How dare the nations plan a rebellion. Their foolish plots are futile! 2 Look at how the power brokers of the world rise up to hold their summit as the rulers scheme and confer together against Yahweh and his Anointed King, saying: 3 “Let’s come together and break away from the Creator. Once and for all let’s cast off these controlling chains of God and his Christ!” 4 God-Enthroned the Sovereign One mocks their madness! Psalm 2:1-4 The Passion Translation
Pray It Up ~ Change It Up
Rebellion and lawlessness shake the foundation of our nations deep within our spiritual core. God help us. The cancel God culture is raging in active hatred of God, His way, life and truth. God help us. The enemy schemes and confers against the godly. God help us. The illegitimate power seized by corrupt, deplorable people through fraud and cheating, is leading our nation to the abyss of hell through no power higher than a self-made supremacy that will fall as it bitterly eats itself alive. God help us. Our civility is badly wounded through the acting out of fake reality formed by mediatic false narrative, that hopes the godly fall. God help us. If right or left falls, it teeters the balance of this nation and all will fall, the ship will sink because we are all in the same boat. God help us.
God, we’ve heard about all the glorious miracles you’ve done for our ancestors in days gone by. They told us about the ancient times, how by your power you drove out the ungodly nations from this land, crushing all their strongholds and giving the land to us. Now the people of Israel cover the land from one end to the other, because of your grace and power! Our forefathers didn’t take the land by their own strength or their own skill or strategy. But it was through the shining forth of your radiant presence and the display of your mighty power. You loved to give them victory, for you took great delight in them. Psalm 44 TPT

The Words of the Godly encourage many, but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense. Proverbs 10:20-21 The Passion Translation
Pray It Up ~ Change It Up
Lord God, we have bowed to our idols from nation to nations. Please forgive us. Jesus, we have sacrificed our common sense, our compassion, our civility and our conscious to our idols. Please forgive us. Holy Spirit cleanse our conscious and renew a right spirit within us. We have sinned, we have forsaken our first love of God. Please forgive us. We pray You, Father God would restore our common sense, our compassion and our civility. Please forgive us and change up our hearts to be undivided in devotion for You. Help us Holy Spirit to become, wholly-holy Gods! Father we confess and forsake our idols, smashing them at the foot of Your Cross, Jesus.
“Embedded in the word sin is a cry for help. It is a cry to be rescued from your bondage to yourself. It’s a plea to not be left to your own weakness, but to be forgiven and rescued by one greater and more powerful than you will ever be. Confession of sin carries with it a commitment to be ever more on the Redeemer for help only He can give. Confession of sin is an admission that this instance of weakness and failure stands as a testament of your ongoing need for God’s Grace.” Paul David Tripp “Journey To The Cross”
Pray It Up ~ Change It Up
Lord God, we know, when we do the wrong thing, it will not only boomerang back on us, but on all those we are in relationship with. Sin has consequence. The deception of sin is how the enemy tricks us to believe this is our choice and only our consequence that we risk. Yet, the reality of truth is, we don’t sin alone, the consequences of sin are so far reaching. Everyone feels the consequences of one person’s sin. Jesus, help us shatter the fake reality that doing evil will never touch our lives, it will destroy us. Our enemy is not really for us, he uses us to do his bidding, and then tosses us away. Father God help us, as torment happens when we make a pact with the devil, disobey God and sin, completely underestimating the enemies’ power. Lord, speak what is true to us, help us to realize the reality of truth that the enemy of our soul, is never going to be our advocate, it is against his edict which is to steal, kill and destroy. Father God, all people of all nations are hurting because when our government corrupts, we all suffer from the sin of our leadership, we feel the sting of this backbite throughout our nation. Help us Lord God to change it up, to turn from our wicked ways and fully face You, giving You total access to our lives.

Zephaniah 1: 6-7 And I will destroy those who used to worship me but now no longer do. They no longer ask for the Lord’s guidance or seek my blessings.” 7 Stand in silence in the presence of the Sovereign Lord, for the awesome day of the Lord’s judgment is near. NLT
Psalm 115: 5-8 They idolize what they own and what they make with their hands, but their things can’t talk to them or answer their prayers. Their possessions will never satisfy. Their futile faith in dead idols and dead works can never bring life or meaning to their souls. Blind men can only create blind things. Those deaf to God can only make a deaf image. Dead men can only create dead idols. And everyone who trusts in these powerless, dead things will be just like what they worship—powerless and dead. NLT
Pray It Up ~ Change It Up
Lord, we bow before You and ask for Your help to free us from the stronghold of sin and sinful leadership. We wrestle with the spirit of ungodliness, sin reigning through the rulers, kings, presidents and emperors of our time. It is a horrific season of lawlessness. Father God, we know this is Your battle and we can’t fight it, we are not to fight it! What we can do is purify our hearts before you, cleanse our souls and put on the spiritual armor You have so graciously given us. We lift up our shield of faith and believe wholly-holy in You, remembering the promises and blessings that are ours as Your chosen and adopted ones. We will never forget our spiritual possessions are limitless and thankfully so, we have an incorruptible inheritance kept and held by You, Lord of Hosts. We have a guaranteed future and hope and today, we lean into our heritage and experience a renewed strength by the power of Your Holy Spirit and the direction we need to splash up truth as we walk counter culturally against the cancel God culture of our time. Awe-GOD!
Zephaniah 1:12-15 “I will search with lanterns in Jerusalem’s darkest corners to punish those who sit complacent in their sins. They think the Lord will do nothing to them, either good or bad. 13 So their property will be plundered, their homes will be ransacked. They will build new homes but never live in them. They will plant vineyards but never drink wine from them. 14 “That terrible day of the Lord is near. Swiftly it comes— a day of bitter tears, a day when even strong men will cry out. 15 It will be a day when the Lord’s anger is poured out. NLT
Psalm 44: 12-16 You sold your precious people for a pittance, making nothing on the sale. 13 You let our neighbors mock us. We are an object of scorn and derision to those around us. 14 You have made us the butt of their jokes; they shake their heads at us in scorn. 15 We can’t escape the constant humiliation; shame is written across our faces. 16 All we hear are the taunts of our mockers. All we see are our vengeful enemies.
Psalm 44:5-8 You are my God, my King! It’s now time to decree majesties for Jacob! 5 Through your glorious name and your awesome power, we can push through to any victory and defeat every enemy. 6 For I will not trust in the weapons of the world; I know they will never save me. 7 Only you will be our Savior from all our enemies. All those who hate us you have brought to shame. 8 So now I constantly boast in you. I can never thank you enough! Pause in his presence. The Passion Translation

