John 3:29 The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete. NIV
Praise God For “The Bridegroom’s Voice”
I am celebrating and praising God for His Work, “The Bridegroom’s Voice”. It will be on special sale for $7.00 from Thursday, November 7th, 2019 until Tuesday, December 10th 2019 . This is my praise and thanksgiving offering to our Great God, Whom I am so grateful for and a celebration of the vision that He put forth by the publishing of the book, “The Bridegroom’s Voice”.
The Bridegroom’s Voice Has An Incredible God-Given Vision
“The Bridegroom’s Voice” was published October 13th 2015. What a special day it was for me. I spent a lot of time with a vision for this book and listened up to God’s Voice as I penned it over many years. As I heard God’s Holy Spirit speak, I wrote. After a divine connection and a perfectly timed publishing, it was available in all its uniqueness, in that special way only God can do. It still amazes me, the vision of this book and how God is carrying it out in a season where it is most needed to listen up to His Voice. I listened, obeyed and followed and He has miraculously spoken in a time such as this, exactly what we need. Awe-GOD!
The Transformation Of A Worldly Viewpoint
“The Bridegroom’s Voice” is a uniquely distinct voice that will speak into your life God truth, and you can be assured your worldly viewpoint will be transformed into a Kingdom perspective. You will grow closer to God in that vital-vertical relationship kind of way, being in His Word daily. God, by His Holy Spirit, will shape you in that matchless way of His incredible designing, where you are the clay and He is the Master Potter. Think about it, we all do have our own set of fingerprints and this is how we began our lives, uniquely marked by God. God created us with an inventiveness, a creative Kingdom style, and He will inimitably and miraculously finish what He started in us. We are promised! Everything in our lives will be grown through His direction. He will till, seed, water and attend to us and we will be His Harvest.

Responsive Clay To The Master’s Touch
“The Bridegroom’s Voice” will teach us how to sit still and be responsive clay to the touch of the Master’s Hand as God powerfully and instinctively shapes us by His Living Word. We will hear the Voice of Jesus speaking out His way as our Bridegroom teaches us a followship that is inestimable in value; a Kingdom way to live in the world, but not be of it. It will be a journey with Jesus which is Intentionally Kingdom Cultured. There is not a more powerful way to grow through these times, so sit still, and enjoy the God journey as you begin listening up to our Bridegroom, Jesus and shutting out all other voices, as you learn to hear His Voice first, above all others.
Listen Up To Your Bridegroom’s Voice
Jesus does speak incredible words in this God anointed book, “The Bridegroom’s Voice” and be assured, you will hear The Bridegroom, Jesus, speak to His Bride, which is you, and no doubt about it, it will change you in that forever kind of way. We all truly do need a vital vertical relationship with God that is strong in that unbreakable kind of way in times such as these. This book, “The Bridegroom’s Voice” will definitely deliver on this spiritual essential. As you listen up and hear the voice of Kingdom reason and Kingdom truth, you will be soul stabilized in an unchangeable way and set upon the solid ground of truth. There is nothing sweeter than to stand on the side of truth in such deceptive times.
Whose Voice Is Influencing You
In times such as these, where the cultural voice is all relative, where anything seems to go, yet the going is short lived and nothing really goes far, we need to clearly hear the permanence, security and stability of “The Bridegroom’s Voice”. We live out of the temporary, and cultural tides are crashing the shores of our civility, coming violently in and out irregularly, and leaving behind eroded, degraded and dysfunctional hearts. Our hearts are desperately wicked and we urgently need to hear from God. We need the stability, staying power and strength of The Bridegroom’s Voice. God’s truth will always stand the tests of time and this era we live in, we are tested and challenged greatly. We have an enemy that is desiring our soul and is influencing our culture with such human depravity, that it is hard to find anything going straight on the deceptively crooked pathways of this generation.
Lord Restore~Revive Our Common Sense
What a great challenge life is in these times, but God’s purposes are providentially in play and they are greater than the challenges we face. Common sense has faded out of our lives and has been completely taken over by rationalized, culturally streamlined, relative, amoral behavior. We need a restoration revival of common sense, with a simply-significant foundation of God’s reality of truth. Shaking off all the enemies’ say-so, opinions, assumptions, presumptions, rationalizations and remembering God is in control and His purposes are in play. In times such as these, it is our prayer that God revives our common sense and restores it to the foundation of His truth and a Kingdom culture lived out daily under the Authority of His Rule of His Love.
John 3:30 He, the groom, must take center stage; and I, the best man, must step to His side. The Voice
We Need A Kingdom Perspective
God is providentially working all of this lawlessness that we are suffering through for our good and the glory of His Kingdom. Taking the journey with The Bridegroom’s Voice, will translate us out of a worldly viewpoint into a Kingdom perspective, a powerful God reality of knowing God’s will, truth and way. In this Great God Adventure, we will grow through every challenge with God’s purpose leading and the reviving of the relationship between us and God, which has real, enduring kingdom life, will occur. We will be changed in an ineradicable way by listening up daily to The Bridegroom’s Voice of truth and together, our lives will become intentionally kingdom cultured.
Flip-Flopped Deception
We live in very volatile, highly changing times, because of the deception of our enemy who has flip-flopped what is right and wrong. Satan’s time is limited, so he is massively pouring out deception and fake reality into this generation. Our culture thinks right is wrong and wrong is right, we have been deceived by the father of lies. Because of this lawless generation, where everything is relative and anything goes, we don’t know what the next day will bring. But, we can know The ONE Who brings in the day at hand, we can hear His Voice, we can connect with His strength, Spirit and truth that can and will endure times such as these.
Flesh Out Deception
We will endure and grow through with honor and bring great glory to God and His Kingdom. The Bridegroom’s Voice has a special anointing and vision, one that assures we can be prepared to endure the challenges of these days ahead and bring God great honor and glory during these incredible times we live in. We can have a great God Adventure and “The Bridegroom’s Voice” is the tool God will use to prepare us by “fleshing out” deception by His powerful Word, on a daily God journey where God will “truth in” our spirit.
Isaiah 61:10 I am filled with joy and my soul vibrates with exuberant hope, because of the Eternal my God; For He has dressed me with the garment of salvation, wrapped me with the robe of righteousness. It’s as though I’m dressed for my wedding day, in the very best: a bridegroom’s garland and a bride’s jewels. The Voice
“Truth In” God’s Way, Be A Firstee
I highly encourage you to purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice for yourself and for someone else during this Thanksgiving Sale, you will be gifting yourself and others a renewed, open-hearted relationship with God, where You learn to seek Him first, listen to His Voice first, and become His “firstee” in every area of your life. What is a “firstee”? It is where your life is lived with Jesus at the center, guided by His Holy Spirit and shaped by His Voice. We are so prone in our human condition to compartmentalize God out of our lives, the Bridegroom’s Voice tears down the walls and creates in us an undivided heart and we become wholly-holy His. We desperately need an undivided heart in times such as these, because a heart divided by the world and the Kingdom will fall.
How To Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice
***This $7.00 dollar a copy “Thanksgiving Sale” starts November 7th, 2019 with the sale price of God’s perfect number $7.00, and ends December 10th at midnight. Make sure you get a copy during this Thanksgiving Sale. I will sign each copy purchased and pray for you as you begin your personal journey with The Bridegroom, Jesus. You can purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice at my online store by clicking below. God bless you, MUCH KimberlyMac PS***Maximum 5 Copies
Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice