The superpower nations will glorify you and the cities of terrorist nations will revere you. You have been a fortress-protector for the poor, a mighty stronghold for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the sudden storm, and a shade from the shimmering heat of the day. For the fury of tyrants was like a winter windstorm battering against the wall, and like the heat of a drought in a desert land; but you subdued the heat under the shade of clouds. You alone silence the song of tyrants. That’s My King! Isaiah 25:3-5
God Silences The Song Of Cruelty
God silences the cruel song of the obsessive, extremely excessive, controlling cruelty of tyrants. What is cruelty? I thought about it and looked up some definitions and came up with this compilation: Cruelty is the intentional infliction of physical or mental distress that torments and afflicts others, that has no tie to kindness, that is savage, inhuman, hard-hearted, godless, compassionless and bears absolutely no likeness to the mercy of God.
Cruelty In Play
How is cruelty in play? How does it stay in play? The enemy of our soul uses cruelty in so many diabolical ways. The word devil in the greek translation is: “Diabolos” and it means slanderer, false accuser, the devil is the personification of evil, and cruelty is one of his specialties. Cruelly the enemy of your soul will use someone to slander you, to falsely accuse you, and punish you for something you have not done. (Exodus 23:1) This kind of cruelty is in play in times such as these, in our nations, communities, and families, and is the personification of the mean spiritedness of the enemy of our soul. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video from my Rumble Channel:
Listen carefully, my dear child, to everything that I teach you, and pay attention to all that I have to say. Fill your thoughts with my words until they penetrate deep into your spirit. Then, as you unwrap my words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of your being. So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:20-23
Trust God In The Cruelty Battle
I love that… pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being… Cruelty is a crooked path, one we don’t even want to step out on, we need to stay away from anything that would be cruel to another human being. We don’t need to be cruel, because God is our vindicator, (Revelations 12:9-11) the One Who fights our battles well, (Deuteronomy 20:4) and we need to trust God with the battles we face where people are being cruel to us. We need to guard our hearts and be navigated by God’s Holy Spirit.
Deception – A Crooked Path Weaver
The crooked path of cruelty is weaved into our nations, communities, and families, as people serving no power higher than self, driven by the selfish, self-centered, narcissistic influence of the enemy of their soul, follow the enticement of evil. People wanting to control people is where cruelty is found most. Mean spiritedness of people who have exchanged the truth for a lie. They “think” doing bad things they can get a good result. Not Truth! Deception! (John 8:44)
Bring into the light every dark way. Make right every wrong. Remove injustice. Every heart of pride will humbly bow before him. Every deception will be exposed and replaced by the truth to prepare everyone everywhere to see the Life of God!” Bring into the light every dark way. Make right every wrong. Remove injustice. Every heart of pride will humbly bow before him. Every deception will be exposed and replaced by the truth to prepare everyone everywhere to see the Life of God!” fulfilling what was written in the book of the prophet Isaiah: “Listen! You will hear a thunderous voice in the lonely wilderness telling you to wake up and get your heart ready for the coming of the Lord Yahweh. Make straight every twisted thing in your lives. Luke 3:4-5
Say No To Cruelty – YES To Kindness
The crooked path of cruelty (Proverbs 11:17) is one where your feet walk on the enemy of your soul’s pathway to hell. We must change it up to resemble God’s way, truth, and life in us. (Luke 3:5) Cruelty is prevalent in all of our lives through a lack of Godly compassion, mercy, and grace. We MUST NOT let cruelty be a part of our lives. (Matthew 7:13-14) We do not control other people, we DO stand underneath the Authority and Dunamis power of God, positing ourselves underneath the Rulership of His love, not allowing ourselves to be used by the enemy of our soul in cruelty. Choose kindness over cruelty, because cruelty is a boomerang that will come back on the person who has thrown it out. (Proverbs 26:24-28)
“Compassion Will Cure More Sins Than Condemnation.”
Henry Ward Beecher
Narcissism And The Narcissist
Controlling other people is cruel and very emotionally exhausting for the narcissist. This kind of cruelty is seen in our nations right now. People serving no power higher than self, never works out the way human beings plan it. God always has the final sovereign Word and it is always good and glorious through His deliverance, reconciliation, and kindness! God will always boomerang cruelty back on the person who has thrown it out.
The Crooked Path Of Narcism
How do people get to be so cruel? The crooked path of cruelty is a life path where people drift away from God, little by little on the current of bitterness, a spring fed grudge in their soul. This opens the door wide to the deceit of the enemy, and they get caught up in his web of deception as they exchange truth for lies. They think that they are doing good, when they’re being deceived to do evil things, hurtful things. Those who are deceived will know no power higher than self, and they are cruel, not even acknowledging the way of God’s compassion, grace, and mercy.
No Common Sense
The deceived have no common sense and that is why they are easily deceived to walk the crooked path of cruelty where they set boundaries on falsity that controls people in cruel, ungodly ways. We see nations who do not know the way of compassion, we see states governing their people with no grace and absolutely no common sense, and we see families walking with each other without God’s mercy in play, all cruelly hurting each other with a mean-spirited narcissistic control. If you don’t come under their control and follow their rules, they unfairly and cruelly isolate you, and try to control you by taking away things from you that you love, like your freedom, your liberty, and your justice.