Pray It Up ~ Change It Up
Lord God, if for a minute, we see ourselves as a ship being battered by the waves of life and truly looking like we are going to capsize. Do we abandon ship? No, you want us to stand on the side of your truth, to patiently endure! We don’t give up the ship! Jesus, teach us to cling to God, we anchor our inner spiritual core deeply in vital-vertical relationship with You. We dig our life roots deeply in You, Jesus, our strength, and our song of joy. Holy Spirit, navigate us through these uncharted waters, because I can’t imagine life getting any worse than at this season we are facing in our nations. Life is hard, but we don’t give up the ship of the Kingdom Of God. Changes are rocking our world, Lord, strengthen us so we don’t give up. We are grateful to You, Lord God, that when we find ourselves at the end of our hope-strength, You do something to encourage us, like this flag that someone on the beach was flying, as I was walking, God-Coincidently, I noticed it and it caused my spirit to soar above the storm raging in my soul. Jesus, I knew it was not by my power, not by my might but by the power of God in me that causes me not to give up the ship. Don’t Give Up The Kingdom Ship!
Zephaniah 3:13-20 The remnant of Israel will do no wrong; they will never tell lies or deceive one another. They will eat and sleep in safety, and no one will make them afraid.”14 Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout aloud, O Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem! 15 For the Lord will remove his hand of judgment and will disperse the armies of your enemy. And the Lord himself, the King of Israel, will live among you! At last your troubles will be over, and you will never again fear disaster. 16 On that day the announcement to Jerusalem will be, “Cheer up, Zion! Don’t be afraid! 17 For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. 18 “I will gather you who mourn for the appointed festivals; you will be disgraced no more. 19 And I will deal severely with all who have oppressed you. I will save the weak and helpless ones; will bring together those who were chased away. I will give glory and fame to my former exiles, wherever they have been mocked and shamed. 20 On that day I will gather you together and bring you home again. I will give you a good name, a name of distinction, among all the nations of the earth, as I restore your fortunes before their very eyes. I, the Lord, have spoken!” NLT
Psalm 115: 9-18 Israel, trust the Lord! He is your helper and your shield. O priests, descendants of Aaron, trust the Lord! He is your helper and your shield. 11 All you who fear the Lord, trust the Lord! He is your helper and your shield. 12 The Lord remembers us and will bless us. He will bless the people of Israel and bless the priests, the descendants of Aaron. 13 He will bless those who fear the Lord, both great and lowly. 14 May the Lord richly bless both you and your children. 15 May you be blessed by the Lord, who made heaven and earth. 16 The heavens belong to the Lord, but he has given the earth to all humanity. 17 The dead cannot sing praises to the Lord, for they have gone into the silence of the grave. 18 But we can praise the Lord both now and forever! Praise the Lord! NLT

Pray It Up ~ Change It Up
Lord Jesus, because of You, we don’t give up the ship! Why? Because we are under the rulership of Your Powerful Supremacy, Jesus, Who is unshakeable, unremovable, and present with us. On this day, in this season of severe cultural storms, we are thankful for You, Father God, for Your Rulership of Love, a powerful love, no one and nothing can separate us from. We pray to our God, our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Your name, our Advocate, Who will never forsake us or betray us, our Keeper, Whose Kingdom is ours, and our hope of glory. Kingdom of God come in the midst of this storm upon us, help us to remember the battle belongs to the Lord.
“I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel: “As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal”; Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel, Since God is marching on. Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! His Truth is marching on.” Julia Ward Howe.
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café. The Prayer Mentor table has some special comfort food prepared by Chef Jesus, we hope your spirit is full of faith from this spiritual meal that has nourished your soul. Please make sure you share this spiritual meal with someone else today on your social media platforms. We truly appreciate that. Make sure you don’t miss one Spiritual Meal at The Bridegroom’s Café by subscribing by email. God bless you MUCH today as you listen up to The Bridegroom’s Voice, praying for you now, KimberlyMac
Great encouragement, Kim. I pray this is uplifting to all of Heart to Heart and beyond, from your heart to encourage us!
Thanks Christy, it was definitely a gift of encouragement from God