Dig Deeper!
We live in a season of time where unconditionally accepting others is diseased by narrow-minded fanaticisms. It is a difficult time for us to navigate and be like Jesus, mirror His modeling we see in these scriptures. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak what is true to your heart as you read, muse and think about what Jesus showed us, modeled for us, this unconditional acceptance which continually opened the door to received truth.
Read And Muse About These Questions: Jesus did what? Jesus said what? Where was Jesus? How did Jesus respond?
Matthew 9:10-17 The Passion Translation Later, Jesus went to Matthew’s home to share a meal with him. Many other tax collectors and outcasts of society were invited to eat with Jesus and his disciples. 11 When those known as the Pharisees saw what was happening, they were indignant, and they kept asking Jesus’ disciples, “Why would your Master dine with such lowlifes?” 12 When Jesus overheard this, he spoke up and said, “Healthy people don’t need to see a doctor, but the sick[a] will go for treatment.” 13 Then he added, “Now you should go and study the meaning of the verse: I want you to show mercy, not just offer me a sacrifice.[b]For I have come to invite the outcasts of society and sinners, not those who think they are already on the right path.”[c] Jesus Brings a New Reality
14 The disciples of John the Baptizer approached Jesus with this question: “Why is it that we and the Pharisees fast regularly, but not your disciples?” 15 Jesus replied, “How can the sons of the bridal chamber[d] grieve when the Bridegroom is next to them? But the days of fasting will come when the Bridegroom is taken away from them. 16 And who would mend worn-out clothing with new fabric? When the new cloth shrinks it will rip, making the hole worse than before. 17 And who would pour fresh, new wine into an old wineskin? Eventually the wine will ferment and make the wineskin burst, losing everything—the wine is spilled and the wineskin ruined. Instead, new wine is always poured into a new wineskin so that both are preserved.”[e]
Footnotes Are Always A Learning Tool – Use Them To Enhance Your Insights Gained From The Scripture. Write Down The Added Perceptions You Glean From These Footnotes?
Matthew 9:12 The Hebrew word for “sick” can also mean “evil.”
Matthew 9:13 See Hos. 6:6. To “offer a sacrifice” would be a metaphor for placing strict obedience to the law over the triumph of mercy’s kiss in our dealings with others. Sadly, many religious people today read this as “I desire religious exactness, not mercy.” Transforming ministry shows unmerited mercy to the “sick.”
Matthew 9:13 The obvious implication Jesus is making is that all are sinners who need to come to him for salvation.
Matthew 9:15 See Song. 1:4. These sons of the bridal chamber are “Shulamites,” lovers of God.
Matthew 9:17 The teaching of Jesus is the new wine and the new cloth. What Jesus taught cannot patch up the old religious system, nor can it be contained in a wineskin of worn-out traditions. It is new, exhilarating, and powerful. It must be poured into a heart made new. The new and the old are not meant to be together. Jesus makes all things new. He didn’t come to reform Judaism, but to form a twice-born company of people.
Read It And Think About It ~Answer The Questions: What, When, Where, How, Why?
Luke 19:7-10 The Passion Translation 7 As Jesus left to go with Zacchaeus, many in the crowd complained, “Look at this! Of all the people to have dinner[a] with, he’s going to eat in the house of a crook.” 8 Zacchaeus joyously welcomed Jesus[b] and was amazed over his gracious visit to his home. Zacchaeus stood in front of the Lord and said, “Half of all that I own I will give to the poor. And Lord, if I have cheated anyone, I promise to pay back four times as much as I stole.” 9–10 Jesus said to him, “This shows that today life[c] has come to you and your household, for you are a true son of Abraham. The Son of Man has come to seek out and to give life to those who are lost.”[d]
Footnotes! Go Through The Footnotes, Think About Them, What Can You Glean From Them To Add To Your Insights From The Scripture?
Luke 19:7 The Aramaic states “dinner after the fast.”
Luke 19:8 This is supplied from v. 6, stated here for the sake of the narrative.