In These Days – Trust – Pray
It is a good life season for us to trust the Lord completely, in these days of such cruelty and mean-spiritedness, and injustice, where our liberties and our freedoms are eroding before our very eyes. We pray God will deliver us from this narcissistic cruelty of ungodly, illegitimate authority. We need to wait on God’s lead and patiently endure, and trust Him, staying in wholly-holy followship of His Holy Spirit, being navigated by the wisdom of God. It is a time for prayer, we pray the hearts of those who have taken illegitimate authority over us, in a narcissistic and cruel way, will be soften and changed by God. The best way to pray is to pray scripture:
I will give you a new, undivided heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will remove your stubborn heart of stone and give you a tender heart that responds to me—a devoted heart. Therefore, you will keep my laws and faithfully obey my commands. Then you will truly be the people of my heart, and I will be the God you worship . But I will punish those whose hearts are devoted to their filthy idols and detestable practices. I will repay them for their conduct, declares Lord Yahweh. Ezekiel 11:19-21
Got Cruelty Aimed At You?
We can fall prey to sin when cruelty is aimed at us and we have to be careful to respond to God first, before we react to the person who is hurting us. The worst of cruelty is when people say: I love you and then treat you so cruelly. Just Sayin: When you say: “I love you.” Don’t just toss that out like ice on a hot day. Mean it by the way you consistently act. I have had someone say: “I love you” and then treat me so cruelly. That is not love. You don’t love someone you treat like dirt on your shoe.
React Or Respond
When I react to cruelty out of my flesh, I make mistakes, and I do the stupid thing of running after my feelings, and then running my mouth alongside of them. Then my faith tanks, and I end up at the feet of Jesus: “Forgive me Lord”. (Psalm 79:9) With God, we get that new start, but with the narcissist, who is trying to control us with cruelty, we just fuel that fire when we react badly. Yet, it is not over. God can do what we cannot do, or can’t even begin to see ourselves doing. Yes He can! When I see a dead end, God sees a new beginning, as I grow through to learn more godly character. Something has to die before it can live anew. (John 12:24) So, when my heart is broken, this is the time I die to self and cry out to God, to make my heart new. My heart may be broken, but it is not beyond God’s repair. I wait on God to be made new, and I choose to grow through. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement video on growing through:
Pray It Up
Stop and pray now if you have or are experiencing cruelty that feels like the enemies hellfire in your face. Father God, I pray by the navigation of Your Holy Spirit, you will help me grow through this cruelty. Help me to let be, and let go of my reaction, (Psalm 46:10) be still and know You are God. Jesus, I know You know that it always gets darker before the dawn of a new day, therefore I trust You with the timing (Isaiah 55:8-9) of my response to this cruelty. I wait on You Lord God and I will not react, I will stay in followship of You, Jesus.
And if anyone longs to be wise, ask God for wisdom and He will give it! He won’t see your lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold you over your failures but he will overwhelm your failures with his generous grace. Just make sure you ask empowered by confident faith without doubting that you will receive. For the ambivalent person believes one minute and doubts the next. Being undecided makes you become like the rough seas driven and tossed by the wind. You’re up one minute and tossed down the next. James 1:5-6
Nothing Is Irreversible For God
Many times I have fallen prey to doubt as I patiently endured a difficult and cruel situation. I knew God could do it, and I prayed for Him to take this cruelty and pain from me. But God’s timing was not mine, so I gave up on God fixing things and doubted that He could. I am here to say this reality of truth: When we give up on God because we can’t see any way possible forward, soul bitterness will stroll right into our soul, through that cracked door labeled doubt and this will change up the atmosphere of our soul in many negative ways. When this has happened to me, God did not forsake me, He continued to speak truth like this: “Nothing Is Irreversible For Me”. And then I prayed this: “I speak that Lord, I know it, but I can’t see it… activate my faith”. Listen up to this song:
Falsely Accused?
If you are cruelly rejected because of what people “think they know” about you, but it is not true what they are assuming, it is a false accusation, then think on this Godly wisdom by Pastor Don Sturiano:
“Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. Your worth is not determined by the world, but by the One who sits on the throne in Heavenly places, Who created the world with a word. You are God’s greatest treasure, and your value never depreciates.” Quote By – Don Sturiano
Resist The Enemy
Resist the Enemy! (James 4:7) This is what WE CAN DO, when We don’t know what to do. Our response needs to be God‘s response, or no, reaction, no, not at all. We wait until it can be a godly response. Until then, We resist the enemy with the Word of God and prayer, and he has to flee. I hope this prayer mentoring exhortation on cruelty has helped you. God bless ya. Please leave a comment if you need prayer on this issue.
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe at The Prayer Mentor Table. We hope this meal nourished your soul with prayer and mentoring wisdom. Thank you for taking a moment and subscribing to our Website by email, we appreciate it, this helps us. We hope you enjoyed the videos from our Rumble Channel: and make sure you subscribe to these 1 Minute Encouragement Videos. They are great! God bless you, KimberlyMac, Author