Lord, just singing about you makes me strong! So, I’ll keep shouting for joy to Jacob’s God, my champion. Let the celebration begin! I will sing with drum accompaniment and with the sweet sound of the harp and guitar strumming. Go ahead! Blow the jubilee trumpet to begin the feast! Blow it before every joyous celebration and festival. For God has given us these seasons of joy, days that the God of Jacob decreed for us to celebrate and rejoice. Psalm 81 The Passion Translation
Created To Worship
There are times in our lives where our world of hopes and imaginings suddenly crashes down and we sit in the rubble of what seems to be as very dead dream. It is times such as these, we should take what we have, even if it is the ashes of our life dream and build an altar of praise, knowing that God is with us and for us in the suffering. We were created to worship God, inspired, by the breath of God’s forever song of life, implanted deeply in our soul. We are people of worship; we have a forevermore song in our soul.
Out Of The Rubble
Dead expectations can crush our soul. Are we sitting in the graveyard of expectations that have been dashed and doomed by the enemy of our soul? Will we choose to worship God, decide to reach up out of the wreckage of dead dreams to a future and hope the enemy can never say is done. From wreckage to worship, this is the say so of our heart in the face of our enemies. Out of the rubble of our soul, comes a light of worship the enemy of our lives can never extinguish, it is the heart of God, alive in us no matter what, it shines and we choose to worship our God. Christ in us, the hope of glory, the Light of the world that can’t be extinguished by the enemy of our soul. The enemy came to steal from us, thwart the plans we have and it can be very discouraging, but GOD He teaches us good things through all we are growing through.
Got A Downward Spiral
What do you do during the downward spiral of what you thought was the right way for God to do what was good for you and it just didn’t work out that way? Do you lift up praises to God when things in your life are spiraling downward? Or is your mind stirring up all kinds of unraveling faith thoughts, thoughts of doubt, sarcasm, bitterness and self-pity? Do you choose to speak worship and praise God as your light of hope dims? Is there a sacrifice of praise we could lift up right now as we face the stress and pain of uncertainty in our life? Will we choose to worship what we think we have lost, or worship what can never be taken from us? What have we been promised to have forever, that no man can take from us? The spirit of our Awe-GOD, Who lives in us, Who highly and powerfully favors us. Listen up to this one-minute encouragement:
“Circumstances do not dictate or confirm God’s Will. Just because we are in adverse times of opposition does not mean we do not have God’s Favor. Jesus is now destroying the authority of chaos and is crushing it under our feet.” Dutch Sheets
No matter what our circumstances are speaking, God is at work in the unseen, we have not lost His Favor. For out of the rubble of our lives, the cross of Jesus Christ remains in full view and power. Jesus makes a message out of our human messes. God pinpointed this to me in such a powerful way in my life and here is a cool testimony of that: I was working for a church and we had waited so long for our offices to be finished and the day before they were done, we got vandalized and they just tore up everything, breaking through the glass doors, breaking out windows, marking up everything, trashing the place, it was a mess and we were so disheartened. But, God always has a plan and His light of hope is never extinguished. As I looked down in the rubble of the violent vandalism, I noticed that pieces of metal had fallen together and among the rubble of glass, was a cross. At that moment, the Holy Spirit quickened my heart. I took a picture of it because it really spoke to me and still does. The violence of vandalism and lawlessness makes a huge mess, yet the cross of Jesus Christ still shines through it with His message of hope.

