Deflect Rejection

“Easter has come, passed by on the calendar but has not gone out of my heart and never will. Every day is Easter as I bow down to the Risen Savior in humble awe of what He has done for me.  What I love as I reflect on Easter, is of course, first and foremost that Jesus defeated death for us and purchased our salvation. From death to life. That is the sweetest thing about celebrating Easter and also celebrating every day given to us by God. One thought I have had lately is that Jesus actually made it to the cross. He did not let rejection, betrayal and hurt from other people disrupt his mission. Jesus deflected rejection and went to the cross for us.  I can see in the Garden of Gethsemane that Jesus struggled so much so that He physically sweat drops of blood. His stressed soul hurt that much, and was in chaos that caused incredible physical stress on His body. We can only speculate what He was struggling with, we see the results of a soul in stress, but are not given the details. He obviously will face rejection and the power to deflect it and stay on mission with His Father’s will came through the humbling of Himself in total submission to God’s plan which was the cross of Calvary.” KimberlyMac

When he returned again to his disciples, he awoke them, saying, “Are you still sleeping? Don’t you know the hour has come for the Son of Man to be handed over to the authority of sinful men? At that moment Judas, his once-trusted disciple, appeared, along with a large crowd of men armed with swords and clubs. They had been sent to arrest Jesus by order of the ruling priests and Jewish religious leaders. Now, Judas, the traitor, had arranged to give them a signal that would identify Jesus, for he had told them, “Jesus is the one whom I will kiss. So seize him!” Judas quickly stepped up to Jesus and said, “Shalom, Rabbi,” and he kissed him on both cheeks . “My beloved friend,” Jesus said, “is this why you’ve come?” Then the armed men seized Jesus to arrest him.  Matthew 26:45,47-50


Jesus was wounded, betrayed with a kiss, rejected by people who He loved, healed and cared for, yet He went to the cross. He loved us with His very life, a love that stayed on mission, a love that was not derailed by rejection, a love that loved us even though we had hurt Him. Rejection is a difficult thing, it creates soul chaos and clouds up our thinking, our focus is on ourself and that goes nowhere but a dead end. Rejection that is not deflected by unconditional love, but is soul embraced, causes a callous, cold, compassionless, incivility among human beings as we isolate ourselves from each other. We can change this up to be like Jesus, who loved us even though we had hurt Him. He loved like He had never been wounded by us.  Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement and be blessed by the God wisdom in it:

Mirror Image

In the Easter story, we see a rejected Savior, betrayed by close friends and family. Rejected, wounded and yet He finishes what He started, and He finishes strong and victorious. It was so obvious as He deflected rejection with mercy and unconditional love, that His heart was submitted wholly-holy to God’s will. His heart was saturated with God’s Shalom, and He was soul peaceful. As the chaos of rejection was cast out and deflected, and did not disrupt the plan God had, Jesus became the reflection of God’s Will for us. Shalom, the disruption of chaos was one of the many miracles of the Easter story. This is an incredible truth from the Easter story that we can deflect rejection with the love and mercy of God and become the reflection of His amazing godly character in the face of painful rejection. Christ in us, the hope of glory. Deflect Rejection With God’s Unconditional Love And Glow The Reflection Of His Glorious Mercy! May it be so in us Lord Jesus. Jesus, we pray to be be a mirror image of Your Resurrection Power.

Falsely Accused – Painfully Rejected

Many times in our lives, the enemy germinates his deception in trickery and steals fairness, justice and peace as he stanks our soul in chaos and which infuses our relationship with strife. It is so hard when we are rejected for something we have been accused of that we have not done. This rejection includes being ghosted, ignored, and intentionally isolated as a form of silent punishment. The rejection is not the aim of the enemy of our soul, it is just the tool used to divert our attention from God, the only ONE who has never, and will never leave us, betray us, ignore us, punish us, hold a grudge against us, falsely accuse us, or reject us. Life can be so unfair as the enemy of our soul stirs up deceptive chaos. Beware! This soul chaos can become a distraction that drifts us slowly and deceptively away from God. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement video and glean the Godly wisdom from it to protect your heart from things such as this:

