Hebrews 11:1 The Power of Bold Faith
Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen. The Passion Translation
God Is Not Shushed
Human beings can’t silence the Voice of God’s Truth. God still speaks. God is NOT shushed by our doubt or unbelief. Truth is still truth whether you believe it or not. You can’t defame God’s Truth, it rises above every false narrative and withstands the tests of deception.
Reality Of Truth
The reality of truth is God revealed in perfect timing with multiple God purposes in play for our good. We watch, wait and see as God brings forth our hope into the reality of our evidenced truth.
God Is On The Move
Those who foolishly try to silence faith, only strengthen the resolve of it as we trust in God, Who is on the move from every moment into every purpose in play for our good.
Do You Believe God?
Believe in God, not just believing in Him, but believing Him. Know God personally be in vital-vertical relationship with Him. As we “Pray It UP” God’s Holy Spirit will increase our faith on this day.
Thoughts come and go, but some thoughts just stick like glue and they are more than “Just A Thought” they are God speaking to us. I hope your soul was fed at The Bridegroom’s Café today. The Miraculous Musing table is one of my favorite meals because it is always fresh and new soul food. God still speaks and we should listen up and have a constant conversation with Him all day. To increase your relationship skills and make new spiritual habits that will help you be more conscious of the Voice of God in your life, I highly recommend you take this journey with Jesus with the book: The Bridegroom’s Voice. God bless your day, KimberlyMac
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