For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on his shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. The dominion will be vast, and its prosperity will never end. He will reign on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish and sustain it with justice and righteousness from now on and forever. The zeal of the Lord of Armies will accomplish this. Isaiah 9:6-7 CSB
Are you joyless? Sometimes we find ourselves “Joyless” at Christmas! How could that be? It happens! So just in case that is you today, this will be a smorgasbord of Christmas Joy to feed our souls with God’s Joy! Are you ready for it? God’s JOY? Open your heart wide to God and listen up!
There is great Joy knowing our governments are on the shoulders of our Christmas Savior, Jesus Christ! His Kingdom will sustain our Justice with counsel high above any earthly wisdom, making those who set themselves up to be wise like fools. In His vast dominion we will remain anchored in Christ, and stable, body, soul and spirit. Yes, in these times of cultural chaos, we will be navigated by our Prince and His peace. The justice of Almighty God will establish His Rulership, no weapon of evil formed against us will prosper, and Jesus’ righteousness, truth, joy, and future hope will be forever ours. That’s my King!Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video: We Are Navigated!
Praise be to the exalted Lord God of Israel for he has seen us through eyes of grace, and he comes as our Hero-God to set us free! He appears to us as a mighty Savior, a trumpet of redemption from the house of David, his servant, just as he promised long ago by the words of his holy prophets. They prophesied he would come one day and save us from every one of our enemies and from the power of those who hate us. Now he has shown us the mercy promised to our ancestors, for he has remembered his holy covenant. He has rescued us from the power of our enemies! This fulfills the sacred oath he made with our father Abraham. Now we can boldly worship God with holy lives, living in purity as priests in his presence every day! Luke 1:68-75
“In the face of the enemy of our soul, and all of the shenanigans being carried out by evil-influenced narcissistic cruelty, and power hungry human beings, serving no power higher than self, we joyfully declare Jesus Christ Came To Us, Here, Born Incarnate, God In The Flesh!”
Quote By: KimberlyMac
We never get over this as we remember our new Covenant with God, Who has written His Word and His eternity on our hearts! There is no fear that can create a stronghold in our lives because of our Christmas Savior, in the shadow of His cross, we have the victory over the enemy of our soul. Rescued by Jesus, we are joyfully transformed by His Living Word and worship our Christmas King in the purity of His righteousness!
For he set his tender gaze upon me, his lowly servant girl. And from here on, everyone will know that I have been favored and blessed. The Mighty One has worked a mighty miracle for me; holy is his name! Mercy kisses all who fear him, from one generation to the next. Mighty power flows from him to scatter all those who walk in pride. Powerful princes he tears from their thrones and he lifts up the lowly to take their place. Those who hunger for him will always be filled, but the smug and self-satisfied he will send away empty. Because he can never forget to show mercy, he has helped his chosen servant, Israel, keeping his promises to Abraham and to his descendants forever. Luke 1:48-55 TPT
“Yielding is accepting Lordship over my human condition, as I choose to be positioned underneath the Rulership of God, led by My Prince, Jesus, and His peace. That’s My King!”
Quote By: KimberlyMac
Yes is on the table with My King, Jesus! I say “YES” to God daily, even down to the minutes of my each moment, to every choice of my day at hand. I struggle with my flesh for my “YES” to live out of my human messiness. My flesh is exhausting, yet my Spirit is strong, as Christ Jesus, joyfully transforms my weakness into His strength, as I yield ( I. E.mbrace L.ordship D.aily) to Him, His way, truth and life.. The favor God had given me to be Who He created, shaped, and designed me to be, it sometimes wrecks havoc with my soul. The human cost of being wholly-holy God’s is great, but the joy in my inner spiritual core is greater. Joy, Joy, Great, Great Joy… Awe-GOD!
This is how the birth of Jesus Christ took place. His mother, Mary, had promised Joseph to be his wife, but while she was still a virgin she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit. Her fiancé, Joseph, was a righteous man full of integrity and he didn’t want to disgrace her, but when he learned of her pregnancy he secretly planned to break the engagement. Matthew 1:18
Joseph didn’t get what he thought he deserved…he was devastated. He was ready to be a bridegroom. He was ready to marry his love…then she comes to him with a cray-cray story and says she’s pregnant…by GOD…and he just can’t wrap his mind around it…he is dismayed, completely discouraged by these circumstances that have just suddenly come upon his life…he is self focused and overthinking everything…why God why…why couldn’t things have gone the way he planned, he waited so long, and now everything from that moment with Mary, that incredible life detour, is weighing down his soul, and he doesn’t know what to do.
Disappointment. It can happen so suddenly. People disappoint people in ways that we can’t even begin to imagine that they would do. It is the enemy of our soul inflicting cruelty on us. Disappointment is one of his favorite tools to burden down our soul with. Disappointment hurts! Look at Joseph, look at how he reacted to sudden disappointment. What is Joseph focused entirely on, his disappointment and his discouragement, and despair slips in his soul to steal his focus from God. Yes, Joseph became self focused on everything that was bad, everything that he couldn’t change, everything he couldn’t fix… what if he stayed that way, and he didn’t hear the angel…what then? Mary would’ve been stoned… killed…
Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear. Matthew 11:28-30
The metaphor of a yoke is that it joins two animals to work as one. It is not simply work or toil that is the focus here, but union with Christ.
Quote By Brian Simmons
Disappointment can truly derail us from our next divine appointment if we keep our focus on it and drift away from our God focus. We are meant to purposely help people around us, we may be the only Jesus that they ever see… but if we’re so stuck in our disappointments of life, the joy, is just sucked out of our hearts. Joyless, will people see Jesus? And can Jesus use us to help them when we are so stuck on our own disappointments? We need to give God more than this…and be wholly-holy His, in every moment to every choice. It can’t be about us, we need to be all in with Jesus.
“When someone disappoints us, we need to quickly forgive them, so soul bitterness has no opportunity to set us up for failure.”
Quote By: KimberlyMac
Once we forgive and step out on mercy, the second stepping stone is our action, it is in doing good to those who sin against us, giving them what they need, unconditional love; not forsaking them, what they do deserve, we embrace them with the mercy of God. God’s forgiveness is hand-in-hand with His mercy, and our lives should reflect the same character of Jesus Christ, who came here to us on the wings of God’s healing mercy.
Jesus humbly died our death, so we could live His forever life. Jesus was betrayed by a close friend, who He had done life with, shared His heart with. Jesus, He meekly went to the cross like we, humanity, had never hurt, wounded, forsaken, or betrayed Him, and He gave his life for us, and ushered in the greatest transformation ever known to mankind…Death To Life! Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video
“A true statement would be: a Christmas child, miraculously born of a virgin, came to earth, sent by our Father God to reconcile us to Himself, and defeat death for us, gifting us with eternal life. Even on this day, this today, by His righteousness, He is right now, joyfully transforming us, reconciling us to our Father God. On Christmas Day, Oh, The JOY… Reconciliation Came To Us With The Gift Of Eternal Life! To God be the glory, great things He has done.”
Quote By: KimberlyMac
It is because of the Lord’s lovingkindnesses that we are not consumed, Because His [tender] compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great and beyond measure is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion and my inheritance,” says my soul; “Therefore I have hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him.” The Lord is good to those who wait [confidently] for Him, to those who seek Him [on the authority of God’s word]. Lamentations 3:22-25 Amplified
Christmas Is
I asked a few people to finish the sentence… Christmas is… I got a lot of responses, so I took two of the ones that were far apart from each other. One response was “Christmas Is Stressful”! Then a six-year-old child answered the question and said: “Christmas Is True Love” Out of the mouth of babes we hear the reality of truth!
Close The Gap
So how do we get from stressful… life is stressful… to the true love of our King Jesus? When we focus on ourselves…we don’t know true love…and without yielding to true love, we don’t have joy! Joy Is…Jesus, Others…You! Sometimes we say, why should I serve that person? Why should I care about that person, they don’t care about me? Why should I even try to show kindness to that person, because they’re so grouchy and mean? Jesus is the “gap closer” from our human condition to His character. When we are centered in our lives with Jesus, we want to be like Him, we submit our human condition to His divinity, and this is where change happens that creates True Joy, because our lives have a foundation of the True Love of Jesus Christ.
Christmas Day teaches us about a different kind of joy…the kind of joy that has the foundation of true love…It was a grand gesture of mercy and compassion from our Father God that gave us Christmas Day. God did not hold back His compassion until we were perfect. We were imperfect, but perfectly loved in an unconditional way. We were all created in the image of God, we all have the same human condition, yet we hold back compassion from people who have been “labeled” with a specific sin, or people who are different from us, or people who are in a religion we don’t approve of. God did not hold back His compassion from us, He gifted us mercy. We received something we did not deserve. How does knowing this help you to be more compassionate, more forgiving, more merciful this Christmas Season. Look At Joseph, His true love for God overruled his human condition and the result was mercy.
While he was still debating with himself about what to do, he fell asleep and had a supernatural dream. An angel from the Lord appeared to him in clear light and said, “Joseph, descendant of David, don’t hesitate to take Mary into your home as your wife, because the power of the Holy Spirit has conceived a child in her womb. She will give birth to a son and you are to name him ‘Savior,’ for he is destined to give his life to save his people from their sins. When Joseph woke from his dream, he did all that the angel of the Lord instructed him to do. He took Mary to be his wife. Matthew 1:18-21;24TPT
Can I experience the JOY of the Christmas season even if I am growing through something hard? Trust Is Joy! Can you imagine the fear that could have gripped Mary? She was pregnant and unmarried, and in her culture back then, she could have been killed for that. She trusted God and kept her JOY. We can trust GOD even though at times what we “see” is definitely not what He promised, and is very discouraging. Yes, we can still trust God. Why? Because we know He finishes what He starts. In times such as these, it is good for us not to try to figure things out with our mind. Mary was in a very difficult situation with Joseph, it didn’t look good. God intervened in a timely manner. But, as she waited, she trusted God completely with her life. We don’t need to be able to wrap our minds around the things God is doing, we just need to trust Him, to believe in Him as our Christmas Savior, our True Love. This is Christmas JOY. That’s My King!
There is no greater or better connection in this world than the heart to heart relationship with our Christmas Savior, Jesus Christ. We make our vital-vertical relationship with God personal, giving Him total access to our lives. This Is True Joy!
Quote By: KimberlyMac
I am a Firstee! We become His “firstee” as He becomes first in the all of our everything. We pray this up for all the people we know, we hope that this Christmas Season, their connection will be with the Christmas Savior, Jesus, Who will impart His power, love, wisdom, mercy, and grace into their lives. Being yoked (Matthew 11:28-30) to Jesus, our burden is light, our way is easy for our soul, and no matter what we are facing there is joy and hope in our future. Our Christmas Connection is awesome. Awe-GOD! Merry Christmas! Miraculously Merrily So! That’s My King
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe in the Smorgasbord Table. We hope you have been well soul nourished by this spiritual meal. Please leave us a comment and make sure that you subscribe to our website by email so you don’t miss one of these great spiritual meals. We hope you enjoyed our 1 Minute Encouragement Video’s from our Rumble Channel: Make sure you subscribe to our videos, you will be so glad you did. God bless you, KimberlyMac