Miraculously-Merrily-So ~ To Us Jesus, Messiah Came,
A Baby, Meekest-Mightiest ~ Redeemed Our Destiny ~ Infinitely So,
Humanity Transformed ~ Was Changed Up, Never To Be The Same.
God With Us ~ Eternity The Marvelous Motive Of His Endgame, Grew In Stature Wholly-Holy-So ~ Reputation In Tact Off He Goes, Jesus ~ As A Light In The Darkness, His Name Became An Eternal Flame.
God Incarnated ~ Cheer-Confidence-Courage ~ He Would Be Forever Famed, Birthed In Miraculous-Meaningful-Mystery, This Infinite-Infant Who Was Foretold, Saved-Delivered-Healed A Human Condition Sin Lamed.
Born In A Manger, This Heavenly King Came With Victory In Hand To Tame,Every Enemy Who Conspired-Concocted-Crucified ~ In That Taunting Way, Would One Day Bow At The Mention Of His Wholly-Holy Name.
His Humble Entrance, His Incarnate Way, Did Not Indicate He Came To Stay,How Could We Know, How Could We See, The Shrouded Future Of A Baby, Who Came All In For Us, Selflessly-So, His Life For All, Given Away.
A Way-Maker God, Generously Birthed Hope On Christmas Day,
Emmanuel With Us ~ A Heavenly Star Shone Brightly From Afar,
A Brilliant God-Glory-Glow ~ We All Would Eventually Know,
Jesus, Disrupted Our Death-Destiny ~ Miraculously-Merrily-So!
Merry Christmas ~ God Bless You Much!
Merry Christmas and thanks for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café, Smorgasbord Table, where the menu is always fresh, new and diverse. I have written a couple of poems, this one came to me this morning, a few days before Christmas. I know that me, personally, I will never get over the fact that Jesus came to us in that miraculous-mysterious kind of way. I hope we all do the same and express our Christmas AWE in praise and adoration of our Savior, Jesus Christ. God bless you Much! KimberlyMac PS… Please share this with others using the Social Media tabs below and leave a comment, encourage someone on this day.