The only words that don’t return void are purposefully working until they accomplish what He sent them for. Awe-GOD.” KimberlyMac
Take Courage, It Is I. Don’t Be Afraid

Us: We can’t do it Lord it is way too much for us. Jesus: Yes you can, I am right here. Give me what you have, I will multiply it, I will equip you and give you more than enough. KimberlyMac
Disciple: It’s a ghost! Another Disciple: A ghost? What will we do? Jesus: 27 Be still. It is I. You have nothing to fear. Peter: 28 Lord, if it is really You, then command me to meet You on the water. Jesus: 29 Indeed, come. Peter stepped out of the boat onto the water and began walking toward Jesus. 30 But when he remembered how strong the wind was, his courage caught in his throat and he began to sink. Peter: Master, save me! 31 Immediately Jesus reached for Peter and caught him. Jesus: O you of little faith. Why did you doubt and dance back and forth between following Me and heeding fear? 32 Then Jesus and Peter climbed in the boat together, and the wind became still. 33 And the disciples worshiped Him. Disciples: Truly You are the Son of God.
My Miraculous Musing
Fear overtakes us and we assume, we think we know what we know and we speculate and fear comes in. What will we do? We think it is all about what we can do? It is not. Jesus confronts their fear with a command to be still, telling them it is Me, you have nothing to fear. But still Peter said: IF, if it is you. Peter still had doubt, even though the Lord identified Who He was. Jesus said come, so Peter courageously stepped out of the boat. Many times, I have done the same thing. Lord, is this You speaking to me, telling me to do this thing that is way above my courage level, way above my comfort level. I have stepped out, and I have failed too, because of doubt, because of taking my eyes off of Jesus and putting them on the things of this world. I love the word. Immediately. Jesus immediately saved Peter when He cried out. Jesus, response is so telling, He calls us “ye of little faith” and then He tells us the problem with our faith, “doubt”. We do so waiver, don’t we, between fear and followship. When we see Jesus do great things, we say: Truly, You, are the Son of God, but then our faith waivers the first time we have to face things we can’t wrap our mind around. This is where the grow needs to occur, in our mind, we need to give Jesus total access to our mind.
Inspirational Quotes
“Suspicion comes out of the unrenewed mind; discernment comes out of the renewed spirit.” Joyce Meyer
“Drudgery is one of the finest tests to determine the genuineness of our character. Drudgery is work that is far removed from anything we think of as ideal work. It is the utterly hard, menial, tiresome, and dirty work. And when we experience it, our spirituality is instantly tested and we will know whether or not we are spiritually genuine.” Oswald Chambers
Songs That Inspire
Storms will come, so we raise our “Halleluiah” in the midst of them. Listen up and glean encouragement from “Raise A Halleluiah” By Bethel Music
I hope you enjoyed your time at The Bridegroom’s Café. Chef Jesus loves the Smorgasbord dinners, loves overfeeding us at the Miraculous Musing Table as He prepares a meal from ingredients from our Constant Conversation with Him. We can hear the Voice of our Bridegroom daily. Jesus is our Bridegroom, we, the church, are His Bride. It is so important to learn to hear our Bridegroom’s Voice. I highly encourage you to purchase the book: The Bridegroom’s Voice and start your journey listening up to Jesus.
Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice