
Just A Thought


Standing At A Crossroad not sure which direction to take. Feelings of my human condition wash over me and I want to run until I can’t run another step, I want to flesh out all these feelings of restlessness that wash over my soul. I stand. I wait. I am tempted to run back to where I was comfortable, to give in, to give up following wholly-holy after God. My emotions are like a tornado and I know I must not step into them or my soul will be battered. The influences of my culture, stir up my mind with thoughts that lead me away from God’s will. I must resist them. God is with me. God has a plan. God knows exactly where I am. I am not alone, His Holy Spirit has and is guiding me.

Crossroads Are Places Of Transition where the enemy throws everything he’s got at you to get you to move off the path where the purposes of God have led you too. It seems as if everything, every trial, every test, every temptation is a proving ground of the TRUTH of God. Your life anchor, if it has been thrown into Kingdom soil, it will hold, no matter how fierce the storms get.

I Am Not Alone In This Time Of Transition! I am not just a person standing at this crossroad, I am the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit, He lives in me. This is what God chose for us, to send The Holy Spirit to dwell in us, our spirit to HIS SPIRIT. A crossroad can be a big life challenge, especially when there is no clear direction for the next step. Times like these, the enemy likes to come in like a flood of emotions, and assumptive fears and stirs up your mind with unanswered questions. But we know Jesus is our solution, our answer and He has not left us alone or without an Advocate, we are not forgotten or hopeless!

I Must Beware Of Mind Traps, Guard My Mind! It is such a trap if we let our mind be lead by “what if” questions, it stirs up a dangerous emotion called impulsiveness. In times of transition, where the enemy just pours out everything he can, we must be led by The Holy Spirit. This is a challenge for us, because our human nature naturally wants to know, naturally wants to plan what is best for us and naturally wants to be comfortable. If we walk according to the leading of our human condition, we will lean into a worldly viewpoint, which could cause us quite a tumble if we let ourselves be pushed forward  without the clarity of the Holy Spirit, with His Kingdom Perspective purposefully in play in our lives. If we are led impulsively by the enemy, the author of all fear, the outcome is always according to his devices, which will not work out too well for our soul.

I Don’t Know, BUT God Does! When we find ourselves standing at a crossroad without a clear definition of left or right or straight, just wait on God, because He is with us, right there and is purposefully causing the delayed revelation. The best thing we can do is plant our feet and stay in the wisdom we already have and wait with God until we hear Him say: “This is the way, walk this way.”

Our Human Nature Doesn’t Wait Well! Truth! Oh Yes, this is the great challenge at a transition point in our lives. God has gotten you to the crossroad and now you wait. This great challenge may overwhelm you and make you feel like you can’t wait a minute longer as restlessness grows inside your soul. But, with every great challenge you face, no matter the how, where, what, why of it, the GOD Purposes in the challenge are greater than the challenge itself and are in play in your life inside of the challenge. You may not see them or feel them, BUT God is a work, finishing what He started. God is in the challenge and HE is purposefully using it to work out the best for us.

The Challenge Of Waiting At A Crossroad Is Huge! A cross road is a place of transition, and our human flesh is more vulnerable here than at any other time. We can see the same thing in Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane as He waited with God at a crossroad in His life.  Yet, purposefully so, God is Sovereign in this very broken, submissive position of our life. The enemy will pour out everything He has got and we will feel like all hell has broken lose against us. Plant your feet, acknowledge your enemy and then fully face GOD, slip your hand into His Mighty Right Hand and stand with HIM, His Living Word, His Son, His Holy Spirit and wait in active faith.

How Do We Wait? Well, most of the time for me, I have to weaken my flesh in order to dumb it down, so I fast and pray. Yes, when I am at a crossroad, standing very vulnerable, not knowing which way to go and being blown about by storm after storm, I fast, I make my flesh weak, so weak that the strength of God can and will be the only thing that holds me up, the wisdom of God, the only thing I hear and the way of my flesh grows dim, so I can see God’s way, truth and light clearer. Fasting always helps me to see clearly apart from my flesh, separately from what I want, at a distance from my feelings, spaced out from cultural say-so, apart from the enemy cackle and the glory of God always breaks through the darkness of my human condition when I fast.

Are You At A Crossroad In Your Life? Is the transition time ferocious? I pray you cling to God, being wholly-holy HIS. I pray you spend this transitional time digging up any life roots you may have planted here on this earth, pulling them up by the roots and transplanting them deeply in God’s Kingdom soil. We don’t belong here, we belong in and to the Kingdom of God. I pray you weigh anchor in Kingdom soil. May every weakness of your human flesh be undergirded by God’s Mighty Right Hand. May God’s strength be yours as you endure and wait upon HIM. May He Redeem You From Every Trial, Temptation, Test By And In His Glory! In Jesus Name, By The Power Of His Holy Spirit. AMEN!

Thoughts come and go, but when the Holy Spirit speaks, they are highlighted by our human senses and they are the beginning of a transformation of our soul, that paints a God characteristic on our spirit that remains forever. Pay attention to the bites of God Thoughts that come in your Miraculous Musings with God, they are simply-significantly purposeful. I hope you are forever changed by this little bite of God revelation that is now more than Just A Thought to your heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. Check out more of The Bridegroom’s Cafe and be blessed by AWE-GOD….MUCH! KimberlyMac

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