“God is for us, His Favor is unmeasurable! Unmeasurable Favor ~ Got a tough life season going on? Weeds, muck and mire up to your knees? Change your focus! Don’t focus on the muck and mire of life. Look up to Jesus. Focus UP! We have a super amazing God Who is for us, Who loves us with a plenteous love. We tend to run from God when we have bad situations, and we fall into the pit our enemy crafted for us. Run to God, run to His Light, which can’t be extinguished by the darkness of our enemy’s pits of weeds, muck or mire. God’s strong favor is with us and for us. Move to the Light of God and grow through on the wings of His Favor.” KimberlyMac
NO! Won’t Steal My Joy
Is there a God promise we could make the song of our heart, until the darkness the enemy prepared turns to the miraculous light God ushers in? We must first choose to step up and out of all the pain, doubt, and fear that we are laying down in defeat with and offer up a sacrifice of praise to our Awe God, Who is good when life takes the turn for what seems to be bad. On this day, where good is bad and bad is good, where things are happening you could not even begin to imagine could happen. Who will you choose? Will you focus on the storm of disappointment, the flood of doubt or the fire of the unchartered trial and let it steal your joy? Or will you focus on the Redeemer, the Fixer Who wants to forever be the song of our heart and Who is so able to take a huge mess and make a message out of it.
Isaiah 26:2-4 Open the gates and let a righteous, faith-filled people enter in. Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those whose imaginations [Imagination frames up one’s reality. It is unfortunate that many today have rejected the God-created imagination that each of us possesses. Our imagination must be set apart for God and continually made holy.] are consumed with You; they confidently trust in You. Yes, trust in the Lord Yahweh forever and ever! For Yah, the Lord God, is your Rock of Ages! The Passion Translation
Truth Is A Great Focus
God is perfect in all of His ways and if we are suffering, He will use it, redeem it for good for us and glory for His Kingdom. God is always good; He never leaves us in the place where we think we are done. God finishes well. There are no dead ends when you walk with God. Jesus is a finisher; He finishes what He starts. So, we should choose to worship God in the midst of our crashed down circumstances, lift our hearts to God. It is always a good day when we choose God first, choose to believe and focus our thoughts on the reality of truth that God is able to change things up in that miraculous way of His. We fix our thoughts on the truth that in the unseen, God is at work, His purposes are in play for our good and His glory. We are providentially cared for by our AWE-God. Why do I use the term, Awe-GOD? Because God evokes such incredible AWE and wonder in me and I am continually feeding that Awe as I look to Him and I see what incredible things He has done. My Awe for Him is so off the charts that I can worship Him in the good and the bad times, exactly the same, being wholly-holy His.
“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! 20 You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This[a] is the key to your life. And if you love and obey the Lord, you will live long in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” Deuteronomy 30: 19-20 New Living Translation
I Choose To Worship
The enemy came to steal, kill and destroy us, there is nothing good about him. Therefore, in the midst of what the enemy thought would be my down fall, I lift my praises to God, I choose Jesus and I worship Him, making a choice for life over the death, the enemy had planned for me. I choose to worship, not what I want, but Jesus, Who is all I need. Jesus is my strength, my joy and my song and remains so even if my world comes crashing down all around me, I choose to worship Jesus, my Way-Maker, my Truth that prevails, my life light that is never extinguished. I choose to worship Jesus.
A Word From Our Bridegroom, Jesus
“Church, in Me you have abundant life and constant security. What more fairness do you need? There is no greater hope! Why is it that you desire more? Do you wish to be rich in the futility of mankind, in the human condition? Or will your treasure be found in the wisdom of belief, trust and unconditional love? My bride, you question My behavior, which is not conducive to your ways here on earth, and yet I remain eternally faithful to you and you alone. My precious bride, hear My heart when I say that I have not abandoned you to the mercy of the injustices of your world. I never will! Believe in Me. I am justice. I have proven My love for you at a great, personal sacrifice. I bought you an eternal future of true justice; it cost Me My Life! Believe in My love for you. Jesus, Your Bridegroom. Excerpt From Book: The Bridegroom’s Voice By KimberlyMac
Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice
Thank you for stopping in “The Bridegroom’s Café” today at the “Worship Spotlight Table” we hope you enjoyed your spiritual meal. I have started a one minute video encouragement series using Rumble. Please make sure you subscribe to it today here: https://rumble.com/c/c-278341 Hit the Green Subscribe Button and you won’t miss one of my “One Minute Encouragement” videos. It is a beautiful backdrop, kind of like a daily beach devotional. I am sure it will encourage you. It only takes a minute to be deeply encouraged by God. God bless you, MUCH, KimberlyMac, Author