Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait for the Lord, who expect, look for, and hope in Him, will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings and rise up close to God like eagles rising toward the sun; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired. Amplified Bible
Believe In God ~ Believe God
We can’t wait in our own viewpoint of what we “think” is happening or not happening without opening the door of our minds to satan to fill with doubt, discouragement and unbelief. We must wait in trust and belief. Do I believe in God? Yes! Do I believe God? No, not all the time. I need to change that, I need to believe God. Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. How can I help to get rid of my unbelief? I can put all my expectations in God’s hands.
Temporary ~ Finite
My expectations of what I want, of my plans, of my day dreams, and all my expectations in all forms must be surrendered, put in God’s capable, trustworthy hands. I can trust God with my expectations. Expectations formed out of a worldly viewpoint are shaped out of temporary and they are not on a secure foundation. These worldly expectations start out with a wide failure margin because they have a high cultural change rate. When you hold tightly to an expectation preconceived by your culture, it will yield disappointment. This is a classic mistake we humans make, we buy into the temporary and we create expectations out of fleeting things, holding them tightly to our soul, and we end up with a weary soul that is saturated with discontentment.
Less Disappointment ~ More God Appointment
Our expectations must been founded upon a kingdom perspective that is all for God and wholly in God. Expectations placed in God are on a permanent, secure foundation. I must surrender all of my expectations to God and let Him flip them from my viewpoint to His Kingdom perspective. God and I see things differently, but what He sees will be accomplished, because He sees in full. What I see is finite and only in part, therefore I am making expectations on things that are not God finished and these finite expectations will not stand through the transformation of God’s purposeful timing. If I put my expectations in an infinite God, instead of a finite world, I will have less disappointment and more God appointment.

Fleshed Out ~ Open Hearted
We must be “fleshed out” of all things us, of all our expectations based on this temporary world and open our heart to God, open it wide. We must diligently strive in our vital-vertical relationship with God to be completely open hearted for His way, truth and life. We must desire to replace our assumptions, rationalizations, presumptions and wants with the fullness of His Truth.
Anticipate ~ All Things Kingdom
Our hearts must open wide to the Kingdom of God, to God’s purposes, to His thoughts and to pleasing Him first above all. Hope doesn’t fully saturate our soul when we are still opening the door to all things us. I must shut the door to my way, my thinking and my life expectations and put my trust wholly-holy in God. Courage comes in a heart wide open to God, it is an atmosphere where bold faith can grow. Hope flows freely and saturates our souls when the door to our heart is wide open to God and His Kingdom. I must shut the door of my heart to worldly expectation and begin anticipating all things kingdom. I live in this world, I am not of this world, my hope and expectation should not be set here, but in the kingdom of God where I do belong, where my future is.
Pray It Up
Holding on to our expectations for dear life is not truly living our life for God. This should be our heart’s desire and prayer: Lord God, may I live not by my expectations, power and might, but by Yours. I pray to be fleshed out of my worldly wants not living for my expectations but for Your Kingdom desires, may they be my expectations. Lord God, I pray not my thoughts but Yours. I yield my mind to Your expectations. Jesus may I not live by my viewpoint. I pray to be stretched past it. Let not my worldly viewpoint rule me but Your Kingdom perspective be found in the all of my every expectation. Lord God I pray to yield not to worldly expectations, but may Kingdom anticipation be found in my soul. Holy Spirit cause my soul to not revel in doubt but belief, let belief in God be the atmosphere of my soul, creating God’s expectations in my spirit. Flesh me out Lord Jesus. I don’t want to cling tightly to my prescripted method. I let go of my expectations. I pray You lean me into Your spontaneous, miraculous kingdom way. Father God, I don’t want to live by my worldly dread caused by finite expectations, but by Your kingdom hope. Flip flop my expectations Holy Spirit to be not for this world, or of this world, but for and of Your Kingdom and by Your perspective. AMEN.
What I have learned from my way too many transitions, is the time before a change in your life, your soul emotions are vulnerable. We tend to nurse our expectations, holding them way too tight against our heart and it shuts down our openheartedness exactly at the most critical time of our life transitions when we need to listen intently and clearly hear and communicate with God. Put your expectations in His hands, this is the best way to make a life transition.
Thoughts come and go, but when the Holy Spirit speaks, they are highlighted by our human senses and they are the beginning of a transformation of our soul, that paints a God characteristic on our spirit that remains forever. Pay attention to the bites of God Thoughts that come in your Miraculous Musings with God, they are simply-significantly purposeful. I hope you are forever changed by this little bite of God revelation that is now more than Just A Thought to your heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. Check out more of The Bridegroom’s Cafe and be blessed by AWE-GOD….MUCH! KimberlyMac