Soul Chaos Happens

Who among you has true fear and reverence of Yahweh? Who of you listens to the voice of his servant? Are any of you groping in the dark without light? Let him trust in the faithful name of Yahweh and rely on his God. But if you presume to light your own torch, you are playing with fire. So go ahead, walk in the light of your own fires and the sparks you have kindled. But I can promise you this: it will take you down into torment! Isaiah 50:10-11

When rejection, silent punishment, isolation, betrayal, grudge holding and all those other devilish things punches us in the gut of our soul and causes us to retract our focus from God to ourself, this is a dangerous place. Self-focus translates into serving our emotions, a power no higher than self that typically dead ends. At this point of foolishness we naturally step into self-pity, and the enemy smiles, knowing now, we will definitely be  tempted to kindle a fire and walk by the light of a manmade fire. Such a devilish trick, because this light, a man made fire, is a light that flames out and leaves us in the dark. The darkness of torment is the enemy’s playground, and the enemy of our soul will then proceed to feed our mind with so much junk, as the door of our mind becomes wide open to assumption, speculation, presumption and all other kinds of deceptive thinking. The enemy of our soul will take full advantage at this point and fill our mind-thoughts to the brim, to the overflowing of chaos into our soul. It is here that the evil intention is seen, as our enemy begins persecuting us and rewriting our identity, and before we know it, he has a stronghold on our life. Beware! Don’t conform to this world, shake off the false narrative, cast it out of your mind and be transformed by the Word of God. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video and change it up from rejection to deflection:

Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? To surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship. Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. Romans 12: 1-2

Shalom ~ Disrupted Chaos

God chose me. God chose my shape. God is finishing what He started in me, designing a masterpiece by His way, truth and life. God sees me. God knows me. God will never reject me. I am wanted by God. I am valuable to God. I am viable to God. I am validated by God.  When rejection comes into my life path, I feel the pain of it, and then I hand it to the ONE Who knows the appropriate response, I let go and I let Him work it out for His good in me. God can use every false accusation, every rejection, every betrayal, every relational hurt as a tool to shape me into all He has designed me to be for Him. I have a destiny in Christ Jesus.  When I am rejected by humanity, I know I am loved by God. Deflect the distraction of rejection and embrace God’s peace. Shalom=Disrupted Chaos. God can and will disrupt our chaos with His peace and refocus on Him and His mission.

Rejection – Reflection -Declaration

I reflect on Jesus! I deflect rejection and I shake off the trickery and deception of rejection! I will focus up to God, staying on mission with Him. God knows me. God loves me. God is with me. This is all I need. God is enough, He is my joy and strength to endure and press through the foolishness of the human condition. As human beings reject me, I see the enemy of my soul, trying to steal my focus and I keep a strong vital-vertical relationship with God and His truth. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am chosen by God. God loves me. I know Who I am, my identity is in Christ Jesus, therefore I also know Whose I am, I belong to God. I love living out of this confidence. Listen Up And Be Encouraged By This 1 Minute Encouragement Video:

In Conclusion ~ Change It Up

Rejected? Don’t react, don’t flesh out, don’t begin a process of overthinking, just turn and fully face God, establish that heart to heart connection with God, reaffirm Who He is and who you are in Him. Respond to God, soul saturate yourself with His truth. Remember who you are, your identity is in Christ, never remove it to chase after rejection, stay firmly planted in Christ. God will fight the battles you have with rejection as you stay focused and on mission with Him. No doubt about it. Rejection has no power over you as you stay positioned underneath the Rulership of God’s Love.  We chose to deflect rejection with mercy, forgiveness and unconditional love and continue to stand for God in the light of His truth and glory. Listen Up:

Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café. We hope your spiritual meal at The Manna Munch Table has strengthened your inner spiritual core. We hope you enjoyed the Rumble Heart To Heart, 1 Minute Encouragement Videos served up today. Please share this amazing Spiritual Meal on your Social Media platform and hope in GOD to touch just one person with the truth that changes up their life direction to Jesus. The Bridegroom’s Voice is the prevalent voice here in this Café and we are grateful that He still speaks. God bless you Much, KimberlyMac

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