Luke 19:9 As translated from the Aramaic. The Greek text is “salvation.” Notice that Jesus describes himself as “life” and “Son of Man.” He is both divine and human.
Luke 19:9 This is a quotation taken from Ezek. 34:16.
Footnotes: Mark 2:16 The word Pharisees means “separated ones.” Mark 2:16 These were Jews who worked for the Roman empire to collect taxes and were empowered by Rome to profit greatly by what they collected.
“Tradition, cultural bans, and the frowns of a few do not matter when a soul’s eternal destiny is on the line. The fact that Jesus saw individuals, not just their labels, no doubt inspired them to know Him better. They recognized Jesus as a righteous man, a man of God—the miracles He performed bore witness to that—and they saw His compassion and sincerity. Jesus didn’t let social status or cultural norms dictate His relationships with people. As the Good Shepherd, He sought the lost sheep wherever they had strayed.” Gotquestions.org Article: “What is the significance of Jesus eating with sinner?
Another Insight From Another Writer ~ What More Did You Learn From The Perspective Of Luke? What~When~Where~How~Why
Luke 5:29-39 The Passion Translation –30 Matthew wanted to throw a banquet to honor Jesus. So he invited Jesus to his home for dinner, along with many tax collectors and other notable sinners. While they were all sitting together at the table, the Jewish religious leaders and experts of the law complained to Jesus’ disciples, “Why would you defile yourselves by eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners? Doesn’t Jesus know it’s wrong to do that?” 31 Jesus overheard their complaining and said, “Who goes to the doctor for a cure? Those who are well or those who are sick?[a] 32 I have not come to call the ‘righteous,’ but to call those who fail to measure up and bring them to repentance.”
A Question about Fasting-33 Jesus’ critics questioned him. “John the prophet is known for leading his disciples to frequently fast and pray. As the religious leaders of the land, we do the same. Why do you and your disciples spend most of your time feasting at banquets?”[b] 34 Jesus replied, “Should you make the sons of the bridal chamber fast while celebrating with the Bridegroom? 35 But when the Bridegroom is taken away from them, then you will see them fasting.”36 And he gave them this illustration: “No one rips up a new garment to make patches for an old, worn-out one. If you tear up the new to make a patch for the old, it will not match the old garment. 37 And who pours new wine into an old wineskin? If someone did, the old wineskin would burst and the new wine would be lost. 38 New wine must always be poured into new wineskins.[c] 39 Yet you say, ‘The old ways are better,’ and you refuse to even taste the new that I bring.”
Footnotes! What Insights Can You Gain From These. Think It UP!
Footnotes: Luke 5:31 The word used here is the Greek word for “evil.” Sickness is a form of evil in God’s eyes. Jesus came to heal the “evil” or sicknesses of earth.
Luke 5:33 It is likely that Matthew held his banquet on one of the Jewish fast days.
Luke 5:38 Christ is our new garment (righteousness) and our new wine that is poured into a new wineskin (our new life and divine nature). Many today are trying to patch up their old garments (self-righteousness), hoping their old lives can hold the new wine of the Spirit. The Passion Translation
Dig Deeper! Read Jesus’ Encounter With The Samaritan Woman And Think About It, Let His Life Model Shape Your Life.
What do you need to change up in your heart to mirror Jesus? In this world of lawlessness, perversion, hatred and bitterness, how can you change it up by changing yourself first?
Good Job, Now Go Back To “Invest” And Finish It With A Greater Insight!
The Spiritual Meals on the “Dig Deeper” table in The Bridegroom’s Café will always change up your eating habits, causing you to want a more “Meaty Meal”. We hope you were satisfied. The original meal is on The Listener Table and is called “Invest”, now that you have dug deep, this meal will be amazing for you. Please share this with others by using your Social Media buttons below. I highly encourage you to subscribe by email to The Bridegroom’s Café so you don’t miss any of our new “Spiritual Meals”! God bless ya, KimberlyMac